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Sand Saw

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Everything posted by Sand Saw

  1. Obviously you misunderstood what I was saying. When someone "challenges" my riding ability, I never "back down from the challenge". Its BRAGGING if you CANT back it up right?? As a proud CCW holder I OFTEN times have to "back down from a challenge" as a responsible person possesing the power to take a life, you have more LEGAL power then any one person in the world. That is a HUGE respnsibility, now you are the one talking apples and oranges...
  2. Come on man, e-thug?? You CANT be serious!! Sorry I no longer "entertain" you... :afro:
  3. I guess what im saying is that the ramifications of making a mistake on the side of a hill or top of a razer back is less forgiving on a bike then a quad. The back end stepping out on the side of a hill when riding a quad is no biggy, but on a bike can result in a highside very easily. On a razer if you dont land the other side at the right angle or throttle input you can easily loose the front and face plant or loose the rear and high side. Like you said, I would much rather crash a bike then a quad!!
  4. I didnt start this thread looking for punks, they found me. You know how I am, I never back down to a challenge... You and mom are barking up the wrong tree, go PM the punk a$$'s with the "complexes"... Notice how all the guys starting crap are on qwads?? I rest my case...
  5. I guess you are sore a lot cuz the only time we have riddin you had the training wheels on!! HAHAHA :chev_bowtie: You guys gonna be out for clean-up??
  6. The worst part is, I just read that after the attempt, the pilot told air controllers not to use "that" runway and switched to one running the proper direction to the wind!! Whos more stupid, the 17 year veteran pilot who actually attempted the landing, or the controllers who told him to use that runway?? I know I would be one PO'D MOFO passenger to find out this info after the fact!!
  7. Never seen it, so ill take your word for it!! Its been selected, I was recieving replies at first, then they just stopped, once I starting replying again they starting working. :jester: This reminds me of one thing I dont like is you cant "turn on" email replies after you post if you forgot to. That makes 2 of us... That also makes 2 of us...
  8. Thats a great idea!! Jump side by side and do it in the air. Looser has to land with no hands!!
  9. Best outta three?? SWEET But since we are disputing riding skills, skip the arm wrestling and add in Sandy Valley Motorcross, just ONE lap, you could handle that right?? TRIATHALON, DO IT!! 1. Camp, to South Pole, to North Pole, back to Camp. 3 witnesses each plus a camera. 2. Drag race of your choice. 3. Sandy Valley MX track minimum one lap. Best 2 outta 3 wins (Pinks) You GAME??
  10. Well since u have never rode with me, nor have any idea what im capable of, lets settle this like men. You and me, start from camp, race from there to the South Pole, then the North Pole then back to camp. For Pinks... You game?? :afro:
  11. Yeah I think id be pretty pissed they even ATTEMPTED that!! Im sure theres another APO within the fuel radius...
  12. Yeah, we are all hairless monkeys anyways. They sent a monkey into Space before a human... Look a Monkey on a qwad...
  13. It seemed like you were accusing me of saying NO ONE on a qwad has any skill and that ALL qwad riders are "qwad tards". My experience is most anyone who has never ridden a bike and currently rides a qwad thinks all guys on bikes believe they are loosers. Its like a "complex" or something... Dont get me wrong, I have met many guys on bikes who think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but they cant keep up with a Utility qwad in the dunes. Hence this thread, looking for truly FAST, EXPERIENCED guys. I think because I was only looking for bikers (do to riding STYLES) all the qwad guys with COMPLEXES chimed in with the normal BS... Bikes leading qwads seems to work fine due to the long flowing "lines", its my experience on a bike following qwads that the sudden ubrupt U-turns many guys like to make causes issues with the bikes following them. You cant do that on a bike, so the lines get split up and you end up doing a lot of circling!! Also, its very easy to "crab" a qwad across the side of a hill, but its much more difficult for a biker of less skill. So generally, it just works better for bikes to follow bikes, especially when you are talking high speed experienced guys...
