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Open to the Public: BLM / Dumont Dunes Subgroup Meeting at Dumont Thanksgiving Weekend



MORENO VALLEY, Calif. – The Dumont Dunes subgroup to the Desert Advisory Council (DAC) will be holding its next meeting on Sat., Nov. 26 at 10:00 a.m. in the Dumont Dunes Off-highway Vehicle (OHV) recreation area near the visitor center. 


The meeting will provide the public an opportunity to participate in subgroup discussions related to management of the Dumont Dunes Recreation Area. The Dumont Dunes subgroup discussions and public involvement assists the BLM in managing the recreation area. 

Immediately following the meeting, the BLM Barstow Field Office will host a “Meet the Medics” event at the medical compound on-site. The public is invited to have coffee, hot chocolate and snacks with the medical response staff assigned to the Dumont Dunes Recreation Area.




Representation on the subgroup consists of California OHV interests, Nevada OHV interests, OHV organizations, San Bernardino County, biological sciences and local communities.


If individuals are unable to attend, but would like to provide comments regarding Dumont Dunes, please contact Katrina Symons, Field Manager, Barstow Field Office, 2601 Barstow Rd, Barstow, CA  92311, 760-252-6000, ksymons@blm.gov.

Edited by dunefreak

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Please update me on the results from this meeting, just for curiosity's sake. You might also ask them how often the new road grader is being used.

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