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Dune in June Opportunity

Every June there seems to be a break in the triple digit temperatures allowing Dumont peeps to squeeze in a nice, cool morning dune run. It's been a couple years since our last group "Dune in June" run. Although it's not looking like most of us on the forums are ready to head back out to the sandbox this June, history is repeating itself with that huge drop in temperature. By late May, Dumont is already 100+ degrees. Come June, the highs are 115 or more. There's always that one weekend though where the wind blows right before a heat wave and the highs are typical of what we see in March! Take a look at a screenshot of the Weather.com forecast for Tecopa. This Monday is only going to reach 83°! I sense some people might be "sick" that day.




Looking for others to go duning with?

Post on our Dumont Happenings forum and you might just get some takers. 


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2 hours ago, aceisback said:

Pics or it didn't happen...


Pics of what?

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4 hours ago, DanTheDuneMan said:

did you guys go out? wish I woulda seen this sooner


No. Nobody went out. :laughing:


It was just an article about duning in June and the break in the weather. 

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On 6/12/2017 at 0:36 PM, dunefreak said:


Pics of what?

Of those who might have called in sick and had to recover in the cooler weather and sand that was being spoken of.

Jeez Pete keep up!lol   I see though that nobody made it though. Bummer, probably was some pristine sand.

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