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Explore The "Secrets of Death Valley" from Above

Hop on board with pilot and You Tuber, Henry TrikeLife, as he takes us over some of the beautiful gems of Death Valley in his REVO "Yellow Jacket" trike. He shows us a unique perspective of Dumont Dunes and the surrounding areas such as the China Ranch Date Farm, Tecopa Hot Springs and more. It's interesting to see what these places look like from up above. Henry did a great job with all those camera angles and editing. Looked like it was a gorgeous day to be up there. 
For an exciting demo flight in his trike, give him a call at (509) 280-0163 or visit his website. http://www.introflights.com
Here's some interesting facts about Henry's aircraft
Trike: REVO "Yellow Jacket" (Evolution Aircraft Inc.)
Category: Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA), Weight-shift Control, registered with FAA
Wing: Rival S 12.4 sq meters with electric trim speed adjustment
Trim Speed Range: 65 to 95 mph (105 to 153 km/h)
Stall Speed: 50 mph (81 km/h) Flight Duration: 4 hours (2.5 to 3 gallon/hour)
Range: 300 miles (483 km)
Altitude Limit: 10,000 feet MSL or 2,000 feet above terrain (Sport Pilot License limit)
Engine: ROTAX 912ULS 100 hp.
Fuel: Auto gas (octane rate higher than 91) or Avgas 100LL
Fuel Tank Capacity: 14 gallons (53 liters)
License Required to operate in US: Sport Pilot license for Weight-shift control land
referenced from: https://www.youtube.com/user/henry253/about

Halloween Weekend 2016

Dune season officially kicks off with the first holiday weekend of the 2016/2017 season, Halloween Weekend! With Halloween landing on Monday Oct 31st, October 29-31 will be the official weekend when duners flock to Dumont with their sand toys.
Holiday passes will be required so make sure you pick up a holiday season pass ahead of time from a participating vendor or grab a $40 weekly pass from the onsite machine.
Trick or Treating! Halloween lands on a Monday this year, but trick-or-treating has always been a Saturday night tradition so we would recommend planning for that. Make sure you bring some candy for the kids. It is always one of the most festive holiday weekends as duners decorate their camps and get into costume. At sundown on Halloween, duners transform flatbed trailers and pickups into trick-or-treat mobiles and go camp to camp.
With Halloween being the first big weekend and everyone full of excitement to get out and dune, it's easy to forget a few simple things which could help you avoid a helicopter ride to the hospital or even worse, the white coroner van. Take a look at some of the tips on our forum, http://www.dumontdun...showtopic=19713. They seem like simple, common sense but a refresher is never a bad thing.
Don't forget to post up your pictures and weekends highlights on the forum when you get back. You can also upload your pics to our Facebook page @dumontduneriders or use the hashtag #dumontduneriders on Instagram.
Join the Halloween discussion on the forum... 
To revisit photos and trip reports from Halloween 2015, click http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20385

Cleaner Restrooms at Dumont

Good news about the restrooms! There have been some complaints in the past about the restrooms at Dumont. Many people use them and they can get trashed pretty quickly on a busy weekend. People voiced their concerns and the BLM listened.
Meet James "Jimmy" Lynn of Lynn Construction. Jimmy was awarded the Dumont Dunes restroom cleaning contract from the BLM. Make sure you say hello if you see him out there at the dunes. He is a fellow off-roader and you will find him quite friendly!

Dune Season Prepping

While we are still a little ways away from the dune season beginning, the cooler nighttime temperatures are an early reminder that it's right around the corner. Before we know it, the toys will all need to be prepped and the RV or hauler will need a good once over. The fact is, almost all of us procrastinate and leave some much needed maintenance items to the last minute. This forces us into a mad rush, usually during the week we plan on leaving, to get things ready in time for that first big trip. Here are just some helpful reminders of what you can do during the months of September and October so you are on top of your game and ready to hit the sand.
ATV's, Side x Sides, and Motorcycles

Test battery clean air filter fresh oil change and check all fluids check and/or replace drive chains/sprockets or belt (RZR) check and/or repl brake pads Make sure all sand tires hold air. Air them up and recheck them after a few days. Add tire sealer if needed. Make sure registration is up to date and you have a good flag ready to mount. Check all lights. Don't get popped for a ticket at night for inoperative lights. Sandcars

