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About DunePrincess

  • Birthday 11/24/1973

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    Pink Z400
  • Location
    Boulder City, NV
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Propery Management
  • Hobbies
    I Love camping, whether it is @ the dunes or the river. BBQ's with friends and family.

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  1. 2003 Blue Raptor 660 for sale. ~*Piped and jetted. ~*Plastics are scratched from riding. ~*Has been mostly ridden in Glamis ~*Comes with back paddles as well. ~*I will put Picture up in the next few days. Need to sell fast 1500 obo Let me know if you need more info
  2. I work for Nazi's I would tell you to go to hell, but I work there and I dont want to see you every day! I am an underpaid ppl finder. I get to find all the Customers for Toyota/Lexus financial and Wachovia Dealer services. I find them call everyone they know in life and let the finance company know where the customer or there collateral is, so they can repo their chit back.. Would rather be a Bartender. Anyone hiring and willing to train an apprentice bartender. I have school experience. lol
  3. combo #2 animal style with extra done fries with a large root beer please. And a side of spread for the fries.....Yumm and yes I am fluffy.lololol----Just means I will not die of starvation. Hey I remember Tommy's from Calif. The best Chili burgers... :chev_bowtie:
  4. I def agree with #4 Name tags would be great. Real names and DDR names. This was my first camping experiance with DDR. I had a good time, I met a few people. Pot luck was way cool. Wish I could have acutally met more of you all.
  5. I hate going into a shop (motorcycle, parts store, dealership, etc.) Because I am a girl, women whatever they talk to me like I am stupid and I dont know what I am talking about. :shocked2: Its not like I am asking to buy a power band lol or a muffler bering. lol Or why can't I put straight gas in my husbands banshee. It that wrong???? Bastages...
  6. lol Ok, I guess I am one of those sick individuals that watched both videos at lease 100 times. Then subjected everyone on my address list to it as well....
  7. Breakfast---- Cereal and/or Danish and/or donuts Lunch --- peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese and for Nov thanksgiving trip its turkey and stuffing sandwiches. Or any of the spagettio's or ravioli I have stashed in the trailer. Snacks - chips and dip, puddings, cookies and any other junk food I dont normaly buy. Dinner---- Chicken fried rice, pasta, chicken, steak, salad, tacos, buritos, fajita's. What ever comes to mind. Drinks besides booze---- Choc milk, milk for cereal, water and soda.
  8. Tacopa is the best. $5.00 and it doesnt take long. Then no worries til you are on your way home from the next trip....
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