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Polaris Recalls RZR and GENERAL Due to Burn & Fire Hazards (3/2/17)

Polaris has issued another recall involving the RZRs. According the the recall, "The vehicle engine can misfire and the temperatures of the exhaust and nearby components can get too hot and cause the components to melt, and/or a contaminated brake master cylinder may cause unintended brake drag, posing burn and fire hazards."
Check your VIN
Check to see if this, or other. recalls are open on your vehicle. Enter your VIN here, http://www.polaris.com/en-us/rider-support/off-road-recalls
Info from Polaris Press Release
Recall Date: February X, 2017
Recall Number: 17-DRAFT
Polaris Recalls RZR and GENERAL Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles Due to Burn and Fire Hazards
Recall Summary
Name of Product: Polaris recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs)
Hazard: The vehicle engine can misfire and the temperatures of the exhaust and nearby components can get too hot and cause the components to melt, and/or a contaminated brake master cylinder may cause unintended brake drag, posing burn and fire hazards.
Remedy: Repair
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ROVs and contact Polaris for a free repair. Polaris is contacting all known purchasers directly, and consumers can check their VIN on the Polaris website.
Consumer Contact: Polaris at 800-765-2747 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or online at www.polaris.com and click on “Off-Road Safety Recalls” at the bottom of the page for more information. In addition, check your vehicle identification number (VIN) on the “Product Safety Recalls” page to see if your vehicle is included in any recalls.
Recall Details
Units: About 13,500 (The RZR Turbo and RZR 900 and 1000 have previously been recalled.)
Description: This recall involves model year 2016 and 2017 RZR 900, 1000, Turbo and GENERAL 1000 recreational off-road vehicles (ROVs). “Polaris” is printed on the front grill and “RZR” or “GENERAL” is printed on the side of the rear cargo area. The ROVs were sold in various colors. The following models are included in the recall.
Model Year
Model Number
Incidents/Injuries: Polaris has received 14 reports of vehicles catching fire related to the brake master cylinder and one report of fire and two reports of melting vehicle components related to an engine misfire. No injuries have been reported.
Sold at: Polaris dealers nationwide from August 2015 through February 2017 for between $12,800 and $24,000.
Importer: Polaris Industries Inc., of Medina, Minn.
Distributor: Polaris Industries Inc., of Medina, Minn.
Manufactured in: Mexico and U.S.
Photo 3: 2016 RZR S 1000 EPS BLACK PEARL  
Photo 5: 2016 RZR 900 WHITE LIGHTNING  
Photo 9: 2017 RZR 900 EPS BLACK PEARL  
Photo 10: 2017 RZR S 900 EPS VELOCITY BLUE  
Photo 11: 2017 RZR XP 1000 EPS BOULDERS ED MATTE GOLD About U.S. CPSC:
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction.  Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical or mechanical hazard. CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products - such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters and household chemicals – contributed to a decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 40 years.
Federal law bars any person from selling products subject to a publicly-announced voluntary recall by a manufacturer or a mandatory recall ordered by the Commission.
For more lifesaving information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram @USCPSC and Twitter @USCPSC or sign up to receive our e-mail alerts. To report a dangerous product or a product-related injury go online to www.SaferProducts.gov or call CPSC’s Hotline at 800-638-2772 or teletypewriter at 301-595-7054 for the hearing impaired.
CPSC Consumer Information Hotline
Contact us at this toll-free number if you have questions about a recall:
800-638-2772 (TTY 301-595-7054)
Times: 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ET; Messages can be left anytime
Call to get product safety and other agency information and to report unsafe products.
Media Contact
Please use the phone numbers below for all media requests.
Phone: 301-504-7908
Spanish: 301-504-7800

South Pole: An Old Dumont Tradition Gets Revived

Dumont Dunes has many landmarks that duners commonly refer to; the North Pole, Comp Hill, Banshee Hill, the Superbowl, etc. The North Pole has been a popular destination for riders for years. If you've been to Dumont, chances are you have ridden out there and visited the mailbox. But how about the South Pole? Have you been there? Back in 2006, some of us from DDR felt we needed an additional landmark. Here is a little history of the South Pole and what it now looks like as of Presidents Weekend 2017.
1/21/2006: The Dumont South Pole Is Established
A group of us from DDR decided Dumont needed a South Pole. After all, how can we have a North Pole with no South Pole? We wanted to have another landmark where we could ride and meet up with others from the site. We picked the south-most corner of the dunes where it was still legal to ride. Located out in the rocky sand hills overlooking the Salt Creek Hills and Sulurian Valley, it felt like the perfect place to put it up. You could get there from the finger dunes that connect to the big dunes in the south or you could take the sand highway on the eastern edge of the dunes. Another option would be to ride from the camp area via the trails on the back side of the rocky hills. 
The original South Pole was simple. It was just a red pole with some reflective stickers for visibility at night and some DDR stickers of course. We hauled the necessary tools and supplies out with a truck and after a little group effort of digging the hole, the Dumont South Pole was established!