Test battery. Is it fresh and good to go for the season? fresh oil change clean and oil air filter repack CVs check (& change?) transmission fluid bolt check entire car check for oil or coolant leaks inspect hoses and belts check coolant level and fan operation check brake fluid level and pads check clutch operation check shifter & linkage check all lights check tires and add sealer if needed replace worn heims inspect frame for cracks verify current sticker or registration and you have a good flag ready to mount RVs/ Toyhaulers

Test batteries and check water levels. Also check your connections and cables Run your generator for 30+ minutes and check it under a load. Make sure it is charging your batteries Turn on your fridge and make sure it works under both 12V and propane Inspect tires for cracks or separations and replace if needed. Drive your RV or pull your trailer around town 10+ miles at highway speeds and check afterward. check trailer suspension shackles for excessive wear. Removal of a nut may be required to see if the holes are stretched Check and top off propane levels. Check hoses for leaks Check all bulbs and electrical items to make sure everything is working properly Stock up on necessary pantry items Wash sheets/ blankets Other Items Not to Forget About

Season pass. Call the BLM at 760-252-6000 to order or visit a participating dealer. Season passes are not available AT Dumont Flags for all toys stock up on firewood beer

Polaris Voluntarily Issues Stop-Ride/Stop Sale Advisory For MY2016 RZR Turbo

7/25/2016 7:00 PM
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (July 25, 2016) – Polaris Industries (NYSE: PII) is issuing a stop-ride/stop-sale advisory, pending a formal recall, for MY2016 RZR Turbo off-road vehicles, due to a potential fire hazard.
Polaris is currently evaluating a comprehensive repair solution. Once validated, repair instructions will be issued to Polaris dealers and vehicle owners will be notified that they can contact their dealer about scheduling a free repair. Until then, owners should not ride, and dealers should not sell, MY2016 RZR Turbo models.
All owners of affected vehicles are being contacted directly. In addition, updates will be posted on the RZR Recall page: http://www.polaris.com/en-us/company/rzr-recall.
Owners can also contact Polaris at 800-765-2747 or online at www.polaris.com.
About Polaris
Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII) is a global powersports leader with annual 2015 sales of $4.7 billion. Polaris fuels the passion of riders, workers and outdoor enthusiasts with our RANGER®, RZR® and POLARIS GENERAL™ side-by-side off-road vehicles; our SPORTSMAN® and POLARIS ACE® all-terrain off-road vehicles; VICTORY® and INDIAN MOTORCYCLE® midsize and heavyweight motorcycles; SLINGSHOT® moto-roadsters; and Polaris RMK®, INDY®, SWITCHBACK® and RUSH® snowmobiles. Polaris enhances the riding experience with parts, garments and accessories sold under multiple recognizable brands, and has a growing presence in adjacent markets globally with products including military and commercial off-road vehicles, quadricycles, and electric vehicles. www.polaris.com

Lost Dog on HWY127 Reunited with His Owner

When dogs get lost out at Dumont, we sometimes never hear what happen to them. This dog, however, has a different story.
One warm afternoon he was spotted by Cecilia, a woman traveling down HWY 127 on her way back home to San Diego. The dog, Hawkeye, was out there for days. He was wandering near the road in a state of confusion.
Cecilia rescued him and put him up in her truck. His paws had signs of burns from the hot asphalt. She looked for a collar or tag, but there wasn't one. So she quickly snapped a pic and turned to social media in hopes of finding his owner. She didn't hear anything at first, but the word spread like wildfire. Eventually she found the owner. Brian, a resident from Pahrump, had been in a rollover accident on HWY127 and Hawkeye was thrown from the vehicle. The dog was obviously in shock and had gotten lost when he ran from the scene.
Cecilia and Brian made arrangements for him to return home. Brian's car was totaled from the accident, but luckily him and Hawkeye were ok.
It's good to see people helping people and that things turned happy in the end. Great job, Cecilia!

