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Dumont News

18th Annual Dumont Dunes Cleanup

As we get closer to the end of the season, that means it's time to give back to our precious sandbox and do a quick sweep of the dunes. Friends of Dumont Dunes & the Barstow BLM will host the 18th annual Dumont cleanup on Saturday, March 14th. Volunteers who come out will get a free pass for the weekend (13-15th) as well as a free lunch. It's a fun community effort and a great way to get out and enjoy the nice weather with others that care about Dumont. Sponsors who wish to donate this year should Contact Jason Ardenski by phone or email (listed on flyer below).


North Pole Rebuilt After Burning Down

If you've been to Dumont Dunes, chances are you've been to the North Pole. It's one of the most popular spots out there. Over the years, the North Pole has seen some weather, abuse, and vandalism. It has been rebuilt several times. A few years ago a large second pole was installed next to the original North Pole. It was a "super sized" North Pole and everyone loved it. It became a Dumont monument where duners would hang items of importance and visit while on run through the dunes. 
Late Friday night of MLK weekend, it was set on fire. Duners first noticed the burned pole down Saturday morning as it was still smoldering. The remaining little bit of pole was propped back up with rocks by the duners.

Everyone was outraged. Social media blew up and the community was pissed. A few Vegas guys quickly came together with a plan for a new pole. They were welcomed with applause and cheer when they arrived out there. Everyone came together and helped erect the new North Pole. The old memorials and items were salvaged and placed on the pole before it was put in the ground. A flag and solar lights were also installed. 












President's Weekend 2020

President's Weekend is coming up and it's one of Dumont's biggest weekends other than Halloween & Thanksgiving. The normal tradition for President's weekend is the Jeep Jamboree drags and hill climbs, but this year the club is taking a break. You can still expect the normal crowds and vendors to be there though. If you plan on going out anytime from Feb 11-17, 2020, you will need a holiday pass. 
Trump image credit

MLK Weekend 2020

Can you believe its 2020 and we're approaching the middle of dune season already? The next holiday weekend is right around the corner, MLK Weekend. Although it's not typically a busy weekend, holiday passes are required from Jan 14-20, 2020. This holiday weekend is what I like to call a duner's holiday. You won't find thousands of people partying at Comp Hill on Saturday night, but instead you'll notice more people actually in the dunes carving it up. Vendor row isn't going to be full like on the big weekend, but there may be a couple of vendors who show up. If your going out, be sure to post up a dune report or tag us on Instagram. Have fun and be safe. 

MLK weekend 2017, Instagram

New Year's Weekend 2019

This year (and decade!) is coming to a close! 2020 is almost here and many are gearing up to ring in the new year at Dumont. New Year's Eve is on Tuesday night this year. Being smack dab in the middle of the week, many duners have been asking us when the official New Year's weekend is. The answer to that is whenever you want it to be! I recently took a poll though and most people will be going out the weekend before. So I guess you can say the official weekend is before. 
Stay warm this New Year's!
Be sure to fill your propane tanks and check your battery levels as it is usually one of the coldest weekends of the season. 
Don't lose your pups! 
Every New Year's weekend people light off fireworks. Dogs get scared and run off. Be sure your dog is always on a leash or inside at night. LED collars are a good idea and GPS trackers are even better if they go missing. 
Party Gear
Get festive, pop a bottle, and make some noise around the fire. Tag #dumontduneriders in your New Year's photos on Instagram. 
New Year's topic
Going out? Chime in. 

