Deep frying your turkey at the dunes is probably one of the easiest methods other than cooking it at home and bringing it out there to reheat, but what fun is that? Every time we've deep fried a turkey out there it becomes the center of attention in camp and is a good time. Using a deep fryer can be a little messy so the dunes are a perfect place to do it.
Deep Fryers
So where do you begin? Don't own a deep fryer? Get one! They are relatively inexpensive and very easy to use. You'll want a 30 QT deep fryer like this one on Amazon, 30QT Turkey Fryer.
Picking your turkey
Usually 15 lbs is what I shoot for. If yo go too big,it doesn't fit well in the fryer.
Be Careful!
First things first...safety. Although you’re out at the dunes, a propane deep fryer can still be very dangerous so here's a couple tips.
- Completely thaw your turkey. Even a partially frozen turkey will cause the oil to pop and possibly overflow.
- Never leave it unattended and be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
- Make sure you are outside away from your RV, camp chairs, and anything flammable.
Have a large grilling glove handy. These are good gloves to have because they handle the heat and cover your arm from getting burned by the oil: Cooking Gloves With Textured Palms
Prepare Your Bird & Fryer
- Remove the wrapper from the turkey. Take out the giblets and toss em.
- Determine how much oil you need for cooking. Put the thawed turkey in the fryer basket (or on the turkey stand) and place it in the fryer. Add water until the top of the turkey is just barely covered. Remove the turkey, allowing the water to drain from the turkey back into the fryer. Measure and mark the water line, and use that line as your guide when adding your oil to the fryer.
- Pat the turkey dry with paper towels. Do NOT put a frozen or partially frozen turkey in the fryer.
- Add the peanut oil to the fryer (based on the water line you made earlier).
- Preheat oil in the fryer to 375° F.
- While the oil is heating, prepare your turkey with any seasonings. Some people inject flavor into their turkey but this isn't a very good idea for two reasons. 1. Your messing with the turkeys natural flavors and 2. the added moisture in the hot oil. Stick with just seasoning to play it safe.
Time to Cook
- When the oil is up to temperature, turn the burner off and slowly lower the turkey into the hot oil. Slowly lowering the basket/rack helps prevent the oil from bubbling over. Once the turkey is placed in the fryer, turn the burner back on.
- Cook the turkey about 3 to 4 minutes per pound. A 15 lb turkey will take about 45-50 minutes to cook.
- The turkey is done when the dark meat is at an internal temperature of 175° F to 180° F and all white meat is at an internal temperature of 165° F to 170° F.
- When the turkey is done, slowly lift it from the pot and place it in a pan or on paper towels to drain. Let the turkey stand for 20 minutes before removing it from the rack or basket.
Carve it up and Eat!
Here is a how-to video to help guide you through the process. Most of the tips and cooking times are similar to our info.