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Everything posted by Braapman

  1. my buddy just finisned his suki and its a rocket. H.C. piston, ported head and some custom cams and its a rocket.. The fuel inj. has had no problem with all the extra mods and air.
  2. Find out what? How a YFZ will own a slowuki I got a beer on MTX the 7th
  3. Im not talking about my bike . Im talking about bikes like dannys. My slow turd has a black cloud over it. But it still owns you!!!!!
  4. Iv got a set of haulers for sale. 100 bucks. 20-10-10 8 paddle
  5. Thats just it. They dont make more power. A bolt on yfz(meaning pipe,intake,jet kit and cam mod) makes more power. And yfz is lighter. For shooting comp hill the yfz is just faster.
  6. Do you have strict emission laws in the UK? I was just wondering how a two-stroke would pass smog
  7. My buddy has a suki 450 with a cherry bomb, yosh pipe,and an intake. It is far slower than a bolt on yfz.
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