Thanksgiving Weekend 2019 Dumont Dunes

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! It is a week-long dune trip for some groups when friends and families gather at the dunes to prepare their annual feasts. Catch the waterpumpers in action as the Dune Masters and Sand Pipers clubs compete in their annual hill climbs and drag races. 
Friday: Drags on the back stretch start at 10:00 AM
Saturday: Hill Climbs on the steep, left side of Comp start at 10:00 AM

photo courtesy of Dunemasters & Sandpipers

Halloween Weekend 2019 Dumont Dunes

Dune season is here and will be kicking off at Dumont Dunes Halloween weekend. Oct 26-27 is when duners will be heading out for the first big trip of the season. Be sure you have a holiday pass if you plan to visit Dumont between the dates of Oct 22-28, 2019. Get into the festive fun with a fun costume and don't forget to bring plenty of candy for the trick-or-treaters. While many families still go camp to camp, the BLM & Friends of Dumont Dunes will be holding their 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat near Vendor Row so you don't want to miss that. 
While the newly constructed cell tower should be fully operational soon, the anticipated "on-air" date will likely be sometime in November. Phone carriers such as Verizon and AT&T have been deploying their services to the new tower so we'll have to wait and see when the new tower will be fully functional. We'll be sure to keep you posted if we hear anything new. 
The clock is ticking so get those RVs and dune toys ready! Halloween weekend will be here before we know it. 
Get Ready!
Decorate your rig, stock up on candy, and don't forget to be sure your pup is visible at night!
Watch the Weather
Keep an eye on the weather. Halloween can be great weather, but you never know. Sometimes it's hot!

Grab a Holiday Season Pass or Weekly Holiday pass
Season pass with holidays: $120
Holiday Weekly Pass: $40

Stoked?? Join the Discussion

2019-20 Dumont Season Passes Now Available

Dune season is here! Be prepared for your first trip out and get your season pass now. 
2019/2020 Season passes are available through participating vendors and the BLM.
$30 for a weekly pass for any non-holiday week
$40 for a weekly pass that includes a holiday weekend

$90 for a season pass with holiday black-out dates
$120 for a season pass that includes holidays
A Holiday Pass Is Required on These Weekends & Dates
Halloween: Oct 22-28, 2019
Thanksgiving: Nov 22-Dec 2, 2019
New Years: Dec 31, 2019- Jan 6, 2020
MLK Weekend: Jan 14-20, 2020
President's Day: Feb 11-17, 2020
Where to Buy Season Passes
Note: Season passes are not available online or from the on-site machines at Dumont. Some vendors have had them available at vendor row on busy holiday weekends in the past, but availability isn't guaranteed. It is best to purchase your pass ahead of time from an off-site vendor or the BLM directly. 
Barstow BLM
Call and order by phone 760-252-6000 or in person at BLM Barstow Field Office, 2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA 92311
Season Pass Vendors (pending stock availability- call first to verify they have them)
Las Vegas
Johnnie Walker RV, 4784 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV. 89121  Phone....702-436-2495 Carter PowerSports, 6775 South Decatur BLVD, Las Vegas, NV. 89118, Phone..702 795-2000  
Baker, CA
K&Y Country Store (76 station across from Mad Greek in Baker) 72129 Baker Blvd, Baker, CA 92309 Phone 760-733-4252 Grewal Travel Center (76 Baker Travel Plaza), 72363 Baker Blvd., Baker, CA. 92309 Phone 760-733-4505 Valero Service Station, 71808 Baker Blvd., Baker, CA.  92309 Phone 760-733-4542  
Pahrump, NV
Parker Kawasaki, 1201 S. Hwy 160, Pahrump, NV. 89048  Phone 775-537-6686  
Shoshone, CA
Shoshone General Store, Highway 127, Shoshone, CA. 92384, Phone 760-852-4224
The fine print
You need a pass for each vehicle driven into the dunes. You do not need passes for your trailer and green sticker vehicles in your truck or trailer, but only for the primary vehicle you drive in with when you enter and exit. All passes must display your last name and the license plate number of your vehicle. Passes can not be given to someone else. Passes may be taken from you by BLM employees if you violate a rule at the dunes. FEE MACHINES WILL ONLY SELL WEEKLY PASSES. ALL ANNUAL PASSES MUST BE BOUGHT OFF-SITE. Day passes are not available. You must purchase a weekly pass    
CA Non-resident OHV Use Permit Stickers
If you are not a resident of California and your OHV is not registered in your home state, you are required to have a California "Nonresident" OHV Use Permit to legally operate your vehicle. Note: If you already have another state's registration or sticker on your vehicle, it is honored at Dumont, therefore you don't need a CA non-resident sticker. 

