Sand Saw
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Everything posted by Sand Saw
Well I can tell you the biggest fear any of the noobs I take out riding int he dunes have is razers. The steering uneasiness is there too as you would expect. But time and time again the new guys only seem to have problems making a succesfull "over the top" with out dumping it on the other side...
They used to feed me well, its the damn tape worm!! Ill be the f'n judge of that...
I usually just blame it on the keyboard... :afro:
Ok so since my last attempt went south, let me try this one more time. Some friends and I are looking for really fast Motocross type guys to ride with. Doubles, triples, big gaps, etc. Looking to start riding Boulder City and Sandy Valley MX more often, but I only know a few guys qualified. This includes meeting up at Dumont and finding spots to jump. Im usually the only guy on the weekends who wants to stay put for a while and jump, this gets boring fast for the guys who arnt into that. Whos up??
Pete, im buying you a friggin dictionary for Christmas...
Yeah, I was disappointed he didnt make it, ,maybe next time??
Yep, Pauly BOYEE's new nick name is PATRICK!! Yeah, it was worth driving in from Amardusthole.. You can say that again peckerwood!! :lol: No kidding!!! Fo SHO!! :boyyy: With my cape, rubber ducky, and corn dog pole... :afro: By da way, St. Pauly Girl left his hat in my car... bidding starts at 99 cents...
Yeah, but you dont complain about staring at my a$$ all day long when we ride, NOS cant even change that...
I guess ill stick to the Sake or Beer in my fridge then, as I dont drink and drive, so if I were to go tonight...
I was thinking of going but I'd be mostly by myself the whole night=not so much fun...
I understand that, what I meant was from the front of the dunes, I didnt mean run over women and children and cut through camp sites. Im the last one here on this site that needs to be reminded of the rules, TRUST ME!!
WHOLLY CRAP FIVE????? I might have to start a new thread soon, so I can actually get a list of guys (and girls, sorry, not trying to start another WAR) thats legeable!!
Im not trying to sleep with the guy, mom...
Whats a Q-U-A-D?? BTW?? Beer-to-Win?? Ok ok... I like QWAD because it irritates qwad guys, I mean q-w-a-d I mean q-u-a-d guys. Talk about not taking a joke?? Again, everyone else is just "poking fun" but everything I say is interpreted LITERALLY, I was just "poking fun", no SERIOUSLY!! Thats why I also put "AHAHAHAHA " afterwards... Wholy crap, did you say this or me?? Honestly, all joking aside, we see absolutely EYE to EYE to the point its SCARY... You and me both brudda... If you only knew, you would prolly be defending me to other people, hard as it may be for you to believe, few if ANYONE that knows me would say otherwise... You and me both... Let me be the better man. Im sorry you feel the way you do about me, you get to know me and I GUARANTEE your opinion will change. That being said, I owe you a few beers already, so if I can make clean-up, feel free to collect (whats your fav??). And I invite you to ride with me, eat whatever you want from my fridge, then get to know me some and report back to the others on this site, what you think of me. If you dont like me still, more power to you and ill LEAVE. Deal??
Uhhhh, your memory is short?? Who needs to reread this thread now?? See below for one example... Yeah some guys stood up, then got lost in the shuffle, when all the qwad guys ASSumed that because I was looking for fast guys on BIKES that I "must" be saying guys on qwads are slow... I said this?? WHOLLY CRAP!! I dont remember, can you quote these words of mine?? I remeber Britt stirring sh*t like he always does, but somehow I dont seem to find where I said this?? hmmmm... Thats too bad, nearly 99% of the time I am asked to lead group rides do to my experience, skill and the trust I have earned by those who KNOW me. NO ONE has ever complained about not having a great time, so you will miss out...
We can still be friends, write or wrong doesnt change that... Everyone makes mistakes, even me!! My man, I know this and I know much more then you think I know, and many more people are friends of mine then you know. If you actually KNEW me you would know this... ok im confused?? I think you took what I said TOO literally. I know you "moderate" friends OCCASIONALY... Sorry I forgot to put in "just to list a few". I had guests over for dinner at the time I composed that email, not bad, if you ask me, for a 15 minute job eh?? Im not at all a hater, I LOVE to meet people who can out ride me, it doesnt happen often, but when it does, MUCHO RESPECT!! You and other mods have made serious mistakes refering to me as a hater, you over look the fact I respond the way I do AFTER somone pokes a PERSONAL JAB at me. Dont confuse "hating" for DEFENDING MYSELF. BIG, BIG difference honcho!! Sorry, as I stated earlier I had guests over and missed my chance to respond, which by the way, much respect for giving me that opportunity. I apologize if starting a new topic was out of line. I have said my peace, my opinion stays the same. Lets all put the sh*t talkin aside and go shake hands like men, then ride. Afterwards, those of us who feel the same way as we do now, can say what they want, I will still hand you a beer, shake your hand, and thank you for riding with me... In the end I respect "opinions", all I ask is mine is given the same respect. If yours and others doesnt change after we get to know eachother and ride, so be it... Please everyone spare me your comments, please lock this thread as I only started it since I missed my chance before the other thread was locked, in fact feel free to add this in there if thats possible... :afro:
Close, well the heavy hitter part... Guess you all are just going to have to meet up for Clean-Up weekend, might be more cleaning up then youd like though... Good way to boost the numbers showing up eh Petey??
