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Dumont Dunes Cell Tower Updates

UPDATE: Dec 13, 2020
AT&T is finally operational. Both Verizon and AT&T work, but no other carriers unless they operate on the AT&T or Verizon networks. 
Since the announcement of the new cell tower being built at Dumont Dunes, we have all been very excited to see 5 bars and 4G service out at there. Expected completion days kept getting pushed farther and farther back, but the tower is 100% built. At this point we've just waiting for the carriers to have their services "on air". That time might have finally come (with Verizon). 
12/23/19 Update: Verizon might be up!
We have been getting a few reports of full Verizon service in many places that are usually dead. Granted it is a slow weekend, service in these areas is usually non-existent or very spotty. We'll report back as we hear even more feedback. 

11/22/19 Update
Verizon has everything installed at the tower.  We are just waiting for the service to become active at this point. It can be any day now. Over thanksgiving we'll have to see if we have 5 bars or just 2 on top of a few dunes from them. 
AT&T is still finalizing their solar design for this site. So it will easily 5 months from "5 bars" from them.
IF Verizon gets turned on, Sprint will have 5 bars of roaming service, but not lightning fast streaming.  Same with T-Mobile when AT&T eventually turns on.
Construction Timeline & Updates
In the beginning of the season, users of Dumont Dunes were very excited to hear about a new cell tower going in at Dumont Dunes. Shortly after the announcement, we were told it was going to be finished by November 19th, 2018! In early November, we received some selfies from a well-dressed project manager in a cowboy hat. 😆  The photo showed the completion of the access gate and the road that was graded to the top of a mountain just south of the big dunes.
Nov 2018: Service Access Road
When November 19th rolled around and there was still no cell tower, we weren't very surprised. That sounded way too good to be true. We did, however, get an updated from the BLM stating the tower would be installed and functioning by April/May of 2019. That sounded much more realistic. Throughout the season, however, we saw no work being done and we wondered if there was some sort of holdup. Would this cell tower actually be done this season...or ever? Duners were very eager to get out to the dunes and stream movies I guess. I was getting multiple messages before every holiday weekend asking if it was done. I would send everyone the following photo of the last update of their "tower". It's a photo of the top of the barren mountain where the cell tower site will be.
Feb 2019: The Cell Tower Site & Construction

It is now March and I can finally share some good news of some progress at the cell tower site. Over cleanup weekend, truckloads of cement were being hauled into Dumont. The trucks were driving out to Dumont from Las Vegas. It was taking them 3 hours to get there at which time the cement was quickly poured into front end loaders and hauled up the steep access road to the cell tower construction site. From the looks of it, the forms are in the ground and the foundation will be ready for the tower very soon. According to the BLM, the cell tower will be helicoptered in and set on top of that mountain. So it looks like that April/ May completion date may be a reality after all! We will keep you posted on the progress.
The cell tower will be a great addition for Dumont users not only for selfies and live stream dune videos, but for emergencies and better communication in the dunes during breakdowns and recoveries.
Here are the photos from the progress on March 16th, 2019. 
March 2019: Pouring Foundation Concrete 
May 2019- Tower is Up!

September 2019: Verizon and AT&T Install Equipment
Latest update: As we already know, the tower is fully constructed and ready for the carriers to install their equipment. Both Verizon and AT&T have signed leases and are deploying their services. The cell tower project manager cannot predict "on air" dates, but he is very optimistic for service to be up and running by Thanksgiving. Let's hope it all gets done earlier than that so we can see it functional for Halloween weekend. Fingers crossed. 
October: Waiting For Service 
As dune season approaches, everyone is very excited for the new tower to be done. While we would love to see five bars and 4G over Halloween weekend, we'll likely have to wait until sometime in November for the tower service to be fully functional. We are guessing that by Thanksgiving it should be working. That is when the project manager and BLM estimate the tower to be 100% operative. 