Places to buy your CA Non-Resident OHV stickers
1 )ProShop Motorsports & Marine, 575 W Lake Mead Dr., Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-8895
2) DuneMart at vendor row usually has them.
3) The visitor center may have them on busy, holiday weekends. 
4) http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/pages/1234/files/nonresident-vendor-list.pdf

DDR Needs Your Help

We Almost Pulled the Plug on this site!
Please Donate to Dumont Dune Riders
All donations go directly towards the costs associated with recovering our domain name and maintaining the site.
Donate with Paypal
Donate with Venmo
No Paypal or Venmo? Donate here.
We have reached our goal to cover the expenses!
Thank you guys for donating.
Any additional donations will still go towards the site to cover our hosting/ maintenance expenses.
What Happened?
During the month of September, the company that was in charge of registering and renewing our domain name failed at doing that (even after billing us), therefore our domain was let go and picked up by a company that buys & sells domains.  Our domain was long gone and we no longer had control of it. At that time, our only choice was to hire a domain broker. They contacted the new owner and were able to negotiate a price for us to buy it back.  That price, however, wasn't cheap. It cost us thousands to get it back. I (Pete) debated on shutting the site down altogether. Changing the name was an option, but the amount of work involved in re-configuring the site would have been tremendous. I decided to pay the price and continue to keep this site going because so many people use it and enjoy it. It is a job I do without any pay and it often requires much of my time and energy, but I felt it was the right move to keep it alive. So now we have recovered our domain name and have managed to get the site back up after a long and stressful week. If you are a member or use the site, please donate whatever you can to recovering these extremely high and unexpected costs. I will continue to do my part and keep this site going for everyone in the dune community. I never feel right asking for money. In the 14 years the website has been going, we have never asked our members for a single cent, but this time we truly need your help. Even if it's $5, it helps! 
What else can you do besides donate?
Stay active and get involved on the site. The future of this site depends on the people who use it. Social media is great, but it doesn't quite offer what DDR does. Many people lurk on the site every month just to read posts, get information about Dumont, browse the classifieds, etc. We are the central hub of Dumont Dunes. That is why we want to keep it going. So start a conversation on the forum or join in on one. Get to know the awesome people we have here as members. Got something to share? Please share it! 
Sponsors Needed
It costs about $200-250 a month to keep DDR going. We have our own dedicated and reliable server that isn't cheap. Software and plugins constantly need renewing and updating. There are many things required to keep us online. Site sponsors help cover our costs to run this site and we only have a few. If you are interested in becoming a site sponsor, we offer affordable advertising packages to advertise your business on our website. 
If you have any questions at all, please contact Pete via our contact form or PM me.
Thanks for your support, guys!
Pete Greep
Dumont Dune Riders founder/ site owner

Halloween Weekend & Holiday Dates for the 2019-20 Dumont season

Start planning your 2019-2020 Dumont season now. The holiday weekend dates have been confirmed by the BLM. Many have asked when the official Halloween weekend is and it is October 26-27 weekend, the weekend before Halloween. After Halloween we have Thanksgiving, New Years, then MLK and President's Weekend in 2020. The 2020 cleanup date has not been set, but it will be in mid-March. Keep checking back on our site for more upcoming Dumont events.  
Dates when a holiday pass is required
Halloween: October 22-October 28, 2019 (since Nevada Day is the last Friday in October, there will likely be staff the following weekend as well. Holiday passes will not be required that weekend)
Thanksgiving: November 26-December 2, 2019
New Year’s: December 31, 2019 - January 6, 2020
Martin Luther King: January 14-January 20, 2020
President’s Day: February 11-February 17, 2020

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