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Dumont News

Thanksgiving Weekend 2024

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! It is a week-long dune trip for some groups when friends and families gather at the dunes to prepare their annual feasts. If you are wondering how busy it gets, Thanksgiving does draw quite a crowd, but it's not quite as crazy as Halloween.

Catch the waterpumpers in action as the Dune Masters and Sand Pipers clubs compete in their 54th annual hill climbs. Their drag races will not take place this year. 
Friday: Hill Climbs on the steep, left side of Comp Hill starting at 10:00 AM
And don't forget, Santa will be at the North Pole on that Saturday 11/30 from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM hard stop. Details to come. 
Stay up to date on the Dumont Dunes Santa Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/144674787256195/?mibextid=oMANbw

Buggy Roundup 12

Our 12th Annual Buggy Roundup is December 12-15, 2024. Have you got a buggy? Come out and join us to camp, hang, and run the dunes together.  This is not a big party weekend. It's actually pretty chill. But if you love buggies and want to get together with the rest of the buggies of Dumont, this is the weekend for that. Everyone is always super cool and respectful. If they aren't, they'll be asked to leave and won't be invited back. We hope to see all the regulars plus some new faces this year!
Weekend Agenda
(times are subject to change so don't stay cooped up in your motorhome. Pay attention)
Get there early, meet the early arrivals, and go make some tracks in the sand
Run the dunes and burn some fuel! Curious what your car weighs? We'll have the scales set up Friday afternoon in the middle of camp. Come over and weigh your buggy.  
Sandcars & Coffee 8AM-9:30- Park your buggy in the center of camp. (Many guys do it the night before). Grab a coffee, wake up, mingle with other buggy people.  10AM group ride: We will do a group ride with ALL the buggies ending someplace like North Pole, Comp or whatever feels right. Grab yourself some lunch and then head to the raffle area.  1PM We will raffle off some prizes The rest of the day will be more duning finishing the last ride on Sunset Hill.  
Saturday Night
group bonfire possibly dune videos on the big screen  
Pick the sand out of your ears, go for another morning dune run, and then pack it up when you feel like it (or stay another day to enjoy Dumont some more)   
LOG IN & RSVP on the EVENT PAGE link below
(If you have trouble logging in or can't figure it out, it's cool. Just show up. You can also message me, @dunefreak or DM Dumont Dune Riders on FB or IG)

Halloween Weekend 2024 | Dumont Dunes

Halloween weekend kicks off the upcoming dune season at Dumont Dunes! Although Halloween is Thursday the 31st, Halloween weekend at Dumont will be celebrated the weekend before on Oct 25-27th. Saturday Oct 26th, is the night you'll find trick-or-treaters going camp to camp and duners in costume over at Comp Hill having a good time. In addition, Friends of Dumont Dunes has announced a trunk or treat from 4:00-6:00PM on Saturday just west of Vendor Row. 
Halloween weekend always brings out thousands of excited duners which means we always have to take a little extra caution. Keep your head on a swivel but most importantly slow down around camps and other duners. Holiday weekends can be a little crazy and chaotic, but also safe and fun at the same time. 

President's Weekend 2024 Dumont Dunes

It's the last big holiday weekend of the season! 
Besides Halloween, it's always been one of the biggest weekends at Dumont. Although the Jeep races and hill climbs no longer happen on President's weekend, you'll still see the crowds of duners, some of your favorite vendors, and action on Comp Hill. Don't forget to swing by the sand highway (between Comp and North Pole) at 2-3PM for the "unofficial" daily drags. It's nothing more than duners lining up and racing, but it's a new trend at Dumont that everyone seems to love. Don't forget to take extra caution at the end of the drags and DON'T turn into traffic that may be coming from behind. 
As for highway 127, if you are coming from Baker, the road is open to one-way traffic with flagging operations and a pilot car. Roadwork MAY be completed by then; if that happens, we will post an update. It should be done any day now. They are getting close! 
Stay safe and pack out what you pack in. There is no trash collection at Dumont so we must keep our playground clean if we want to enjoy it for years to come. Be sure to post some photos from your trip on the forum and tag us on Instagram!

Highway 127 reopens after closures

HWY127 is now fully open to through traffic with construction occurring in shoulder areas only from Monday through Friday 6AM-4PM. This portion of work is expected to continue through June 2024. 
The route remains fully open to traffic during an outside of work hours. Crews continue shoulder repair work and an approximate 2 mi section of the route. 

