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3 year old hit by buggy Halloween weekend

Around 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning, a 3 year old little girl was hit by a buggy near one of the finger dunes in the camp area. It was a hit and run. Life flight was called out and she was transported. 


Update 10/30/2016: Little Regan is recovering.


Posted via her father on our Facebook page, 


"My daughter is doing well. She suffered a 5 inch laceration from the bridge of her nose up to the top of her forehead just below her hair line, A small gash to the right side of her head, some minor cuts to her right arm and possibly going to have some bruising. 
Thank god she did not have any internal injuries or anything life threatening. This could have been so much worse."



Medical Fundraiser

A Go Fund Me page has been set up by the grandmother to help the family with medical expenses.





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Everyone PLEASE be aware of the dangers at the dunes even in your own camp.The possibilities of something horrific can be possible should scare you all as this reality came true for my 3 year old daughter and the rest of my family. All I'm saying is to be overly cautious and do what you can to be safe and block off your camp so nobody can come through your camp and bring havoc into your life. We all just need to always practice being safe dunners so we can continue to enjoy the dunes and our family's that we bring along with us. 

I apologize for the original posts. I was angry that someone could do this to my child or any living being for that mater and then take off with out a care in the world. :mad:



Edited by Trox
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Is there any report on her condition yet? We are praying for her and her family!

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I have 3 year old twin girls, we are praying for your precious girl. 🙏🙏🙏

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i pray for your daughter and have been thinking about her since I heard. 


Hope they catch the a-hole who did this and is served justice!! 

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Hope they find the guy... Hope you had some cones up or caution tape ... you cant see anything on the finger if you are on the side. Hate to see this happen.. prayers for your daughter

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Any updates on the little

girl?! Praying for her and hope they find the piece of sh*t who hit her! :((( 

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Thanks for this post. I'm the Aunt of Regan the 3yr old hit by the sandrail Saturday morning. First off I want to start with she survived this traumatic hit and run. She spent a day in PICU; needed surgery to repair her face that was literally split in half from her hair line to the middle of her nose. She also had several lacerations on her hand and another gash on her head as well as some internal bruising across her chest. She's been downgraded as of this morning. 


Now I want to get the word out.... we have been duning here at Dumont for 10yrs. We have always camped at the bottom of the1st finger and have cones and caution tape up. We usually don't allow the kids on the finger due to this exact fear... but this particular morning my brother in law brought his 3yr old twins up on the finger to play supervised at around 9am. Regan descended down the finger to dig in the sand; she was about 6 ft from the top where her dad and twin brother where when the sandrail came across the top of the finger then goosed it to the right around the Dad and twin brother eventually running over Regan. We believe she was hit dead on then tumbled under the sandrail which is when I looked up because I heard the screams from Regans Dad and then witnessed Regan being literally spit out of the back of the sandrail. We all went running and yelling towards her and the sandrail but the sandrail kept on going. The sandrail has still not been located. This event was so fast and traumatic no one can say exactly what the rail looked like or the exact flag! We do know it was a blue and white sandrail had a spoiler with a black flag w red writing. This is all we could put together as a description. There was also a passenger in the rail. Please if you have any leads please contact the sheriffs station or BLM rangers. We don't even know if the driver knows that they ran over a little girl or if it was a true hit and run. Stay safe and hope we can get some answers and/or justice and some peace. Thanks! 

Edited by Vegashottie76
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Thank you for posting this update. I have a little girl and this hit home real hard. I was given some bad info earlier today about her and I've been praying all day he was wrong. So happy to hear he was. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

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My heart hurts for you and your family..... she is in my thoughts and prayers.

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I'm sorry to hear about this horrible and tragic accident.  My prayers go out to Regan and her family.

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Thank God 🙏🏻she is going to be ok, so scary, glad she is going to be ok! Praying this person comes forward who hit her, don't know how anyone can just take off 😡

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I hope we can find out who hit her! The medical bills are going to be outrageous and hopefully this guy has insurance. Please contact the police if you know who this might be. Regardless of whether or not this was a hit and run, my family shouldn't have to pay for this!! 

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Thank god she is OK. Hope you are able to find this Person that did this to your little girl. Hope for a speedy recovery.

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Glad to hear your daughter is ok we also have a 3 year old we wish her a speedy recovery

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So glad to hear your baby girl is ok. My family and I have been going for 10 plus years. I raised 2 boys doing the fun riding. Can't believe there are people out there that are so irresponsible.   I hope for a speedy recovery. 

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Good to hear. 

Devastating. Sorry she and you all had to endure this. 


We’ve had a problem with camp racers coming through our campground and close calls with the kids circling on their mini quads. 

Day before Halloween we caught a close call camp racer and he got drum sets played on his head with fists.  

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