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  • Sand Toys
    07 Kx 250, 06 rhino,03 Sand Bullet,Pit bike,
    Old 21' toyhauler 07 tundra
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  1. I bought it to restore but changed my plans . It will run as is with a few minor carb parts and a brake cable .
  2. 1992 cr 500 trike asking 3k firm .
  3. Thanks guys I'm running a 21" tire I will prob try out a 10 paddle and see what it's like on it . Looks like a good deal on your tires red rider but I have 8" wheels . Yes , I have a very long swing arm . I pretty much almost spin the paddles off right now it feels like , so I'm thinking an extra paddle or two will help. It's a Paul turner 500 so it seems to make good power that I don't feel I'm able to hook up.
  4. Lol I thought maybe u were but it sure seems to translate well for a trike too
  5. That's what I was thinking maybe a 10 cup would work . I just know what I have is not enough but not sure how much is too much.
  6. I have a cr500 trike and I'm running 7 paddle haulers on it. I was thinking that I need much more paddle for it . Taller haulers?? Or just more scoops ?? What are other 500 trikes running ? Thanks
  7. 2010 Arctic cat prowler 1000 htz . Long travel ,cage, doors , 5 seats , hid lighting , stereo, smooths and paddles, dirt tires with ss wheels, just had motor redone by dealer with receipts ,just put new clutch and belt, King shocks , new battery , stock motor other than computer , much more ....asking $8000
  8. Planning to leave Wednesday night 30th from Cali side this year . How is the traffic headed towards dumont from ca ? Does it get crazy from people headed to Vegas for New Years ? This is the first year headed out for New Years from ca side as we used to be coming from Vegas.
  9. We seen the chase just behind us . I think we must have been parked next to you Pete as we seen your car parked there . Like they said he took off on the finger dune and hit the big dunes . Rangers gave up or got stuck just as they hit bigger dunes not much of a chase .
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