November: Still Waiting For Service 
Verizon has everything installed at the tower.  We are just waiting for the service to become active at this point. It can be any day now. Over thanksgiving we'll have to see if we have 5 bars or just 2 on top of a few dunes from them.
AT&T is still finalizing their solar design for this site. So it will easily 5 months from "5 bars" from them.
IF Verizon gets turned on, Sprint will have 5 bars of roaming service, but not lightning fast streaming.  Same with T-Mobile when AT&T eventually turns on.

March 2020: Tower is Functional for Verizon
As of President's Day, the tower seems to be functioning great for Verizon customers with the exception of a couple dead zones (Comp Hill and the Swingset). Everywhere else has great signal and service seems fast! 
Sept 2020: AT&T Installing
AT&T has finally made it out and is currently installing their equipment at the tower. Expect service within the next month (Oct 2020). 
Oct 27, 2020
Still no AT&T. Only Verizon is working. We hear no other carriers are up yet. Any updates and we'll post em here! 
Dec 13, 2020
AT&T is finally operational. Both Verizon and AT&T work, but no other carriers unless they operate on the AT&T or Verizon networks. 
Forum Discussion

New Years Weekend | Goodbye 2020

The new year is almost here and it's probably safe to say everyone is happy to say goodbye to 2020! The first thing most people are wondering is whether or not Dumont will close due to the California "stay at home orders". We have confirmed with the Barstow BLM and that does not apply to Dumont at this time because outdoor recreation with household members is not prohibited by the order. This post will update if anything changes.
Be sure to practice social distancing with households other than your own and take the regular precautions listed on the COVID-19 guidelines post...https://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/news/covid-19-guidelines-for-dumont-20202021-season-r177/ 
Here are a couple of the usual FAQs we get asked that apply to New Years Weekend
Is Dumont open? Yes  Will there be vendors? Yes Will there be food vendors? Only prepackaged food vendors What vendors will be there? We don't ever know that information unless we ask. Post up on the forum asking the community. Vendors usually chime in.  Do I need a holiday pass for New Years weekend? Yes, it's $40 if you don't have a season holiday pass. Purchase a weekly pass at the entrance at the kiosk.  
This information is current and up to date. If anything changes, this post will update. 
If you would like to support this site, please consider making any of your Amazon purchases through our Amazon Affiliate banner below. Commissions earned from your purchases help keep this site going at no extra cost to you. Thanks!

Buggy Roundup 8! Dec 12-13, 2020

December 12-13 weekend is Buggy Roundup 8! This year will be a little different due to the flu that is going around and CDC guidelines, but we are still a go!
Calling all sandcars! Come join us at Dumont Dunes for our 8th Annual Buggy Roundup. The Buggy Roundup is an annual Dumont trip when all the sandcar people are invited to come out and camp together as a group. We'll be camped together across from bathroom 10, just off the right side of the entrance road. This trip gives the buggy guys and girls of Dumont a chance to meet each other and run the dunes together for a full weekend without the crowds. So don't be a stranger. Every year we have new people join the camp and end up leaving as friends. 
There is no set schedule of events, but Saturday will likely go something like this...
8:00 AM -~10 AM: Sandcars and Coffee: Pull your car into the center of camp. (Or park it there the night before) Grab some coffee, say good morning to everyone, and check out all the buggies. 
Saturday Afternoon: The rest of the day will involve duning, maybe another buggy weigh-off, dune trivia, and more group dune runs!
There will be no taco night this year due to the social distancing restrictions in place. 
Want in? Here's what you need to do.
1) On the event page, click GOING...
2) Bring your buggy to Dumont and join in on the fun. Don't be a stranger. Park with the group. If you don't know anyone, just ask for PETE. 
COVID-19 Guidelines we must follow this year
Stay home if you are sick
Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer
Cover your nose & mouth when coughing or sneezing
Regularly clean common touched items
Wear a face mask when in high risk areas such as indoors (RVs) with members of other households or outdoors when 6 feet of distancing is not possible or within close proximity of each other.
Please limit gatherings of people in close proximity within camp. Social distancing of 6 feet or more
There will be no central campfire and each RV will have their own fire.
Should anyone get sick during the event, they should leave Dumont Dunes so as to reduce the exposure potential to others at the event.  
Forum discussion thread...

