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Dumont News

Buggy Roundup: Weekend Report

Almost 30 buggies made it out this year for our annual Buggy Roundup! The wind blew all weekend but the dunes were empty and we had the place all to ourselves. Some made it a 4 day weekend and some made it for the day on Saturday to get in on the fun. We had a handful of really great group dune rides and plenty of camp antics. Big bonfires, action packed games of flipcup, and a live streaming of UFC kept us all entertained at night. Thanks to everyone who made it out! Check out the pics and stories on the forum, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20475. If you were there, post up your stories and pics from the weekend and tell us how it was for you.

Thanksgiving 2015, A Little Cold And Quiet This Year

Dumont was noticeably less busy this year compared to Halloween and even Thanksgiving last year. The camp area seemed very empty, however the dunes always seemed to have duners having fun. Many camps still carried on their Thanksgiving Day traditions with a big sit-down turkey dinner and all the fixings. Temperatures were very low all weekend. It got into the 30's at night and the day time temps stayed in the 50's.
Thanksgiving Weekend has been big tradition for the Dunemasters and Sandpipers Club. They always have a HUGE camp between the last finger dune and the dunes. They are the "waterpumpers". For over 30 years, they have hosted their annual hill climbs and drag races at Dumont. Friday was the hill climbs at Comp Hill and Saturday
Friday night seemed to be the night for comp hill. There were 4-5 rows, lights, campfires, and some good buggy races like the old days. Saturday was less than half of Friday night probably because many people had left on Saturday to avoid the CA traffic driving home.
Vendor Row seemed very full of great vendors this year, but word has it their sales suffered greatly due to the lack of visitors. As loyal duners, we always try to stop over there and support the vendors. Even if you brought plenty of food, go grab a BBQ or ice cream and buy a t-shirt. If you like seeing the vendors out there, there is only one way to keep them coming out and that is to help them pay for their fees and gas to make it happen.
As far as accidents, there were some minor ones here and there but we didn't hear of anything major.
Forum discussion from the weekend here, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20447
Thanksgiving PHOTO gallery, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?app=gallery&category=20

Head-on Crash between an RV and Car on HWY127

On Monday, 11/23/15 at 5:54 PM, a fatal accident occurred on HWY127 about half way between Baker and Dumont Dunes involving an RV and a passenger car. According to preliminary reports when CHP arrived, one injured person and one deceased male had to be cut from the wreckage. No other injuries were reported. The accident is under investigation.
Forum discussion topic: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20437

3rd Annual Buggy Roundup Trip

We are having our annual Buggy Roundup trip December 11-13th, 2015. If you've got a buggy and want to get together with other buggy people for a weekend of duning, this is the trip for you! We always have big, fun and friendly camp. Everyone is welcome to join us. Oh and if you have an ATC70, you speak our language so bring it! If you are interested, please RSVP on our forum and post up how many people you will be. Post up a pic of your buggy too if you want. Only friendly duners need apply. That is the only rule to get in on this trip. More details and discussion on the forum, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20413
Some pics from past years below...

Thanksgiving Weekend 2015 Dumont Dunes

It's that time of year already...Thanksgiving! Time to start prepping for one of the longest holiday weekends of the season at Dumont. Many duners camp out for the entire week of Thanksgiving while others still make it a 4 day weekend since Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. It's always a fairly crowded weekend, but we wouldn't describe it as a very busy one. Everyone seems to go out and camp more than dune. It's a time to gather friends and family and celebrate the holiday in typical Dumont style. Just because the dunes are out in the middle of nowhere, that doesn't mean they skimp on the cooking and festivities. They get creative. There's everything from deep friers to infrared cookers and some guys do it the old fashion way- buried in the ground dutch oven style.
Even though there's an abundance of turkey dinners and dune naps, there's still plenty of excitement. In addition to the best duning on Earth, the Dune Masters always make their way out to Dumont. What are the Dune Masters? They are the group that hosts the annual hill climbs on Comp Hill with their legendary "waterpumpers". What a waterpumper? Well back in the day everything used to be air-cooled. When these machines were built for steep hill climbing they typically used big V8 engines which were, of course, water-cooled. The Hill Climbs are different than most races though. The guy who takes the most time to reach the top of the hill is the winner. It's a tricky art than only these machines can seem to conquer. Some of them even have two sets of paddles on the rear. It's a tradition that has been going on for over 35 years at Dumont and worth a watch.
It's going to be a great weekend. Join the community discussion: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20379


