Event created by dunefreak
DDR presents the 7th Annual Buggy Roundup! Come join us on the weekend of Dec 14th!
Calling all sandcars! Come join us at Dumont Dunes for our 7th Annual Buggy Roundup. This is a group trip for all the sandrail members of DDR. We'll be camped together as a group across from bathroom 10, just off the right side of the entrance road. This trip gives the buggy owners of Dumont a chance to meet each other and run the dunes together for a full weekend without the crowds. So don't be a stranger. Every year we have new people join the camp and end up leaving as friends.
There is no set schedule of events, but Saturday will likely go something like this...
8:00 AM-?: Sandcars and Coffee: Pull your car into the center of camp. Grab some coffee, say good morning to everyone, and check out all the buggies. We'll do this until we get antsy to dune then we'll have a ~15 or 30 minute heads up until the first morning ride.
Saturday Afternoon: The rest of the day will involve duning, maybe another buggy weigh-off, plus (new for this year) dune buggy trivia, and more dune runs!
Saturday night: TACO NIGHT! We'll be serving up carne and pollo asada tacos for everyone in camp. (free for all Buggy Roundup attendees) Afterwards we'll host a raffle, light up a nice big campfire, maybe talk some smack, and possibly some ATC 70/ pitbike races...you know the usual dune stuff. Chad, aka dentboy, may put his projector up for some nightime movies, UFC, or something entertaining. We plan to set up a tent at the center of camp this year with some tunes and tables for games of flipcup!
As you see it's very laid back and we don't put any expectations or tight schedules on the weekend. Afterall it's the dunes. Let's go have some fun.
Want in? Here's what you need to do.
1) At the top of this page, click GOING...
2) Chime in on the forum topic and let everyone know you're coming.
Add a pic of your car and rig so we know who ya are. (optional)
3) Pull up and park with the group.
You know the drill. "Hey man, cool if I park here?" Let's see what kind up messed up circle we can create this year!
We'll be camped in the same spot as last year across from bathroom 10 on the right side of the entrance road. It's hard packed and easy to find.
- I don't have a sandcar. I have a sxs/bike/quad. Can I come anyways? Of course. We love meeting and hanging out with all our friends from DDR. We only ask that everyone respect that this is an annual buggy trip focused on a gathering of the buggies of Dumont and that you please stay behind the cars on the dune runs. Different machines don't mix well when it comes to high horsepower machines. Also, when we do sandcars and coffee or if we do a group buggy photo, please respect that it is just for the buggies.
- Do I need to contribute anything for taco night? No. That is something we do to say thanks for coming out. If you have a side dish. margaritas or something that goes well with tacos, feel free to bring it. It's definitely not necessary though. We usually have a good spread.
- I want to go but I don't know anyone. That's perfect. Come out and make some new friends. Introduce yourself. Everyone that comes out each year is super cool.
- Do you guys run the dunes on Thursday, Friday or Sunday too? Yes! Although some only make a day trip on Saturday or pack it up and leave first thing Sunday morning, many of us are there from Wednesday until late in the day on Sunday. I (Pete) will be out there Wednesday night sometime. There may be others going out earlier and grabbing the spot before me. The best way to find out and coordinate that is on the forum topic. Post up and we'll chat about it.
So don't forget to RSVP! We need to know you are coming for a food count. Hope to see you all there!