Little Dumont
Little Dumont is open. 
Photos of original storm damage/ Source: Caltrans District 8

Buggy Roundup 11.5! (March 2024)

That's right we're doing it again! The group, as a whole, has decided that we have so much fun getting all the buggies together that we should have a second one this season. So we are rounding up all the buggies once again towards the end of the 23-24 season. It will be Easter weekend, March 29-31, 2024. Easter is never very busy so that shouldn't really change things. We will camp in the same area across from bathroom 10 and we will have the same format as previous Buggy Roundups. If you are new or haven't been to one in quite a while, this is a group trip for all buggy owners where we camp together and run the dunes together. It's a great opportunity to meet other buddy guys and girls and be part of the sandrail and dune community. So don't be a stranger. Put it on your calendar and show up with a fun attitude. 
Thursday: Get there early, meet the early arrivals and go make some tracks in the sand
Friday: Run the dunes and burn some fuel!
Saturday: 8AM-9:30 Sandcars & Coffee, 10AM group ride, lunch...(you'll be on your own for lunch. Sorry. The lunch catering fell through), 12:30~1PM raffle prizes, the rest of the day will be more duning finishing the last ride at sunset hill.
Saturday Night: group bonfire, dune videos on the big screen
Sunday: Pick the sand out of your ears, go for another morning dune run and then pack it up when you feel like it (or stay another day to enjoy Dumont some more) 
(If you have troubles logging in or can't figure it out, it's cool. Just show up)
Questions, comments, more info- hop on the forum.
Buggy Roundup/ Camp Rules
Those that wish to camp with the group for Buggy Roundup must agree to the rules set by us, Dumont Dune Riders.
1) Don't be a d*ck! We've never had an issue with anyone at buggy roundup, but we will not tolerate any BS. We are there to have a fun weekend of duning and hanging out with each other. You will be asked to leave camp if you cause problems.
2) No loud music. We all love to have a good time and party, but please be respectful of others in camp. We cram alot of RVs into one place and all have different tastes in music. 
3) Unsafe driving or behavior will not be tolerated. This includes no passing on group rides unless you can do it extremely safe while giving that person plenty of room (ie: cut an entire dune to do it. Don't catch them by surprise.)
4) No side x sides, bikes, quads or ATCs in the group photos or Sandcars and Coffee. We get asked this every year so I feel I need to say it. If you have a side x side or any other dune toy besides a sandrail, you are not UNinvited. If you love buggies, you can absolutely come out and camp with us. Please just understand and respect that this is a annual event for buggies. You are welcome to join in on the rides, but please let the buggies get in line first. Other machines don't mix well with buggies on dune runs. 

New Years Weekend 2023

It's time to ring in the new year Dumont style. Highway 127 is now open with one-way pilot car escorts. That means there is Dumont access once again for CA residents without having to go the long way around. However, expect some delays especially with the holiday weekend traffic. As for Dumont you can expect to see some vendors there and a handful of duners celebrating and playing in the sand. Bring plenty of firewood because this is one of the colder weekends of the season! Hit up the drags daily at 3PM or chill on Sunset hill after a good dune run. Either way, Dumont is always a good choice to ring in the new year! Have fun and be safe. As always, keep an eye out for each other. 