2015 Halloween Brings Crowds of Fun to Dumont

Well another Halloween weekend is in the books. This year's attendance was up and the camp was even fuller than last year. Despite the large crowds, there were no major accidents reported other than some non-life threatening injury type accidents. It seems everyone was looking out for one another and that's great!
Friday brought in some nasty winds but eventually died down around 4 pm allowing for everyone to finally get out of camp and go enjoy the sand. The dunes got a little grooming from all the wind too which was good because there was some recent rain over the last week causing some funky sand in some spots. Saturday was some very nice weather other than it being a little warm (mid 80's). The wind stayed away for the rest of the weekend though.

Saturday night was the big night, Halloween! As a group of us sat and watched the sun go down you could see the flow of traffic going from comp to camp. Everyone was wrapping it up and going back to camp for dinner and then of course...trick-or-treating time! The kids were out in full force. Vendor row gave out candy as well as most camps who came prepared. The trick-or-treat mobiles were very impressive this year. Trailers covered in decorations, usually fake body parts and other scary stuff, were pulled into camps to show off their Halloween spirit and bring the kids in. Trick-or-treating is always such a great way for the dune community to have fun together. It's always a very positive and happy vibe.

Comp Hill was pretty full Friday night, but nothing like Saturday. It seems everyone was saving it up for the big night. Duners in costumes, hundreds of lighten whips, the famous McFlurry, decorated buggies...you name it and it was there. Halloween was very alive at Dumont. As technology advances, it's crazy to see the changes that take place at the dunes over the years. Many people are familiar with the quadcopters and drones. Well this year there was a floating Grim Reaper putting the scare on everyone thanks to a very skilled drone operator. He had it attached to the drone and would fly him all over the rows of duners taking everyone by surprise. And of course let's not forget the Flintstones. These friends of ours killed it with their costume setup. Oh and if that wasn't enough, the same group as the drone guy dragged a lighted coffin lit up in LEDs up and down the rows of comp.

The Flintstones Roll Into Dumont for Halloween

Saturday night Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty cruised their Bedrock-mobile over to Comp Hill and surprised everyone. If there was a costume contest at Dumont, everyone would have agreed they stole 1st place. They cruised the rows of comp stopping several times to take pictures and talk with everyone. Crowds formed around them to get a closer look at their creative setup. This isn't their first decorative Halloween idea though. Many spotted them last year as the Kia hamster-mobile. Their ideas and ingenuity just keep getting better and better every year. They already have big plans for next Halloween. Big props to our friends Howard, Trish, Walter and Laura for pulling of the best costume we've ever seen at Dumont! Great jobs guys.
Comp Hill Saturday night...

Here are some build pics. These guys spent months on the project.

Dumont Entrance Road Updates

The Dumont entrance road was in rough shape, but the BLM graded it as of Wednesday afternoon and it's back to an A rating and 25 mph. The river crossing has also been cleared since the recent floods. Although it is a little bumpy, it is passable for duners to get through.
NV residents: Expect approximately 30 minute delays going south on HWY127 (from Tecopa or Shoshone) at the Inyo/ San Bernardino county line due to construction. There is also a few miles of construction on 160 near the Tecopa turnoff where it is down to one lane but it isn't a delay.
You can also follow our Facebook feed on our social media tab or check the entrance road thread on our forum, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=9696&page=4#entry252466

Getting Into the Halloween Spirit

It's almost time for Halloween! That means the kids (and adults) of Dumont will be dressing up and getting into the Halloween spirit. Expect to see duners riding and driving around all weekend in costumes and funny wigs. Some even decorate their sand toys and toyhaulers. Remember the Kia Hamster-mobile last year? Just wait until you see what they have built this time. Expect to see it at comp hill and around camp all weekend. Saturday the trick-or-treating tradition continues as little ghosts, witches, and who knows what else shows up at your camp so don't forget a bowl of candy! Most of all, let's everyone have a safe weekend. Take a little extra caution when cruising around the camp area and dunes. There will be alot of people out there.

Recent Rains Flood River Crossing

Recent rains flooded the river crossing on Tuesday making the entrance to Dumont impassable. Some duners were actually stranded at the dunes and could not cross to exit. The river flow finally slowed and BLM had a crew on scene clearing the mud and rock from the road. The road has been repaired and is passable as of Thursday afternoon (Oct 22).
Photos taken Thursday morning...

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