Thanksgiving Weekend 2020

Thanksgiving is here and Dumont is open! In addition, the annual Dune Master and Sand Piper Old School Buggy Sand Drags and Hill Climbs are on for 2020.   The drag races will be Friday, November 27th starting at 10am on the flats on the way to the North Pole. The hill climbs will be held on Saturday, November 28th also starting at 10am on the big hill just to the left of comp hill.   Spectators are welcome. Social Distancing and other Covid safe practices are encouraged. Sorry, Participants are limited to Club members only due to BLM permit and insurance requirements.

Halloween Weekend 2020 Dumont Dunes

October is finally here and that means dune season is about to start! This year I think many people are excited to get back out to the dunes even more than ever. With all the problems in the world right now and with 2020 being one of the biggest turd years of all, some sand therapy is much needed for everyone. Although there are still some new guidelines like social distancing that we must all follow this season, let's not forget the basics of dune etiquette & safety as well. Stay alive this year by wearing your safety equipment, having a spotter when jumping, watch out for each other, and put the keys away if you have been drinking. Those are just the basics. Dumont can be a dangerous place, but with a little common sense and responsibility, even one of the busiest weekends can be accident free. Please don't forget to keep your camp clean and pack out anything you bring in. Dumont does not have trash collection and a little housekeeping is everyone's duty. 
Get in the Halloween spirit and decorate your camp!
Passes:  Every vehicle entering Dumont Dunes needs to display a weekly or season pass. More info.
Vendor Row: There will be NO FOOD VENDORS since the San Bernardino County Health Department is not allowing or issuing food vending permits at this time. Social distancing will be strictly enforced. Vendor row will be reconfigured from what you are used to seeing to allow for social distancing.
Fires: As of October 13th, the fire ban is lifted, so campfires & BBQs are allowed with fire permit.  Click here to get your fire permit for free. This is not something that is heavily or usually enforced, but technically its the law. Its best to get one just in case.
Trick-or-Treating: In normal Dumont tradition, camp to camp trick-or-treating will likely still happen on Halloween night. Be prepared and stock up on candy. The Trunk or Treat is also still scheduled to take place at the south end of Vendor Row on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 6 to 8pm. More info. Please follow the CDC guidelines and be responsible. 

Camp and Dune Responsibly: This includes staying home if you don't feel well, recreating/camping with only your household members, practicing social distancing by maintaining at least 6 feet of space between you and others using the site, regularly disinfecting frequently touch items, not sharing equipment unless it has been disinfected between users, and washing hands regularly/using hand sanitizer. There is plenty of space at Dumont for folks to stay socially distanced. This is very important this season. Dumont CAN get closed down if duners do not follow the guidelines. That actually happened at El Mirage earlier this year. Understand that the BLM is a government agency that manages Dumont Dunes and they must closely follow and enforce the CDC guidelines. So cut them some slack and don't take it out on them or the rangers.  We're all dealing with this together and looking forward to a fun, safe dune season! 


COVID-19 Guidelines for Dumont 2020/2021 Season

With dune season approaching during this COVID-19 pandemic, questions are on the rise as well as the rumors. Everyone is eager to get back out to the sand and they're gearing up for Halloween weekend. But many of you have concerns. Will Dumont be open? Will there be a Vendor Row? Some people heard rumors that Dumont is closed for Halloween. We spoke with the BLM and they confirmed Dumont is still open. 
Dumont passes: You can soon buy your season pass from vendors who sell them. The passes are being distributed to them this month (Sept). You can find a list of those vendors on our passes page. Weekly passes can be purchased on site via the fee machines with a credit card.  Although the Barstow public room is remains closed to the public, a telephone message can be left at 760-252-6000 stating desire to purchase a pass and the telephone call will be returned with a credit card payment accepted.  Another option is to mail request with payment via check to BLM Barstow Field Office, 2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA 92311.
Vendor Row Update: There will be NO FOOD VENDORS since the San Bernardino County Health Department is not allowing or issuing food vending permits at this time. Social distancing will be strictly enforced. Vendor row will be reconfigured from what you are used to seeing to allow for social distancing.
Camp Responsibly: This includes staying home if you don't feel well, recreating/camping with only your household members, practicing social distancing by maintaining at least 6 feet of space between you and others using the site, regularly disinfecting frequently touch items, not sharing equipment unless it has been disinfected between users, and washing hands regularly/using hand sanitizer. There is plenty of space at Dumont for folks to stay socially distanced. This is very important this season. Dumont CAN get closed down if duners do not follow the guidelines. That actually happened at El Mirage earlier this year. Understand that the BLM is a government agency that manages Dumont Dunes and they must closely follow and enforce the CDC guidelines. So cut them some slack and don't take it out on them or the rangers. 😆 We're all dealing with this together and looking forward to a fun, safe dune season! 



