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Dumont News

Last cool weekend before summer?

Every spring the weather is all over the place and temperatures fluctuate from hot to cool. This weekend is looking like it may be one of the last cool weekends before the summer heat sets in. The forecast is calling for a high of 76 on Saturday and 80 on Sunday. There will be a little wind however. If you can handle 21-25 mph, the dunes will be baby smooth. A few duners are talking about going out on the forum so chime in if you think you can join in. There are a few things to keep in mind when heading out around this time of year. Due to less traffic and high winds, the dunes are starting to change and form "witches eyes" and steep drop offs. Also, don't forget you are in a very remote part of the desert. If you require assistance or medical attention, the response time is usually 45 minutes to an hour so take extra caution. Always bring plenty of water and never go duning alone. Dune smart!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everybody! Easter weekend has never been big holiday weekend, however some still make it an official last trip of the season. The warmer weather usually keeps duners from going out this late in the season since it starts getting pretty warm this time of year. The one thing you can count on is virgin, smooth sand though. With less people going out, there's not as many tracks to rut the place up. We heard from some duners who went out and they mentioned it was very nice out there, just a little warm during the middle of the day. There was a good amount of activity on Saturday which means maybe a bunch of day trippers. The season may be coming to a close, but the triple digits haven't hit yet! Time to squeeze in some quick day trips.
photos courtesy of matt94302

photos courtesy of quadrider700

Body found along HWY 127 near Little Dumont

According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's department, on Thursday March 19th at 8:23 AM a 39 year old man was found deceased along highway 127 near the Little Dunes with upper body trauma. They are treating it as a homicide and is still under investigation.
Below is the info from the Sherrif's department.

Ronnie Renner shreds Dumont

Check out X Games Medalist, Ronner Renner, as he makes a stop at Dumont Dunes to do a little freeriding on 2 wheels!
photo credit: Sand spray© schran.net

Cleanup Recap

The Dumont Dunes Cleanup has always been a rather large event over the years. It has included lunch, a raffle, and many large companies sponsoring the event. Due to the recession a few years ago, Dumont attendance just isn't what it used to be, therefore the interest and groups of duners going out are much smaller these days. Events like the cleanup rely heavily on dedicated duners and the BLM to keep them going every year. A cleanup doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to most duners, but there's more to it than that. Those who love Dumont want to keep it a place like home and everyone wants a clean home. Most dedicated duners would cringe at the sight of trash left behind and usually stop to pick it up. The cleanup gives the community an opportunity to give back at the end of the season. It's a grassroots, volunteer effort that represents how much we care about our dunes.
This year the crowd was much smaller. There was no raffle, hot dogs or big party atmosphere. Instead there were hard working duners and BLM staff out there picking up any trash they could find. In the end, Dumont became a much cleaner place. GTP Offorad was among the volunteers and they spoke in depth with Katrina, the head of the BLM, about making some changes to make the cleanup an even better turnout, sort of like the old days. Next year they have plans to help sponsor the event and also bump the date up to a cooler weekend where it doesn't interfere with other events such as the Mint 400 in NV. GTP Offroad are some of the most dedicated duners we know and are always looking to give back to the community. We hope that together we can bring the cleanup event back up to what it used to be.
The cleanup was still a great success and we thank the efforts of each and every duner and BLM staff that came out to help.
Forum discussion: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20033

Dumont Cleanup

Help keep Dumont the clean, fun, place that we all love and enjoy. It's time to give back. Show some support and come out Saturday, March 14th for the Dumont Cleanup. This event is provided by the Barstow BLM. They will have their trailer there stocked with trash bags and will be providing a large dumpster so we don't have to haul the trash home ourselves. It starts at 8AM. The earlier the start the better because it tends to start getting warm that time of year at Dumont.
The location of the dumpster and BLM will most likely be across from bathroom 10. That is where it has always been. This year's cleanup is just that. There won't be a raffle or lunch. It is merely to keep the tradition of the cleanup going and keep our dunes clean.
Forum discussion: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20033

RZR rollover crash Friday night on Comp

Friday night a RZR lost control near the top of comp hill and rolled several times. The driver, a 58 year old man, grabbed the door during the roll and inured his hand which required to him to have three fingers amputated. He also suffered a fractured sternum, fractured elbow, and a fractured femur. There was a passenger in the vehicle and no injuries were reported for him.
Forum Topic: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20019

When accidents happen we always try to figure out how they could be avoided or if there was a way to prevent injury. We don't know the specific details of how this man was injured, but it is always a good idea for those who drive side x sides and buggies to wear a wrist restraint. Wrist restraints prevent your arm/hand from getting caught outside the vehicle in the event of a rollover. It is simply a velcro strap that attaches to your wrist and usually clips into your safety belt/ harness clip. Shown below is an example made by Crow. They are also available through companies like DJ Safety.

President's Weekend 2015 pics

Great weather, crowd, and sand!
The weather was a warm +80° F all weekend. There were no Jeep Drags or Hill Climbs this year, but the Jeep Club hopes to bring them back in 2016. There was still a good sized crowd as usual for President's Day weekend. A few RZR rollover accidents were reported and the life flight helicopter came and went a few times.
For trip reports and pics on the forum check this link out--> http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=20016
And for all the community submited photos from President's Day weekend, click here, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?app=gallery&category=15&sort_key=idate&sort_order=DESC&view_style=large

Presidents Weekend

It's the last BIG holiday weekend of the season and everyone's been gearing up for it all season long, President's Weekend. We have a bit of some bad news first. The Jeep Club will not be hosting their hill climbs and drag races this year. It doesn't mean they are over though. Future events are still probably going to continue.
So grab your holiday pass and hit the dunes. You can expect the usual activity and vendors on vendor row. The dates for President's weekend are Friday Feb 13 thru Monday Feb 16th. President's Day is on Monday. If there is any weekend to people watch and enjoy the holiday Dumont style, it's President's Day.
Don't forget to hash tag us #dumontduneriders on Instagram / follow @dumontduneriders and also send us your pics on Facebook!
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