For a while, it was new to most and we made it game for others to find and post a picture next to it. Although it's extremely easy to find, some still had no idea.  
Over the Years
Trinkets and items started appearing on the South Pole. More and more stickers were placed to decorate it and give it some character. Riders would visit the South Pole, kick back and enjoy the nice view of the dunes. It offered much better looking backdrops than the North Pole. 
DDR Meet & Greets
For many years, the South Pole was used as our meeting place for DDR Meet & Greets. On the Saturday of every holiday weekend at 2PM, DDR members would meet up at the South Pole to say hi, meet some new faces and chat for a bit. It was a fun and social informal meet up that many would normally look forward to. 

December 2009: The military mailbox was added
Some additional members of DDR decided to add a mailbox. Since the kids wrote letters to Santa at the North Pole, they felt the South Pole would be a great place to write the military troops. DDR member, termiteslayer, took it upon himself to collect and mail the letters each time he went out. 
Feb 2017: The South Pole Gets a Makeover
Over President's Weekend, the "Regulators" group gave the South Pole a face lift. A supersized pole was erected and put into place. A large telephone pole, painted red, white and blue, was garnished with buggy parts that have been claimed by the dunes over the years. The parts were made into art to resemble a person, a dog and a buggy doing a wheelie. Up top sits a nice, big "South Pole" sign. They used two RZRs to hoist it into place by means of some cables and eye hooks attached to top of the pole.  



Great job on the Regulators part in reviving an old tradition with the passion we all share. It's group efforts like this that make Dumont a fun community and place to be a part of. Now that you know a little history of the South Pole, stop by the next time you are out at Dumont Dunes and be part of the tradition.

15th Annual Dumont Dunes Cleanup

It's that time of year again. Time to give back to the place we all love. Friends of El Mirage and the Barstow BLM invite you to the 15th Annual Dumont Dunes Cleanup March 18th, 2017. Round up your dune buddies and make a weekend out of it. Come lend a hand and help keep Dumont nice and clean, the way we all like it. 

Cleanup will begin at 8:00 AM and there will be a BLM/ Sub-group meeting open to the public. Lunch will be provided for all cleanup volunteers and will get a free entrance to Dumont Dunes that weekend. You must show your wristband upon exiting the dunes.

Where: Dumont Dunes Visitor Center
When: March 18, 2017. Check in at 8:00 AM

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Presidents Weekend 2017 Recap

This year it seems the forecast of rain scared away most of the regulars that go out to Dumont for Presidents Weekend. Others were already dedicated and going out regardless. 
All photos tagged or sent in to @dumontduneriders from the DDR community
Thursday afternoon the weather couldn't have been better. It was business as usual at Dumont with smooth sand and clear skies. There was hardly anyone out there that early. 

Vendors rolled in and got set up on Vendor Row.

Come Friday morning, the cloudy skies indicated a storm was brewing. Some light rain came in and sprinkled the dunes for a few hours. 
Duners grabbed their camping spots and filled in close to where the action was going to take place. There was a short break in the weather. As most people call it, "the calm before the storm". 
There was no shortage of Presidents Day spirit with these guys!

And then....WHAM. The W came in with a vengeance. Gusts over 35 mph blew hard all afternoon and into the night.

On Saturday morning, Dumont resembled someplace out of a science fiction novel. Low lying clouds and fog hung over the dunes.
Although it rained for several hours, many still went out to play. 
Duners showed up at the hill with their trucks, umbrellas and any other way they could stay dry to watch the Jeep hill climbs.
As the day went on, the rain finally subsided. The best part of a storm at Dumont is the riding afterwards. It turned out to be a nice afternoon in the dunes.
Sunday started off with great weather. The storms were over and the drags were underway.

Duners showed up to watch the races and have a good time.
Although the poor weather scared most of the duners away this year, the Jeep drags still attracted a decent crowd.
The wet sand worked in favor for some of the dragsters, others not so much. Check out the wheelie that this Blazer pulled during one of the races! Talk about a wild ride.
This year's President's Day t-shirts by California Casuals featured Trump driving a sandrail.
Another great sunset closed out the weekend.