Summertime Sand Fix Tips

Let's face it. Dune season is over at Dumont and the triple digits are here to stay until September. While most of you are headed up into the mountains or to the lake to beat the heat, some of you get those summertime dune withdrawals. They usually start to set in around June or July when all you want is a quick sand fix. Well we're here to give you some tips on how it can be done.
Summer sand fixes should only attempted by experienced and dedicated duners. They aren't for the average weekend warrior or faint-hearted. Newbies best stay home until Halloween weekend rolls around. You have to come prepared and know Dumont well. Summer brings on a whole new set of challenges for going out and shredding the dunes that you thought you were familiar with. The sand changes...considerably. Those lines you usually take during the season are long gone. There are zero tracks to follow. The dunes take on different shapes and razorbacks become back-cut drop offs and are almost impossible to traverse like you normally would. "Witches Eyes" form and can swallow up a side x side like nothing. There are no BLM or medical personnel on site and there are very rarely any other duners out there either. Never rely on your cel phone for your life line. You must go prepared and take extra caution.
So how can one even think about going out and enjoying this dangerously scorching hot sandbox and treacherous landscape? Well to start, weekend trips are out of the question unless you plan to run your generators all weekend only to cool off your RV to 90 degrees during the day. So a quick, very early morning trip is the way to do it.
1. Pick Your Day Wisely.   The first thing you should do is watch the weather. Follow the forecast and go out when the temps are at their lowest. Even a dip of 5-10 degrees makes a big difference. Sometimes you can even catch a break and get some unseasonable cool weather. Follow Tecopa, CA weather. That is the closest recorded weather to Dumont Dunes.     2. Forget About Sleeping In.
If you want epic conditions and want to go duning, you have to be dedicated enough to wake up in the middle of the night to leave. Yes, we're talking like 2 or 3 AM depending on how far from Dumont you live. A trip like this is typically only possible for those who live 200-300 miles from Dumont. Plan on arriving about 45 minutes before sunrise or even earlier if you don't mind unloading in the dark. You will be able to get about 3-4 hours (at the most) of duning before the temperatures rise to the upper 90's. It sounds short, but it is so worth it. You'll wanna get out of Dodge before 11AM. Even in the shade, the heat radiated from the sand is no fun to sit and relax in.     3. Don't Skip the Essentials.  
  While you are so stoked at the first sight of that virgin sand and can't wait to go carve it up ....hold up. Just because you are most likely the only group out there you should still always run a flag. This helps others in your group follow and keeps you guys from running into each other should you find yourselves in some tight areas or crossing back over towards the rear of your group. Helmets and wrist restraints should ALWAYS be worn in side x sides. They prevent major injuries and save lives. And as always, ATV or motorcycle riders should wear full riding gear such as boots, helmet, goggles, etc. Consider wearing a chest protector too. Those witches eyes can be very dangerous and stop you really quickly sending you right into the handlebars. Don't forget water and even some sunscreen too. Plan for the breakdown, not the ride.   4. Bring Your Wolfpack
  As much as you want to bring the whole family and show all your buddies who have never seen Dumont before, this should only be a trip for the most experienced duners you know. You don't want to invite the guy who never maintains his ride either. Summertime is no time to be messing around out there with broken equipment. If you or someone in your group has a breakdown, be prepared. Have at least one decent tow strap in the group, preferably 2 or 3. Many of us run the Super Straps too. They are a must-have for recovering vehicles from the dunes. Another good idea is to have a good toolbag with the basics plus things like ratchet straps, zip ties, etc.     5. Choose Your Lines Wisely
  As mentioned earlier, the dunes change in the summertime. With no traffic and shifting seasonal winds, the dunes can be dangerously different from what you are used to during the season. The sand is usually very "slippery" in summer too. You should basically treat Dumont like a place you've never been to before and use even more caution than you normally do. Watch for those witches eyes and it's best to take a familiar route through the dunes first in order to make some tracks to follow on your next ride or way back to the truck. If this sounds too dangerous and risky for you, it probably is. However, if you are a die hard, experienced duner that wants to shred Dumont like no other time of the year, the dunes are flat out epic. They resemble scenes from a movie. There's something extra special about being out there on the virgin ripples of sand when the sun is just rising and there is nobody else out there except you and your buddies. Knowing that you are on your own and if something goes wrong, it adds an element of adventure and adrenaline to the experience. That might sound a little crazy, but that's why you don't see anyone out there in the summertime.
Go prepared, take calculated risks, and enjoy Dumont like never before.

