The 2017/2018 dune season has unofficially come to a close and there have already been a handful of days touching that 100-degree mark on the thermometer. This may make you unbolt your paddle tires and hit the lake instead. However, springtime at Dumont still offers many perfect-weather days to go out and enjoy the dunes. You can still catch a cool weekend if you watch the weather forecast. Many days have highs in the 80's and 90's. That sounds warm for the dunes, but what that means is beautiful mornings in the 60's and 70's. Wake up and be the only one making tracks in the sand then hang out in the shade or dip your feet in the Amargosa River (if there is water flowing of course). Then once the sun has cast some shadows the other direction, get another run or two in before enjoying a quiet night under the stars without any neighbors blasting their music or scaring your dogs away with their fireworks. My point is don't hang it up quite yet! If you are already having sand-withdrawals, there still is a cure. Just don't wait too long because before you know it, the overnight lows will be 105°. Take advantage of the empty, smooth dunes while you can. Keep in mind that while Memorial weekend is not considered a popular Dumont holiday weekend because of the warmer daytime highs, there are usually still some die-hard duners still making a weekend out of it. Get out there and shred!
Tips for duning "out of season"
- Always bring water with you on dune runs
- Watch out for those "witch eyes", holes and shelves
- Never dune alone
- Bring other experienced duner friends
- A tow strap and spare parts that regularly break are always good insurance
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