Fire Ban Lifted 10/13/20: Campfires and All Open Flames Allowed at Dumont

UPDATE 10/6/2020
As of October 13th, the open flame fire ban is lifted and fires & BBQs are allowed at Dumont. 
Note: Campfire Permits are required for open fires, such as campfire, barbecues and portable stoves on federally controlled lands.  Click here to get your campfire permit online for free. It only takes a couple minutes. Campfire permits are not something that is heavily or usually enforced at Dumont, but technically its the law. Its best to get one just in case. 
On Oct 13th, Dumont enters the Stage I restriction, allowing campfires and all open flames. 


4th Annual Trunk or Treat

This year's Halloween Trunk or Treat, presented by the Friends of Dumont Dunes, will take place at the south end of Vendor Row on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 6 to 8pm. Arrive at 5pm to setup your OHV and get the best parking spot.   Everyone is encouraged to come in a costume and to decorate their ride. Bring extra candy to hand out as well as a bucket or bag for the kid's to trick-or-treat with. Social distancing is extremely important so please abide by the CDC guidelines so the event and DUMONT doesn't get closed down.   A note from FoDD... Friends of Dumont Dunes is always thankful for your donations that allow them to put these events on. Please take a moment to contribute anything you can via the PayPal link below. Thank you for your support! Jason Ardenski - President Friends of Dumont Dunes https://www.paypal.me/impactsignsonline   https://www.facebook.com/groups/dumontduneriders

Sandrail Crash Leaves 2 Brothers Hurt & Stranded Overnight

According to some fellow duners, a sandrail with two male occupants (two brothers) was going up Comp Hill around midnight over the weekend of May 2-3. The driver must have misjudged the top and drove off the top. The sandrail crashed on the back side and landed upside down. One of the occupants suffered two broken legs. The younger brother pulled the older one out and they laid there until the next morning when help finally arrived. The male with broken legs underwent surgery and it expected to recover and walk again. 

