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Baker, CA gets it's first traffic signal

A traffic light? In Baker? No, it doesn't mean Baker is booming enough to need one. It is simply being installed in front of the Baker Travel Center on Baker Blvd at Caltrans Avenue because it is a cheaper alternative for the gas station owner than the traffic mitigation fee already imposed by San Bernardino County. Apparently there was already an agreement for the owner to install the traffic light in order to get the business permit for the station. Because of Baker's remote location and lack of contractors to get the work done on time, it has taken 4 years for this to finally happen. So hopefully this traffic light doesn't back things up getting to Dumont. Only southbound I15 travelers from Vegas would go through this light as they get into Baker. CA vistors would not be affected. Just thought we'd spread the "breaking Baker news" with the community.


forum discussion, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20688

Edited by dunefreak

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