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Highway 127 reopens after closures

HWY127 is now fully open to through traffic with construction occurring in shoulder areas only from Monday through Friday 6AM-4PM. This portion of work is expected to continue through June 2024. 


The route remains fully open to traffic during an outside of work hours. Crews continue shoulder repair work and an approximate 2 mi section of the route. 




Little Dumont

Little Dumont is open. 


Photos of original storm damage/ Source: Caltrans District 8



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Hi, this is Paul from Mojave Mining Company & Tecopa Hot Springs Campground & Pools. Not sure if dunes  are open. Haven't talked to BLM. We do have access as a mining company and it is bad, bad at Little Dumont. If Dumont is going to be open only through Sperry Wash access, we have camping at  https://tecopahotspringscampground.com and a 2 acre lot with 24 hr surveillance just off of Furnace Creek Road north of Old Spanish trail for parking  of OHV trailers an launch point for OHV. We are putting this together as a contingency plan. Would like to work with you guys to put a plan together that works for Tecopa and the Dunes. This is devastating to our business as well. Contact me at ptbarnes@mojaveminingcompany.com   Thanks!

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WhatsApp Image 2023-09-23 at 08.07.43.jpg

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I'm a road worker here in Nevada (Clark County) 

I was going to visit that small road shop in Shoeshone to see what the plan was. Now I don't have to! 

That's some serious road damage. Not enough road crews to fix quickly. We are still repairing road damage in Las Vegas and I don't think we were hit as hard as California was hit. 

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Hey guys gonna roll out to the dunes thru sperry from the top tomorrow. I'll update route conditions. Any word on season passes? 

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There are no legal routes from Tecopa for OHV’s to Dumont.  If you camp there, you will have to trailer them past China Date Ranch access road to be legal.  There is actually no legal routes to any designated OHV legal trail/road from Tecopa. 

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Hey guys gonna roll out to the dunes thru sperry from the top tomorrow. I'll update route conditions. Any word on season passes? 

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So Sperry to Dumont from Western Talc is in decent shape. Some route finding, washouts, and a little water. Rangers were at the dunes, checking for helmets, reg, etc. Nice ride. If you did Sperry before, it's def worth a trip. 

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Let me get this straight.  little to no access to the dunes but Rangers were there making a buck on helmet tickets?  For the love of God.

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I am a land owner out in the closed section of Hwy 127 and have interfaced with Cal Trans and CHP quite a bit for access to my property. Something important to share here is that Cal Trans is definitely working on the road and a whole lot more than just by the Little Dunes. From 10 miles north of Baker they are now starting to grind the road surface and will be adding a 2 ft paved shoulder in addition to resurfacing the damaged road from there to Dumont. CHP is enforcing the closure 24/7 lately and there is a lot of construction equipment, people and haul trucks moving up and down that road for the repair so keep clear. The GOOD news I heard directly from Cal Trans is that they have a "mandate" to get the road open by Feb 15, 2024. Now that may involve one way traffic in a section here or there but it is at least some good news that access up and down that section of hwy is only several months away.


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9 hours ago, Glenn P said:

I am a land owner out in the closed section of Hwy 127 and have interfaced with Cal Trans and CHP quite a bit for access to my property. Something important to share here is that Cal Trans is definitely working on the road and a whole lot more than just by the Little Dunes. From 10 miles north of Baker they are now starting to grind the road surface and will be adding a 2 ft paved shoulder in addition to resurfacing the damaged road from there to Dumont. CHP is enforcing the closure 24/7 lately and there is a lot of construction equipment, people and haul trucks moving up and down that road for the repair so keep clear. The GOOD news I heard directly from Cal Trans is that they have a "mandate" to get the road open by Feb 15, 2024. Now that may involve one way traffic in a section here or there but it is at least some good news that access up and down that section of hwy is only several months away.



Thank you for that information, Glenn. Good to hear about the progress. 

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On December 6th we made the trek and only had a 45 minute wait. This is because we were some of the first vehicles in line, the escort vehicle left about 9 minutes before, doh! Same thing on the way back to Hwy 15 on Saturday. It's not that bad, the scenery is amazing and it's good time to stretch the legs and have some last minute roadside fun before heading back to reality. Very thankful the construction workers were able to rally fast to get the road reopened to residents and visitors alike. I've heard rumors about a few locals up in Tecopa who had to get on the County supers case to plead to have the road reopening rushed, and even though SB is a huge county, the reps stated they didn't even know Tecopa existed. I think they know about it now! Oh yes, and the flagger said he believes the progress is helping them to predict the road will be complete sometime in March. 🙏 

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Any updates on the process of using 127 from Baker to Dumont? Little Dunes camping area open yet? Thanks in advance for any info. :thumb:

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On 1/20/2024 at 8:22 AM, raspadoo said:

Any updates on the process of using 127 from Baker to Dumont? Little Dunes camping area open yet? Thanks in advance for any info. :thumb:


Nothing new really. Caltrans just released another update saying the same work continues with flagging operations. Little Dumont is still closed. 

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