Dumont Dunes: OPEN and the Perfect Place to Self-quarantine

There's no doubt that we're living in some crazy times right now. Because of the Coronavirus and COVID-19, many businesses have been told to close and people have been laid off. Although it is a scary time, there is no need to panic. This will pass and everything will eventually be back to normal. If your stuck in your house and find yourselves extremely bored with an abundance of free time on your hands, you might be thinking of getting out of town and self-distancing yourselves at Dumont. It's the perfect place to turn off the media and get away from the craziness.
All of California's parks and developed recreation areas have closed, however Dumont is not a park. It is a dispersed camping and OHV area and is remaining open! We have confirmed this with BLM and we will update the website of anything changes, but we were told Dumont will remain open and fees are not waived like some other OHV and park areas. The bathrooms are still open and being cleaned/ disinfected by Lynn Construction, but this may change without notice and they could be closed/locked. 
So get out there and feel normal again. Just remember there are no services on off-weekends and to be extra careful. Bring plenty of supplies and still continue to take normal steps to protect yourself and prevent the spread of this virus. If you are feeling sick, stay home! Stay in the habit of washing your hands, keeping surfaces clean, distancing yourselves 6 ft from others, and covering coughs and sneezes. Keep your camp and group size limited. Most importantly...have some fun in those dunes, clear your mind and enjoy this great weather we have had lately! Share your photos/ stories with us by posting a dune report or tagging us on Instagram. 
photo by bigeyes10
April 17 Update- DUMONT IS STILL OPEN. There are no plans to close at this point and we will update the site if anything changes.
The health and safety of our visitors and staff remains the number one priority of the Bureau of Land Management. In accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and with the Governor’s shelter in place order, the BLM will temporarily close all developed campgrounds and developed recreation sites in California, to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
The closure is effective immediately and will remain in effect until such time as conditions allow for safe use of the recreation areas. While developed recreation sites are closed, dispersed camping and trails remain open and available to the public.
Visitors may continue to enjoy BLM-managed public lands in a safe and responsible manner. We recommend visiting areas close to home while avoiding very popular or crowded locations where social distancing may be difficult and limiting group activities to members of your household. Please note that existing rules and regulations apply. Entrance fees have been waived.  Other fees, such as cabin rentals, group day use, and use of special areas will remain in effect. 
The BLM urges visitors to do their part when visiting your public lands as some visitor services may be limited due to limited staff availability in some areas.
We recommend:
bringing your own supplies such as disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper packing out your trash reducing the handling of cash by paying recreation fees through Recreation.gov or with a check, where available Follow local, state, and CDC guidance:
maintain a safe distance between yourself and other groups limit your group to 10 people or less wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; or use hand sanitizer if you can’t wash your hands avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze stay home if you feel sick  
*** Please note that the BLM will be responsive to changing circumstances, and this information may change at any time. We will do our best to update this information but recommend that you also contact local offices.***
Dumont Visitor Center
The BLM is temporarily restricting in-person public access to visitor centers and public rooms in our California offices.The Dumont visitor center is closed. 
Dumont Restrooms
The restrooms are still open and being regularly cleaned by Lynn Construction.

Above info from https://www.blm.gov/site-page/blm-california-covid-19-updates
National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council  recently drew your attention to U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service guidance, indicating that opportunities to continue dispersed recreation may remain during the current reality we are all facing as a result of COVID-19. It is possible to abide by social distancing and other recommended guidelines while getting outdoors and engaging in all sorts of recreation – including OHV recreation. But, ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide if getting outdoors is the right thing to do.
NOHVCC always believes in safe and responsible recreation – this is the core of NOHVCC’s ethic; however, safety is even more important than ever if you choose to ride in the near future. Many hospitals are at or near capacity. This may not only make it difficult for you to get the care you need should you get injured, you may also turn the attention of hospital staff away from focusing on addressing the needs of other patients.
Please carefully consider the potential implications should you hit the trails. Make decisions that make sense for you and your family and that abide by recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and other federal, state, and local agencies and governments.
Some general guidelines, should you choose to engage in OHV recreation during this situation:
Contact the riding area in advance – they may be closed. Visit cdc.gov for information on the latest recommendations and guidelines – follow them! Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid close contact, especially with people who are ill. Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick. As ALWAYS – wear all appropriate safety gear. For ATVs, ROVs, and dirt bikes this includes: a DOT-compliant helmet, goggles, long sleeves, long pants, over-the-ankle boots, and gloves. Ride or drive on trails that do not challenge your skill level – now is not the time for technical obstacles. Ride or drive at significantly reduced speeds. Enjoy the scenery. Stop for lunch and take in the fresh air and sounds that come with being outdoors. Abide by social distancing recommendations. Ride in pairs or small groups. Keep in mind that others you come across on the trail may stay farther away than normal and may not want to engage in conversation. Experience nearby trails. This is not the time to load up the truck and try a riding area that you’ve always wanted to try but is 1,000 miles away. Comply with recommendations to stay near to home. If you are at all uncomfortable for any reason about getting out on the trail – DON’T GO! If you feel sick – DON’T GO! Recreation is an important part of life – studies show it makes us happier and healthier. However, we are experiencing a unique reality right now. NOHVCC encourages you to make good decisions, comply with mandates and guidelines from relevant authorities, and to stay safe.
Info from https://www.nohvcc.org/for-those-who-choose-to-ride-during-social-distancing-some-guidelines/

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