photos by Pete Greep

Baker, CA gets it's first traffic signal

A traffic light? In Baker? No, it doesn't mean Baker is booming enough to need one. It is simply being installed in front of the Baker Travel Center on Baker Blvd at Caltrans Avenue because it is a cheaper alternative for the gas station owner than the traffic mitigation fee already imposed by San Bernardino County. Apparently there was already an agreement for the owner to install the traffic light in order to get the business permit for the station. Because of Baker's remote location and lack of contractors to get the work done on time, it has taken 4 years for this to finally happen. So hopefully this traffic light doesn't back things up getting to Dumont. Only southbound I15 travelers from Vegas would go through this light as they get into Baker. CA vistors would not be affected. Just thought we'd spread the "breaking Baker news" with the community.

forum discussion, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20688

Seize the Weekend!

You just never know what kind of spring weather you'll get at Dumont this time of year. Usually it starts getting plenty warm by now, but the temperatures have dropped and stayed low enough to squeeze a little more season out of the dunes. Our friends at GTP Offroad were scheduled to go up north and hit Coral Pink Dunes for the weekend of April 30-May 1st, however the forecast showed it was going to be super cold. On the flip side, Dumont was looking nice and cool with only a slight chance of rain. They didn't let that stop them though. They packed it up and headed out to the empty, overcast dunes. The dunes were smooth and they only saw a couple drops of rain all weekend. The wind was fierce Friday night, but conditions remained a step above amazing all weekend long. So to those who think the season is over, you just never know. Have your toys ready, keep an eye on that forecast and you just might be able to seize an epic weekend in the sand and have it all to yourself. Speaking of doing that...check out those temps for this weekend! (mid 70's!)
photos by Jodi Knight

Get the full trip report here! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20676

Polaris Voluntarily Recalls Certain RZR 900 & 1000

MINNEAPOLIS (April 19, 2016) Polaris Industries (NYSE: PII) jointly announced with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, today, that the company is voluntarily recalling certain RZR 900 and 1000 off-road vehicles manufactured since model year 2013 due to reports of thermal-related incidents, including fires. Detailed information about the recall is available at www.polaris.com/rzr-recall.
Polaris conducted a thorough investigation to pinpoint the root causes and put forward a comprehensive solution to address them.
"One of our foremost guiding principles is Safety and Ethics Always," said Scott W. Wine, Chairman and CEO, Polaris. "We know that the foundation of a good ride is a safe ride, and we have been proactive, aggressive and thorough in putting forth a plan to get our vehicles repaired and give us and our customers confidence in the safety of our RZR vehicles."
All affected vehicle owners will be asked to contact a dealer to schedule a complimentary service appointment, which should take approximately one hour. Polaris is working quickly to source the necessary parts and is allocating parts daily to dealers as they become available. Dealers will schedule appointments subject to parts availability.
"We are working day and night to inform our customers and dealers and to obtain the parts needed for the repairs we identified in our comprehensive analysis," said Wine. "We apologize for the inconvenience to our customers as we work to ensure all the systemic thermal risks we identified are eliminated from our vehicles."
Polaris has already begun implementation of its Corrective Action Plan and has made manufacturing updates in new-production vehicles. Polaris also plans to include a warning on new-production vehicles instructing riders not to carry fuel and other flammable liquids in their vehicles, and cautions against carrying flammable liquids in previously produced models.
About Polaris
Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII) is a global powersports leader with annual 2015 sales of $4.7 billion. Polaris fuels the passion of riders, workers and outdoor enthusiasts with our RANGER®, RZR® and POLARIS GENERAL side-by-side off-road vehicles; our SPORTSMAN® and POLARIS ACE® all-terrain off-road vehicles; VICTORY® and INDIAN MOTORCYCLE® midsize and heavyweight motorcycles; SLINGSHOT® moto-roadsters; and Polaris RMK®, INDY®, SWITCHBACK® and RUSH® snowmobiles. Polaris enhances the riding experience with parts, garments and accessories sold under multiple recognizable brands, and has a growing presence in adjacent markets globally with products including military and commercial off-road vehicles, quadricycles, and electric vehicles. www.polaris.com

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