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BLM Gives Duners an Opportunity to Voice Their Concerns

The BLM held their latest Dumont Sub-group public meeting over Thanksgiving weekend at the Dumont visitor center. The meeting's objective was to provide the public an opportunity to participate in subgroup discussions related to management of the Dumont Dunes Recreation Area. The Dumont Dunes subgroup discussions and public involvement assists the BLM in managing the recreation area. 


This was BLM's first attempt at holding the meeting at Dumont. Usually the meetings are held on a Tuesday morning at the Barstow Field office and it is nearly impossible for the public to attend and offer suggestions or ask questions.


Over Thanksgiving weekend, a small crowd of duners showed up to the meeting at the visitor center. Some attended to get involved and voice their concerns, others didn't know what to expect and just wanted to be in attendance to see what the meetings were all about. A larger crowd was expected, however this was BLM's first meeting at Dumont and they hope that may change at the next one.


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For many of those who attended the meeting, it gave them some insight as to how much the BLM actually listens to us duners. As a government agency, sometimes it's easy to overlook what might be a common issue or simple solution to everyday users of Dumont Dunes. Below are some of the topics that were brought up. These items are usually discussed further in detail or resolved at the next meeting. 

  • Single day passes
  • Second vehicle passes
  • The road maintenance, when to start maintaining & how often
  • Vendor Row limitations
  • The coning off of dunes
  • Fireworks enforcement
  • Camp racing, more enforcement
  • Clean up to not fall on the Mint 400 weekend
  • Solar light at entrance road
  • Cell tower


There are a couple of positions in the Dumont Dunes Sub Group open: NV OHV Enthusiast and Biological/Science Issue chair person


The next sub group meeting will be held on Saturday March 18, 2016 at the same location (visitor center) at Dumont.

It was voted: Dumont Clean Up at 8am, Sub-group meeting to follow at 12pm. 

Please come help keep the dunes clean and then give your concerns a voice.


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