We thank everyone who sent in all the great photos and video from the weekend! 
Do you have pictures from Presidents Weekend you'd like to share? Post them on our forum in the link listed below....


President's Weekend Is On: Rain or Shine

The forecast of rain has raised some concerns for duners this year.
Is it going to rain? Yes. Will the river crossing be ok to cross? Probably but we'll just have to wait and see. Usually it's fine unless it pours hard for a full day or more. Are the Jeep races still on? Yes.  
With a 90%-100% chance of rain on Friday and Saturday, there is no doubt that Dumont will see some rain. How much exactly? We just don't know until it starts to come down. They say 1/2 inch on Friday and 1/4 inch on Saturday, but the weather at Dumont sometimes has a mind of it's own. There have been many times when the forecast of rain has turned out to be sporadic sprinkles or passing showers. If you are on the fence about going this weekend, just go. Some of my best memories of Dumont have been in the rain or crappy weather. Have a little sense of adventure and go have some fun with your friends. You never know what you'll get into out there.

Weekend Race Schedule

Just because it's going to rain, its not stopping the LV Jeep Club from hosting their 45 Annual hill climbs and drag races. The LV Jeep Club has confirmed their races are a rain or shine event. So bring your umbrellas and EZ-UPs. Don't sit in the motorhome all day. Head over to the drag races and hill climbs on Saturday and Sunday. 
Friday: Registration & Tech 2pm-7pm, no races
Saturday: Hill Climbs | Reg & Tech 7AM- 8:30am, racing starts at 9:30am
Sunday: Drag Races | Reg & Tech 7AM- 8:30am, racing starts at 9:30am
All times are subject to change
Tips for Duning in the Rain

Increase tire pressure. Wet sand means more traction. Don't be lugged down by wet sand. Increase your pressure to 15-25 psi for better performance and less load on your equipment. Bring a rain jacket or wind breaker. Just because it's wet out, doesn't mean you have to be. Careful in the corners! Those ruts can easily put you on your lid. Your machine won't slide as well when the sand is wet so act like you are driving on concrete.   
 Don't Forget!
tarps to cover your seats and firewood  an EZ UP or canopy. Just because it will be raining doesn't mean you have to be cooped up inside card games or movies to watch booze and snacks! if you are stuck in the RV all day, you will need more of both!  
Weather Forecast and Conditions
Follow our Latest Conditions & Dune Reports for live updates on the dunes and road conditions. Already out there? Submit one! Help us help you. This is a community driven site. Detailed Forecast on weather.com  
Camp Map

Lost & Found
Lose something? Find Something? Post it up and we'll share it on Facebook as well.

Sand Dunes Slow to Dry Out

There's no doubt that this season has been a cold and wet winter. The dunes have been hammered over the last month because of the rain in December. The sand is usually quick to dry out because of the prevailing Dumont winds, but the cold temperatures have kept things damp below the surface. Although some areas are quick to return to virgin smooth sand, the tops of the dunes take more time to dry out. You'll notice how one side of a dune will be perfectly smooth and the other will look like the surface of the moon.

When it rains, water collects and cuts deep ruts as it runs down from the razorbacks. The end result? Some ugly dunes! 

At the beginning of last weekend, the dunes were pretty wet with those funky ripples of "dune cellulite" as I call it. But as each day went by, there was already a noticeable difference in the condition of the sand. Each day it dried out a little bit more. On the south end of the dunes, they were in great shape and were already drying out. 

So don't worry. Dumont will be full of that fluffy, dry sand that we all crave before we know it. Mother nature has been hard at work. Between the strong winds and warm sunny days, the dunes should be dried out well before President's Weekend. Highs have been in the 60's lately and believe it or not, Dumont will already see temperatures as high as 80 degrees over the next week or two! That's right. Because of the low elevation, it doesn't take very long for the temperature to climb back up at Dumont Dunes.
Jan 26-29, 2017 Weekend Report

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President's Weekend

Dog Returns Home after Surviving 2 Weeks at Dumont

Over MLK Weekend, little Keven was spooked by fireworks and ended up running off and getting lost. Her owners looked all over for her with no luck. Word quickly spread on social media and the forums, but she was still nowhere to be found. The following weekend, DDR members who were headed out kept an eye out for her hoping she would show up. There was no sign of her though.
Two weeks later, a couple duners were pulling into Dumont and spotted a little white dog on the side of the road. It was her! She was frightened and wouldn't even come towards them when they tossed treats to her. She began running towards the highway but they managed to steer her towards the camps. She ran up to one of the first camps at the top of the hill and hid under their trailer. When everyone found out it was the little white Poodle/ Maltese mix dog that went missing two weeks earlier, they were all shocked. She was skin and bones and had to be starving. It's a miracle she was able to endure the freezing temperatures and predatory coyotes. They called the owner and took good care of little Keven until she was able to drive out and pick her up. 
It's always good to hear outcomes like this. It's proof you should never give up! Congrats to Yessica on finding her little fur baby.

