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Sand Saw

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Everything posted by Sand Saw

  1. First of all I apologize for my oversight using the word "PAVE", I guess I assumed incorrectly that it was understood what I meant. I know the recycled asphalt was supposed to keep the dust down and give a better surface (more durable) and not that the road would actually be paved. I noticed very little difference besides that larger potholes then usual. I think that money could have been better spent by more water trucks and more graters; even a more permanent, if more expensive, pee gravel or similar. Secondly, here is good example of what "doesnt happen" all the time with the "clicks" here. All the one liners are great, thanks for all the worth while input guys. I can print you a great list of expenses right now showing how you owe me 5 million dollars. It doesnt mean the info is accurate. Show me reciepts and copies of bids and acceptance letters and we'll talk. Even taking into account "inflation" show me proof that the expenses have gone this high in just ten years. Remember when there was NO ENTRANCE FEE?? With the huge taxes the State of Commiefornia charges, no one is going to convince me they cant afford to take care of most of the cost to maintain Dumont. Its ok to charge $4000/month for a studio apartment with an ocean view and build 6 lane each direction freeways every half mile, but no money is left to help spots like Dumont?? Do we have any figures on how many vehicles come to Dumont for a big weekend?? I have heard numbers from 2000 to 10,000. Lets see those figures and then divide that by the fees they say they collected and see if the numbers jive. Did I go to the TRT meeting?? NO, sorry I dont feel like driving over 2 hours to hear them tell me what they are going to do. Ill read it online and save the cash and hassle. If you really think the Cali BLM gives 2 $hits about your opinions on what they should charge, you are dreaming. The money the BLM collects stays with the BLM. Thats why the tickets they write for moving violations do not go on your driving record. The DMV does not recognize their traffic authority. The more money they make, the more new vehicles and equipment they get the next year. Why do you think the Sheriffs go out there?? To get THEIRS, the money is NOT SHARED...
  2. I can show you one example, DUMONT. Besides the widening of the river crossing where the hell else has our money gone?? They spent 1/4 million on RECYCLED I-15 junk to "pave" the road and look how well that worked. The fees keep going up but where is it going?? Nothing has changed except the cost to play...
  3. How can they justify not giving you credit for T-day?? You paid the money, whats the difference?? What if you didnt have enough for a season at the time. What if you decided AFTER that you want one?? We were going to buy a season at the gate but they were "closing" and said get one tomorrow or before you leave. Then on our way out at 3pm the gate was EMPTY. Sounds like a hustle to me...
  4. The idiot split our line. We were just cruzing across the flats in front of Comp all the way in the back by the small dunes. My dad (Dinicolada) was leading and there was about 6 or 7 qwads (pretty much my whole fam). The guy slowed for a second as my dad passed, then he punched it, luckily my lil sis was paying attention and slammed on the brakes. I chased him down and dumped the clutch in first gear right in front of him (i love 10 puck brand new paddles on a dirt bike). Took a few minutes to catch him since I was on the fo fitty and not the cr500 but i eventually cought up... You guys thought it was pretty clean for a big weekend?? WOW Anyone ride Sunday?? We were dodging piles of trash everywhere. I cant believe people will actually put trash in a bag, then leave the bag!! IDIOTS!! I hope the Rangers got a few littering tickets. They need to be more concerned about stuff like that then RVs with stripper poles...
  5. Anyone know of a knucklehead driving a satin black LT car that got roosted real good in front of Comp by a guy on a YZ Fo Fitty?? Tell'm thanks for almost running down my lil sister... Next time its gonna be a lot worse then just getting roosted... A$$!! Anyone else notice how much TRASH was left behind?? Comp looked like a land fill. For a not so busy weekend it seemed like a really dirty one... :dance:
  6. :dance: I agree, a rant section makes it easy to avoid if thats what you want... To all the haters saying "dont b*tch, do something about it", I am the KING of letting people know they are stupid. If I didnt have such a bad headache right now i'd list some examples. Well ok, heres a couple... 1) I am responsible for MANY arrests (not just when im on patrol with a buddy) such as Domestic Batteries, DUI's and Drug posession/trafficing, etc. etc. 2) Instead of standing accross the street staring at a house fire, im the one running inside telling the peeps to stop gathering guitars and stuffed animals and GET OUT. 3) I stop for at least 90% of people on the side of the road or stuck in the sand. (in fact ive even rode back to camp to get my truck to pull someone out whos stuck or broke, back to camp) yes, complete strangers... Ok have to stop, head is pounding...
