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Off Weekend Report - Jan 2016

A group of us headed out to take advantage of the empty dunes. As much as we like the energy of a holiday weekend, quiet empty dunes are more our style. It gives us a chance to rail the dunes without the added risk of other dune traffic.

Dumont was empty Friday morning and it was as nice as it gets out there. Temperatures were in the 60's and there was abundant sunshine. It was pretty much 50's and 60's weather all weekend. Saturday was very cloudy and overcast, but it stayed warm and there was only a slight breeze. Sunday it was back to sunshine without a cloud in the sky.






We only saw a couple groups pass by when we would stop to take a break in the dunes. It was mostly side x sides and a couple quads. The dunes were soft and dry on top and about 8" down there was some moisture from recent rain. They were smooth until later in the day on Saturday. By then we had left quite a few tracks from our buggies. The duning was great!






We burned through some fuel this weekend as our GPS told us we duned almost 100 miles! That was impressive to find out but not as impressive as zero breakdowns. At one point we had 8 sandrails and not one issue. Nobody getting hurt and nobody breaking down is a perfect weekend in our book.


There was one close call though. Lou B flopped a razorback in normal fashion but he quickly found out it was a slipface razorback with very little sand towards the top. His car was literally on it's side at one point but luckily he stayed on the throttle, steered into it and the car landed perfectly on all fours at the bottom. It was quite a sight to see. We took a well needed break after that to take a breather and have a good laugh about it.




More photos from this trip and full trip report on the forum, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20555

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