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Fatal accident on Banshee Hill President's Weekend

Over President's Weekend around 3 PM on Friday afternoon, a Utah man was killed while racing his Banshee ATV up Banshee Hill. He apparently rode off of a steep drop off at the top of the hill. While it it uncertain at this point, some assumed his throttle stuck. Flight for Life was called out but it was too late and he succumbed to his injuries and passed away in his son's arms at Dumont. CHP and the coroner were called in because of the fatal accident. The man, Tony Costanzo, was 53 and was from Provo, Utah. Drag racing Banshees was his passion.

If you would like to help his family with burial expenses, please follow the GoFundMe link,


Forum link, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20587


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The riders name was Tony Costanzo, he was a very experienced rider and had a passion for his banshee's like no other. He devoted all his spare time in life building them. It would be safe to say He left this world the best way he could have ever dreamed of, doing what he loved the most. You will be missed Tony, if anyone out there this weekend happened to get any footage of him riding his quads BEFORE the accident please contact me. I would love to see it. I would not care to see any footage of the accident or anything there after. Thanks12670410_10205498816565650_2496487763546

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