Event created by dunefreak
Info from Friends of Dumont Dunes...
If you've attended over the past few years, you already know about the great time we have. If you want to join in the fun now is the time! It is a fun filled day among friends, family, trash bags, BBQ and of course the quickdraw! I look forward to seeing you in the dunes!
If you are planning on attending, please help us out and RSVP to our event posting to better help us with a headcount.
If you are a business owner needing a tax deduction, a long time duner that wants to continue supporting our mission OR just want to help contribute to the great time while we give back to our beloved Dumont Dunes please help us with any donations of the following:
-Money can be sent via Paypal (jason@impactsignsonline.com) or Check (Payable to The Friends of Dumont Dunes). This helps adsorb the cost of the food we prepare for those who help participate in the clean-up.
-Any new items related to off road activities and camping. Examples from the past are chairs, ice chests, shirts, buggy and SXS parts, games, flag poles etc. Mailing address for any items donated is Impact Signs C/O: Jason Ardenski (FoDD President) 15370 Cholame Rd. Suite #3 Victorville CA 92392
Remember this is a family oriented event and will take place rain or shine!