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MLK 2017 Weekend Report: Damp Sand But Great Weather

With the recent rain at Dumont, many were excited to get back out and enjoy some great sand. Unfortunately MLK Weekend started out a little wet on Friday with some light, but steady, rain. Without any warm temperatures in the forecast, there was no chance of those epic conditions with smooth, dry sand. As the saying goes though, any day at Dumont is better than a day at work.




Saturday morning duners were treated to sunshine and beautiful weather. The few lingering clouds in the sky were no threat to the day. A little breakfast was made and the day was underway. Racers gathered at Banshee Hill for the 16th Annual Four Stroke Wars event. The sand was pretty wet but not tracked out as of yet. Our friends at GTP Offroad took advantage of that and got an early start carving out some of their own lines in the sand. Wet sand meant it was time to make some air pressure adjustments. Throughout the day, the dunes became rutted out but the duning was still fun and the weather was great! The camp area was fairly empty all weekend, but there was a bit of traffic in the dunes.


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No major accidents were reported all weekend and the BLM/ Ranger presence was low. Not too low though as a ranger spotted a SXS driver with no helmet. He was just taking the new Can-Am X3 for a quick test drive spin and knew better so the ranger let him off with a warning. 




Sunday things started drying out but by then the dunes were pretty tracked out. Large ruts and jagged dune peaks were ready to be cleaned up by Mother Nature.

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Sunday night a little wind storm came through and blew all the dry sand off the tops of the dunes making for some funky sand dunes! It's going to take a few days, but the sand should be back to good soon!



Many thanks to everyone who submitted their pics and dune reports.


Community submitted photos

Lot Dog Friday Night of MLK Weekend


There are a few quiet weekends of duning between now and the next big holiday weekend.


Next up, President's Day!




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