11th Annual Buggy Roundup

There has been some talk about postponing Buggy Roundup this year because of the highway closure from Baker to Dumont, BUT...(UPDATE) highway 127 is set to open Dec 4th with one-way pilot car escorts each direction! We still plan on having a SECOND Buggy Roundup at the end of the season when the road is fully completed, but for now the original date is still on for Dec 8-10, 2023. 
We are planning on the same good times we always have with cars & coffee, a small raffle, TACOS for lunch and even more DUNE TIME this year. So if you have a buggy or just want to be part of the fun, come out and join us. Please RSVP so we know to expect you. 
What is Buggy Roundup?
The Buggy Roundup is an annual Dumont trip when all the sandcar people are invited to come out and camp together as a group. We'll be camped together across from bathroom 10, just off the right side of the entrance road. This trip gives the buggy guys and girls of Dumont a chance to meet each other and run the dunes together for a full weekend without the crowds. So don't be a stranger. Every year we have new people join the camp and end up leaving as friends. 
There is no set schedule of events, but it will likely go something like this...
Arrive as early as you'd like. Some get there as early as Tues or Wed. Just don't go hard and break your car before the weekend!
Group rides: Link up and get some group rides going. 
8:00 AM -~9 AM: Sandcars and Coffee: Pull your car into the center of camp. (Or park it there the night before) Feel free to bring out some donuts or breakfast treats to contribute if you'd like. Just don't go nuts. Grab a coffee, say good morning to everyone, and check out all the buggies. This gives everyone a chance to wake up and get the day started. We'll also have raffle tickets for some prizes that we'll be giving away later in the day so come to the tent in the middle of camp to grab yours. 
10 AM Group Ride: Join the group as we form the biggest train of buggies you've ever seen. We'll do a full dune run (slow to medium paced cruise) from the south end all the way through the dunes to the north pole. 
Saturday Afternoon: The rest of the day will include giveaways and more group dune runs! The raffle prizes will be given out around lunch time.
Camp Location

Buggy Roundup/ Camp Rules
Those that wish to camp with the group for Buggy Roundup must agree to the rules set by us, Dumont Dune Riders.
1) Don't be a d*ck! We've never had an issue with anyone at buggy roundup, but we will not tolerate any BS. We are there to have a fun weekend of duning and hanging out with each other. You will be asked to leave camp if you cause problems.
2) No loud music. We all love to have a good time and party, but please be respectful of others in camp. We cram alot of RVs into one place and all have different tastes in music. 
3) Unsafe driving or behavior will not be tolerated. This includes no passing on group rides unless you can do it extremely safe while giving that person plenty of room (ie: cut an entire dune to do it. Don't catch them by surprise.)
4) No side x sides in the group rides, photos or Sandcars and Coffee. We get asked this every year so I feel I need to say it. If you have a side x side, you are not UNinvited. If you love buggies, you can absolutely come out and camp with us. Please just understand and respect that this is a annual event for buggies. 
Want in? Here's what you need to do.
1) Log into DDR and click GOING here... 
2) Bring your buggy to Dumont and join in on the fun. Don't be a stranger. Park with the group. If you don't know anyone, just ask for PETE
That's it! Bring your buggy and a fun attitude and it'll be an awesome weekend in the sand. 
Join the Conversation here or on our Facebook group and page. 
Video from last year

Thanksgiving Weekend 2023

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! It is a week-long dune trip for some groups when friends and families gather at the dunes to prepare their annual feasts. Highway 127 is STILL CLOSED from Baker to Dumont. Those that usually take that route will, unfortunately, have to drive to Vegas then go through either Pahrump or Tecopa to get there. This will add 3 hours or more, depending on fuel stops, to your trip. 
Catch the waterpumpers in action as the Dune Masters and Sand Pipers clubs compete in their 53rd annual hill climbs and drag races. 
Friday: Drags on the back stretch start at 10:00 AM
Saturday: Hill Climbs on the steep, left side of Comp start at 10:00 AM

And don't forget, Santa will be at the North Pole on Saturday, 11/25/23 (from 10am-1:30pm only).  Stay up to date on their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/144674787256195/?mibextid=oMANbw



Heavy Rains Cause Flash Flooding & Damage to HWY 127; Road Closures In Effect

Last week heavy rains near Dumont Dunes caused flash flooding on highway 127 causing the road to be filled with dirt, rock and debris. The road was impassable and was closed in both directions. Crews worked quickly to get it reopened on Aug 30th but mother nature had different plans. More heavy rain on Sept 1st came and flooded the road again. This time some some motorists were trapped for hours. John Edington reported his friend got caught in it that night just north of Baker and didn't make it to dry ground until 3:00. Crews will be working on getting it reopened asap. We'll update you as soon as it gets reopened, but check with Caltrans for the absolute latest. Closures are also usually updated pretty quickly on Google Maps Traffic layer. 
(featured photo: Michael Battaglia, photo below: John Edington)

photo 9/2/23: Debbie Baker

9/5/23 UPDATE
 The brand new Dumont entrance road is fine and so is the river crossing. It's just a ~9'x24' section of highway 127 near the little dunes that is badly damaged. The 127 remains closed from Shoshone to Baker until the highway is repaired.        

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