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Everything posted by VegasSparky

  1. Utah DNR just reported this. No details. It's a FB link. Delete if necessary, Pete. Prayers to the family. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1865480783471239&id=515294015156596
  2. Thanksgiving, and NYE weekend the road was as smooth as could be asked for!! Cool to see grader dude workin on NYD.
  3. From above, and away from a dry Comp Hill New Year Day, 1/1/2018.
  4. It was just UL'ed. Let it cook a day for 4K. That's YT, not me.
  5. Great weather, great sand, great people. Didn't want to leave. Plumber, and Mr Strictly are excellent drivers. I had a relaxing weekend. I like morning/evening rides. These guys killed it. WTF flew in? Nice touch and go. LOL
  6. Seems the worst has passed through Vegas. The last 2 hours were ridiculous. Driving through that, and I would've ended up in Golden Valley. Now I'm ready for a nooner tomorrow. Safe travels, fellas.
  7. We're down too. We'll be out Friday evening /Sat morn depending on work tomorrow. We'll be in the BR 10/6 area. Red Excursion.
  8. As far as heat goes, relax. Sunday evening will be warm, with a beautiful weekend to preceed. Thursday will be blinding. The rest of this weekend looks perfect. We'll be out there, and wouldn't want to be anywhere else(my 4* birthday). At least it'll be dry. It's been like riding on soggy diapers since NYE. LOL
  9. People fill up fresh water behind Shell, or at Clarks RV. Clarks RV also has dump service for $10. Clarks is just on the left after you turn from Baker Blvd onto CA127 to Dumont. This pic shows what the nice lady at Clarks has told me. They have a drop box for the dump station fee.
  10. The new South Pole is really cool. The "ornaments" are top notch. The person that fabbed them is abosolutely top notch!! Good stuff.
  11. We're going out for this weekend. Last weekend we were just east of bthrm 11. Must've picked 30#'s of melted bottles, and steel food cans out of someone's Prez Day fire pit. Took an extra 10 mins before we loaded up to go home. We always try to take more trash than we make. In general, Dumont doesn't look bad at all. Easy clean up.
  12. Don't discount Sperry Wash. It's that time of the decade. The Winter rain has it's benefits.
  13. Thanks for the quick reply, Ace. $30 be damned. The weather looks to be too good this weekend. Can't wait til morning.;)
  14. Another noob question? Do camping fees still apply at Little Dumont? We've driven past it a dozen times in 2 seasons, and don't remember seeing a pay station.
  15. Sand Drags were cool. Don't know know if they happen in Amargosa anymore. These guys are dedicated to their sport, and that's cool. Regardless, we showed up late Saturday morning, rode 80 miles on Sunday, and the wind got us this morning. Let it dry, and we'll hit it again next weekend. God Bless Dumont.
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