70 cc Regatta and

Calling all 70 ATC and TRX70
It's time to bust
out that little trike or camp
cruiser of yours and get it
ready for the 70CC Regatta at
Dumont! There is going to be a
gathering of friends and duners
who would like to meet up with
other 70cc owners on Feb 28th
out at D. This will be one
campsite designated for all that
would like to be involved. Come
on out and partake in the good
times that will be had.
We will be
building a track/ course inside
the camp circle. If you would
like to help or have ideas for
it, they are much appreciated
and we can definitely use them.
Track setup will be on Friday
the 27th.
DDR board member,
Al T (from Smokin Al's BBQ), is
planning on attending and is
willing to grill up some very
good grub for everyone on
Saturday evening. He isn't
charging for this, but we'd sure
like to make sure his costs are
covered with a small donation
his way.
This is by no
means any sort of huge
sanctioned event. It is only
what we make of it which is GOOD
TIMES between some fellow duners
and friends in camp. If you
don't have a 70cc trike or quad,
but have an LT80 or other type
of pit bike or quad...you are
also invited to attend.
This isn't a
competition or an ego contest.
It is about having fun with
those who share a common
interest. We don't condone
anything that is against the
rules at Dumont Dunes. If you
have kids and would like to
bring them, that is fine as long
as they are supervised at all
times. We are planning on having
a "kiddie hour" (or 2) for the
kids who'd like to give the
track a run as well.
some quick details
Feb 28th, but there will be
people setting up camp as early
as Thursday evening and staying
until Sunday Although there is no set time schedule by
any means for this, we have a
tentative schedule of events
planned. (see below) We will be
playing it by ear and just
having fun with each event as it
goes on.
Dumont Dunes, in the area of
C8 on the
grid map. Just look
for the DDR logo banner, pull up
and say you are here for the 70
get together. We'll gladly make
a spot for you.
what to bring
Your 70 (of course), and any
items that can assist with
laying out a fun 70 track,
tables and chairs may be needed
as well. Sandcrazd is planning
on making up some unique 70cc
regatta t-shirts for this so
bring some buckage for that (if
you want one) and also a few
bucks to kick in for a donation
towards the BBQ.
Don't worry, it won't be much.
ALSO: although these are only
70's, don't forget to bring your
helmets and flags! Gotta play by
the rules, guys.
schedule |
(all day)
Track setup
practice runs
test & tune
morning & day time
-in-camp race track
event, timed laps or
group race to see who is
the "track dominator"
-lunch by Smokin Al's
(~1PM) BBQ pulled pork &
tri-tip sandwiches by
Smokin Al's BBQ
-after lunch...a quick
70cc group run to
vendors row for a photo
-back to camp for the 70
drag races to see who is
the fastest 70 drag
-wheelie contest
evening/after party
-some more BBQ from
Smokin Als
-cake, festivities, and
contest/ vote for most
unique, cleanest, and
ugliest 70
-winner announcements &
awards (only for the
Honda 70's)
-"track dominator"
-"longest wheelie"
-"fastest drag
-"most unique 70"
-"cleanest 70"
-"ugliest 70"
-open track: the free
for all nighttime track
races & ATC jousting.
The reason there is any
kind of schedule is
becasue we have trophies
for the winners for each
of these events.
We should be getting
started about 9 or 10
Sat AM at the latest. |
basic idea of
the camp setup |
camp location
who to contact
for any questions
how to rsvp
If you are down for this, please
post up on the forum if you
would like to make it and we
will put your name down on the
rsvp list! Here is the link...
you are not forum or
computer-savvy, you can just e-mail
and we will get you on the list
that way instead.