Presidents Day Weekend 2017

One of the largest and most popular holiday weekends is coming to Dumont Dunes, President's Day Weekend. Since the early 70's, the Las Vegas Jeep Club has been hosting their annual Jeep Jamboree at Dumont. This event, consisting of hill climbs and drag races, has possibly been the sole reason so many duners have made it a weekend tradition for the last 45 years. Come out and watch some of the coolest Jeeps, trucks, dragsters and side x sides race at Dumont. More info here.
President's Weekend is always hopping so don't forget to keep your head on a swivel and watch out for each other. Vendor Row should be full and Comp Hill is always lit at night. Be sure to stay legal because the rangers will be out in full force keeping everyone in check. If you need a refresher, here is a list of the rules. Holiday Passes are required from Feb 14 thru Feb 20, 2017. If you don't have a holiday season pass, you can purchase a $40 weekly holiday permit on site from the machine or you can grab one from a participating off-site vendor. See a full list here. If your OHV isn't registered in your home state, don't forget to grab a CA non-resident use permit sticker. Dune Mart on vendor row has them and the Dumont visitor center sometimes has them on hand. 
Everyone have a fun, safe weekend out there. As always, send us your dune reports and use the hasgtag #dumontduneriders on Instagram. We'll do our best to feature your photos!

MLK 2017 Weekend Report: Damp Sand But Great Weather

With the recent rain at Dumont, many were excited to get back out and enjoy some great sand. Unfortunately MLK Weekend started out a little wet on Friday with some light, but steady, rain. Without any warm temperatures in the forecast, there was no chance of those epic conditions with smooth, dry sand. As the saying goes though, any day at Dumont is better than a day at work.

Saturday morning duners were treated to sunshine and beautiful weather. The few lingering clouds in the sky were no threat to the day. A little breakfast was made and the day was underway. Racers gathered at Banshee Hill for the 16th Annual Four Stroke Wars event. The sand was pretty wet but not tracked out as of yet. Our friends at GTP Offroad took advantage of that and got an early start carving out some of their own lines in the sand. Wet sand meant it was time to make some air pressure adjustments. Throughout the day, the dunes became rutted out but the duning was still fun and the weather was great! The camp area was fairly empty all weekend, but there was a bit of traffic in the dunes.


No major accidents were reported all weekend and the BLM/ Ranger presence was low. Not too low though as a ranger spotted a SXS driver with no helmet. He was just taking the new Can-Am X3 for a quick test drive spin and knew better so the ranger let him off with a warning. 

Sunday things started drying out but by then the dunes were pretty tracked out. Large ruts and jagged dune peaks were ready to be cleaned up by Mother Nature.

Sunday night a little wind storm came through and blew all the dry sand off the tops of the dunes making for some funky sand dunes! It's going to take a few days, but the sand should be back to good soon!

Many thanks to everyone who submitted their pics and dune reports.
Community submitted photos
Lot Dog Friday Night of MLK Weekend

There are a few quiet weekends of duning between now and the next big holiday weekend.
Next up, President's Day!


MLK Weekend 2017, A Duner's Weekend

2017 kicks off with the first holiday weekend of the year, MLK weekend. More commonly referred to as a "duner's weekend" rather than a party weekend, it's never very busy. Although holiday passes are still required (Jan 10 thru Jan 16, 2017), don't expect it to be difficult to find a good camp spot.
On Saturday you can catch the 16th Annual Four Stroke Wars at Banshee Hill. See some of the world's fastest Banshee's and four strokes battle it out. More info: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/calendar/event/191-16th-annual-four-stroke-wars/
The Dumont Visitor Center will not be open for MLK and the BLM/Ranger station will be manned with a small staff the the weekend. Hopefully those dunes will dry out over the next week and conditions will be great. Have a fun & safe weekend if you're heading out. Don't forget to send us your dune reports via our Dumont Conditions page and pics via Instagram @dumontduneriders or #dumontduneriders!
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