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Buggy Roundup 8! Dec 12-13, 2020

December 12-13 weekend is Buggy Roundup 8! This year will be a little different due to the flu that is going around and CDC guidelines, but we are still a go!


Calling all sandcars! Come join us at Dumont Dunes for our 8th Annual Buggy Roundup. The Buggy Roundup is an annual Dumont trip when all the sandcar people are invited to come out and camp together as a group. We'll be camped together across from bathroom 10, just off the right side of the entrance road. This trip gives the buggy guys and girls of Dumont a chance to meet each other and run the dunes together for a full weekend without the crowds. So don't be a stranger. Every year we have new people join the camp and end up leaving as friends. 


There is no set schedule of events, but Saturday will likely go something like this...


8:00 AM -~10 AM: Sandcars and Coffee: Pull your car into the center of camp. (Or park it there the night before) Grab some coffee, say good morning to everyone, and check out all the buggies. 


Saturday Afternoon: The rest of the day will involve duning, maybe another buggy weigh-off, dune trivia, and more group dune runs!


There will be no taco night this year due to the social distancing restrictions in place. 



Want in? Here's what you need to do.


1) On the event page, click GOING...


2) Bring your buggy to Dumont and join in on the fun. Don't be a stranger. Park with the group. If you don't know anyone, just ask for PETE. 



COVID-19 Guidelines we must follow this year

Stay home if you are sick

Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer

Cover your nose & mouth when coughing or sneezing

Regularly clean common touched items

Wear a face mask when in high risk areas such as indoors (RVs) with members of other households or outdoors when 6 feet of distancing is not possible or within close proximity of each other.

Please limit gatherings of people in close proximity within camp. Social distancing of 6 feet or more

There will be no central campfire and each RV will have their own fire.

Should anyone get sick during the event, they should leave Dumont Dunes so as to reduce the exposure potential to others at the event.  


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