Buggy Roundup 11.5! (March 2024)
- By dunefreak
That's right we're doing it again! The group, as a whole, has decided that we have so much fun getting all the buggies together that we should have a second one this season. So we are rounding up all the buggies once again towards the end of the 23-24 season. It will be Easter weekend, March 29-31, 2024. Easter is never very busy so that shouldn't really change things. We will camp in the same area across from bathroom 10 and we will have the same format as previous Buggy Roundups. If you are new or haven't been to one in quite a while, this is a group trip for all buggy owners where we camp together and run the dunes together. It's a great opportunity to meet other buddy guys and girls and be part of the sandrail and dune community. So don't be a stranger. Put it on your calendar and show up with a fun attitude.
Thursday: Get there early, meet the early arrivals and go make some tracks in the sand
Friday: Run the dunes and burn some fuel!
Saturday: 8AM-9:30 Sandcars & Coffee, 10AM group ride, lunch...(you'll be on your own for lunch. Sorry. The lunch catering fell through), 12:30~1PM raffle prizes, the rest of the day will be more duning finishing the last ride at sunset hill.
Saturday Night: group bonfire, dune videos on the big screen
Sunday: Pick the sand out of your ears, go for another morning dune run and then pack it up when you feel like it (or stay another day to enjoy Dumont some more)
(If you have troubles logging in or can't figure it out, it's cool. Just show up)
Questions, comments, more info- hop on the forum.
Buggy Roundup/ Camp Rules
Those that wish to camp with the group for Buggy Roundup must agree to the rules set by us, Dumont Dune Riders.
1) Don't be a d*ck! We've never had an issue with anyone at buggy roundup, but we will not tolerate any BS. We are there to have a fun weekend of duning and hanging out with each other. You will be asked to leave camp if you cause problems.
2) No loud music. We all love to have a good time and party, but please be respectful of others in camp. We cram alot of RVs into one place and all have different tastes in music.
3) Unsafe driving or behavior will not be tolerated. This includes no passing on group rides unless you can do it extremely safe while giving that person plenty of room (ie: cut an entire dune to do it. Don't catch them by surprise.)
4) No side x sides, bikes, quads or ATCs in the group photos or Sandcars and Coffee. We get asked this every year so I feel I need to say it. If you have a side x side or any other dune toy besides a sandrail, you are not UNinvited. If you love buggies, you can absolutely come out and camp with us. Please just understand and respect that this is a annual event for buggies. You are welcome to join in on the rides, but please let the buggies get in line first. Other machines don't mix well with buggies on dune runs.
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