  14. Uh ok, that "bike" has a side car, so it might as well be a "qwad"... Lets try this, lets get an automatic trans peewee bike and an auto peewee quad. Pic 5 random children from the neighborhood with no prior riding experience and let them have at it. Then lets see how many can properly operate with no training the bike and quad. You pay the med bills for those trying the bike and ill pay for those riding the quad. Facts are facts my man. A bike is simply harder to operate. Im not picking on "qwad fans" im just stating facts. There some really fast guys on qwads that I have ridden with and I was really impressed. But the facts the same, the ease of operating a quad means the ratio of morons on qwads is always going to be higher... I was born a bada$$, I dont need a bike to make me one... Never contested that, dont put words in my mouth... Not exactly, its like comparing rifles and hand guns...they do the same thing, just in different ways and skill levels...
  15. How exactly is a guy who cant ride a quad going to even DREAM about operating a bike?? As far as the guy versus girl thing, I can name one right now that would give 60-80% of the guys I know a run for their money. Just ask Nick, he can tell ya... And for those of you who think Britt is a sexest pig, he is!! So what?? It's a free country and just as fair as you and I can call him that, he can prove it.
  16. This site must be having server issues?? I didnt get any email notification of replies and I also got the "click here" error message. Anyways, I agree with MOST of the above. However, I dont think it takes more skill to ride ridges or go over them on a quad, quite the contrary actually. Quads have 4 wheels and are naturally stable. A dirt bike going across a ridge or over it needs more rider imput to keep ballance on. Its easy to wash out the front and face plant, or have the rear slide downwards pointing the nose up the hill suddenly. The rest of what you said I agree with totally. Especially the bikes are less bumpy by far. Anyone who says a quad is a smoother ride in the rough stuff then a bike simply is ignorant and prolly has never riddin a bike. I started out on quads and now I ride bikes. There isnt anything short of a LT Car I havnt operated in the dunes and I picked bikes as my favorite. No one is going to convince me otherwise so dont try, just show up and RIDE... Quads take less skill to operate period, thats not a poke at you guys on quads its just fact. Anyone, child or adult can "operate" a quad all be it not very "well" and still have fun. Thats why 90% of off roaders start out on a quad. If in doubt slam on the brakes will save you from most danger, you dont even have to worry about putting your feet down. It simply takes more skill to operate a bike "WELL". You still have to operate the controls the same as a quad but at the same time maintain BALLANCE. Thats a bit much for a beginner in MOST cases. Unfortunately for responsible quad riders the idiot "quad tards" give you all a bad name (The no helmet drunk, racing circles around their camp, two up with tiny children on their laps, donuts that damage RVs, stirring up dust for everyone else, morons). Much like idiot "stunters" doing stupid stuff on the streets pissin of the cops and giving the rest of us "crotch rockets guys" bad names. I didnt start this thread looking to start a war. Bikes and quads dont always do well together do to the different handling charactersitics and riding styles. You cant haul up a hill on a bike and slam the brakes and make an instant U-turn like you can on a quad. Bikes tend to take faster smoother sweeping lines and take to the air more often. Bikes also handle the big whoops at much faster speeds (I have yet to see a quad pass me when im 5th gear pinned on the whoops going to Comp). When I said "near expert" I meant it, if you guys "bet my buddy can smoke you" GREAT!! Thats who im looking for, send them over and lets see!! Simple huh?? If your buddy really can smoke me great, when the day is over ill shake his hand, then stick a cold beer in it. No sh*t talking, just some good ol' fashion SHUT UP AND RIDE!!
  17. Yep, he takes it like a champ!!! :afro:
  18. He went backwards?? Back to training wheels?? HAHAHA Must be getting old and lazy??
  19. Who here is up for riding with us AND going to Clean-up??
  20. Sounds good!! If this Corvette deal doesnt happen in AZ ill be able to make clean-up weekend, you gonna be there??
  21. All fun and games till you pop a tire and one of them comes up behind you!! HAHA
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