  7. 1)No body said you guys dont have the right. 2)We arnt talking about just the people who arnt "paying attention". 3)Go ahead a dont avoid the guy/girl on a quad/bike/rhino JUST BECAUSE they arnt paying attention and run them over, then see how you feel when they get paralyzed or killed, YOU get to live with that the rest of your life... That being said, EVERYONE has a responsibilty to avoid others ESPECIALLY if they arnt paying attention!! Besides, hows a quad or bike going to do much damage to your big bad rail anyways?? Sorry the little guys are such a nuisance to your wheelies and jumping razors...
  8. Sorry I thought the point of forums is to speak your mind, guess I was wrong. Second, I only go to big weekends to spend time with my family. I dont even ride that much. If you knew me you would know I like to go in the middle of the week after a storm. thats the best riding on the planet. Third, if everyone just shuts up, doesnt say anything, and just "deals with it" theres only going to be more accidents like this last weekend. Sorry I posted without being your friend first...
  9. With what happend to Charlie this last weekend fresh in my mind I have decided to rant a bit. Let me pop a squat on my soap box. I very rarely post on this forum as I have noticed a lot of "clicks" like to gang up on people when they disagree with someone whos a "buddy" especially if its a new guy (like me). With that in mind here goes... Every time we go to Dumont (especially on the big weekends) I notice uncountable (a word??) amounts of people with apparent complete lack of common sense. Ill list a few examples... 1) Haulin mail through or in very close proximity to camps, and vender row. 2) Roping off HUGE areas around their camp and letting there extremely young kids ride huge quads, rhinos, and even FRIGGIN RAILS around unsupervised. 3) People letting their very young, as in 10 or 12 years old kids camp hop on rides they are barely able to control. 4) Rails cutting through lines of group riders, wheelieing up hills without looking, JUMPING over the starting area at the bottom of Comp and roosting the hell outta everyone around. 5) Doing donuts next to camp, really, WTF is the attraction?? 6) Drag racing up and down the lines at night in ront of Comp. 7) Two up on a quad (definition of a quad tard) 8) Tryin to drive your moms 2 wheel drive Minivan/Corlla/F*rd Escort/Sentra to Comp. 9) Going 90 mph in your wanna be trophy truck, 2 wheel drive, open diff, stock suspension with waste of money cuz you dont need'm fiberglass fenders trying to get to Comp. but getting stuck 4 feet after the face flat billers... Etc. Etc. Etc. On and on, is it just me or is there a huge number of brain dead mofo's out there?? Maybe its just me but it seams to be spreading worse then Staph Infection?? Man up, who here on this site does any of the above and will confess?? Explain yourself, I really am curious how people who do these things think, I mean, do you do other really brain dead stuff like check to see if your guns are loaded by looking down the barrel?? Finally, I have taken up a great fun sport I want to share with you all. Its call "Pick up the biggest friggin rock you can toss and hit the A$$ of the moron doing numbers 1-9 above and see if it knocks some sense into'm". Anyone else wanna play?? We can form leagues...Maybe we can slow the infection... Rant off... P.S. If you dont like me and think im an A$$ I dont care, but feel free to tell me, I love to prove you right!!
  10. I see this same BS all the time. MANY (not all) Rail drivers care way more about showing off for everyone then for any kind of safety. As my mom said (Dinicolady) we saw so many close calls and many times the same rail over and over its a wonder no one pulled these drivers out and BEAT THEIR A$$es!! Maybe im wrong but 90% of the rails I see have solid bottoms and NO WAY of seeing where you are going when you are in a wheelie. I personally wheelie my bikes almost everywhere I go but I can SEE just fine and im not risking someones life with a 3000+lb. car!! Im not impressed with some guy driving a turbo v8 that can wheelie, woo hoo, great for you, you spent $100,000 and thats what you got, who cares?? Stop risking everyone else on smaller machines who have every right to be there as you do!! To the guy who thinks there is no liability just because they are "in the dirt" and not on a highway will have a rude awakeneing one day. If the Shrek Driver was so experienced then like others say, he had no business wheeling across the lower section of Comp. He was obviously more concerned with showing off then anyone elses safety including his own or anyone in the car with him. Its guy's like him that give fuel to the fire for shutting down our riding spots!! As a bike and occasinal quad rider I cant tell you how many times some big rail just cuts though your line or goes wherever the hell he wants because he knows you are the "little guy" whos going to move outta his way. By the way, any of you who have been hit by a rock while doing something stupid, good chance it was me... Im a practice what you preach guy and I have also donated to Charlie, I have only seen a couple people say they have, but I see DOZENS of ramblings of people who havnt. Law suits or not the guy who hit Charlie and the owner of the LT car obviously have plenty of $$$ and you better believe if I see his car all fixed up and duning while Charlie is still recovering theres gonna be an altercation!!!!!!!!