The fastest person I could name to this date is almost 60 years old. He handed our a$$es to us all day long at Apex a couple months ago. Respect is definately EARNED and he EARNED all of ours. I have no problem giving respect when its due, but I cant help but feel constantly challenged here. This is the ONLY and I repeat ONLY site I am part of (im part of many) that this happens on CONSTANTLY. The difference is very few people here have actually ridden with me or even HEARD about me. On the other sites MANY have ridden and spent weekends with me, and thats the only difference. Why it has to be this way here I do not know, but I can show you black and white proof of favoritism. Best I can say is I plan to be at Dumont for clean up if its in the budget and I invite anyone here for a meet and greet followed by a ride. My only fear is the hot headed people, with too much to prove may get hurt. I also am the first person to lend a hand when a rider is down, no matter what my personal view is of the individual. Some of you may remember a few seasons ago a guy on a Kawi dirt bike went end over by the fingers not far from the "DDR camp" at the time. Kenny (rhino king) pointed me towards the "DDR camp" telling me there was 2 EMT's camped there. The DDR peeps were reluctant to tell me I had found the "DDR camp" when I asked about it till I said "ok, well do you know where they are at, we need medical help ASAP and im told they have 2 EMT's" thats when they said, "thats us, we're are the EMT's where is the down rider??"...I guess things had gotten out of hand the night before with a bunch of unknowns ruinging things, so they stopped telling people where the camp was). Long story short, I may be young but im far from disrespectfull, but I know things I say get misconstrued often. I can ride, and enjoy riding with all skill levels. But occasionally I like to BOOGY and few people I ride with can keep up, its not bragging, its fact. So im simply looking for guys with high skill levels on SIMILAR equipement, who like to haul the mail too. Thanks for the kind down to earth words of wisdom, its few and far between sometimes!!
WoW dude, this is me stepping back from you so I dont get cought in da crossfire!!!!!
Dont forget the friggin jelly!!
They dont thats why im saying he is comparing apples and oranges... He quoted me (only) "I never back down from a challenge" then said "hope that it hasnt or wont get me into trouble in life", obviously implying and misconstrueing what I said, to mean that I "never" back down to "any" challenge. I felt it necessary to show the difference between the two... Does that make sense??
Tuff talk all the time?? You must be missinformed. Or maybe, BIASED and you FORGET the difference between "starting $hit" and "DEFENDING YOURSELF". Maybe you should read big bad Dans comments again?? By the way, I have no shortage of riding partners, what im looking for is well, read my first post again, I hate repeating myself. Ask around and see if you can find ONE SINGLE PERSON who doesnt ride with me "anymore" that used too. You have never met me, nor ridden with me, so until you do either or, dont jump to conclusions, thats just plain ignorance... You need not look any further then one of your fellow mods...
Are you kidding?? Let me clue you in, since we obviously are BIASED AGAIN... Definition of a THREAT... Sounds like the DEFINITION of a personal attack, but you are buddy buddy with the right people, so dont worry... No MUCH worse...seriously... No weapons involved, non needed... Wonder why this is?? The kid in the pic and Brandon are 16 years old, they have an excuse, ADULTS, as "respected" as you guys all say you are, and as "peers" should act like adults, and should know better. Everyone is so quick to talk smack from their keyboards, kids I expect this from, but to threaten someone with weapons and directed towards their life, is cowardly. Before you get all "bowed up" behind your keyboard and call someone out, know who you are talking too. Thats what Kenny was trying to say. Its not a threat, its a warning, from someone privy to more info then you have gathered in this thread, theres a difference!! Kenny like me, knows what the outcome would be. If you mods say "no personal attacks" but only ENFORCE that on your "non-admirers" you will not get nor earn any respect either, just like these "younger generations who think respect is a given"...It goes both ways...