Event created by Dumont Dune Riders
The Dune Masters and Sandpipers Club will be hosting their 49th Annual hill climbs and drags.
The club was founded back in 1968 and they have returned to Dumont every year since then with their V8 powered buggies. They make up a big part of the history of Dumont Dunes so be sure to check them out. They will be set up on the steep, left side of Comp Hill for the hill climbs on Friday and then on Saturday the drags will take place along the back stretch of sand highway where you would drive out to the north pole.
Friday, November 24th, 10am Hill Climbs at Comp Hill
Saturday the 26th, 10am Drags on the back stretch of the dunes
Sorry, Club members only in competition but spectators are welcome at both events.