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1st Annual Treasure Trunk or Treat at Dumont Dunes

The Friends of Dumont Dunes in conjunction with the BLM Barstow Field Office are pleased to announce our 1st Annual Treasure Trunk or Treat! This is a huge effort to provide a safe and exciting trick or treat experience for all of the kids (and us big kids too!) during this Halloween season opener!


Don't be shy! Get your costumes on, your OHVs decorated for display and don't forget to bring your own candy to pass out to the kiddos enjoying this event! You may end up winning one of the 5 different awards!


Please help Friends of Dumont Dunes spread the word. Hope to see you all and make this a great turnout Saturday night of Halloween Weekend!




Halloween Discussion


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Was very impressed with the trick   Or treat this year ,  could you please tell me about how many children  trick or treated around the rock mountain?  So next year we would not run out of candy! My kids didn't register my candy was just wondering if the candy winner  gave out individual candy bags?  Wonderful time had by all!

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6 hours ago, john and karen b said:

Was very impressed with the trick   Or treat this year ,  could you please tell me about how many children  trick or treated around the rock mountain?  So next year we would not run out of candy! My kids didn't register my candy was just wondering if the candy winner  gave out individual candy bags?  Wonderful time had by all!

The trunk or treat visitor head count was 4800. Hard to say how of that number were kids or trick or treaters though. 

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