  11. CRICKIE!! I'd have done the same...
  12. Glad hes ok Bob, we were leaving and driving by the ranger station when you pulled up, I even said to my girl sitting next to me "look at this idiot LT car going 90 mph through camp, oh, now hes sliding into the ranger station at 90 mph!!", then we realized why!! The rangers pulled in right after you...Thats when we got that sick feeling in the tummy... Makes me think twice about hauling mail 4th and 5th gear across those whoops!!
  13. Hope the $heeit talkers will be out for clean up day. Ill be bringing my fo fitty and 5hundy. Take your pick...
  14. Ive never had any riding buddies complain... Dont worry bud, everyone makes mistakes... Now you are talkin!! Yup, one of the coolest looking things you can do on a bike I think...BMX style... I like to ride slow technical stuff too, but I have my fair share of WFO time as well...
  15. I dont think its hard to have a civilized conversation about those types of topics. Usually the $heeit talkers are just that, talkers. Like I always say, "all this talkin, and no walkin". Thats why I invite people to ride instead of picking fights. Its a good way to shut the "talkers" up, and find the guys/gals who can actually do what they say they can... Like Kidd Rock said, "its not braggin if you back it up"...
  16. Yeah, and nice job rolling it over the top of the hill I was wheelying on... :freakin_nuts:
  17. GEESE people. 4 friggin pages that contain about 1/2 a page of actual useable info. (thats on topic) This is why I rarely post on this site. Too many (sheeit) talkers and not enough walkers... I have a YZ450 and a CR500 and a 1997 Banshee, which until a couple weekends ago HAD THE STOCK ORIGIONAL TOP END FROM 1997. If you blow up your 2 stroker every year, learn how to tune it and BUY OEM parts not cheap K&S crap (learned my lesson the hard way). That Banshee top end was almost TEN YEARS OLD. If I want to own ANYONE who is shooting hills I ride the CR500, hands down, no 450 is touching me unless I screw the start. If I want to wheelie like this, I ride the 450... http://s112.photobucket.com/albums/n169/Jo...nt=MOV01209.flv http://s112.photobucket.com/albums/n169/Jo...nt=MOV01212.flv Gas is easy to mix, and since my truck is a Diesel I have to bring different types of gas anyways. Mix as you use it and you dont have to waste so much. If I had to pick which bike I was going to ride through hell on when walking back to the truck was not an option, you better believe its going to be a 2 stroker. Theres HUNDEREDS of parts to fail in a 4 stroker. Less then a half dozen in a 2 stroker... I wont talk skills, that cant be proven with a keyboard. Anyone who wants to talk the talk AND walk the walk and is old enough to ride across state lines with me without getting me arrested let me know. I ride almost every weekend and I love when guys who think they are bad make fools of themselves... Like a wise man once said, "as I ride through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for I ride the baddest bike in the MOFO Valley!!" CR500...
  18. AOL?? HAHA And you guys are worried about my sis's Myspace?? LOL!! Someone else said it, EDUCATION, guns (the accidental shootings) kill kids who are uneducated and dont know the dangers, (This is not directed at you mom!! I just dont believe in seperate posts) If so many parents would stop letting TV raise their children this world would be a better place!! Hey I have a myspace account, my highschool friends have all found eachother again because of it (why I joined) Now it has become a place for me to post funny or crazy vids and pics, sometimes even nudity for you sickos (Kenny!!) If that makes me FAGGE then come bend over in front of me and see what happends!! Hey maybe im a poser like some hater on another list called me, but last time I checked the definition of poser didnt quite fit!! Maybe SHOW OFF?? Hey like Kidd Rock said, "It aint bragging if you BACK IT UP"!!! http://myspace.com/39385775
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