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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Need to know what kind of rail you bought, engine, tranny, long travel, mid travel, turbo, non turbo, yada yada yada... rim size wanted or needed, fronts and rears or just rears, yada yada yada By the way.... congrats on your purchase Capt
  2. Perfect lol Haaa looks like it can handle the load of all those lights Capt
  3. I was thinking that it was ... way to clean lol Capt
  4. Thanks.. will post it there a little later.. going to eat breakfast .. hungry lol... Capt
  5. Not sure on how to embed vids yet more pics
  6. No... I was thinking it came at a close 2nd..... to the RZR4 Capt
  7. Skid plate stock swing arm Front and rear brake lines Stock exhaust Stock airbox also i think yfz upper and lower A-arms Would like to trade for a set of dirt tires and rims for my 700 Capt 575-1435
  8. Did I mention it has CLEAR ARIZONA TITLE.... with insurable vin Capt
  9. 2" coil overs with new CHROMED springs 2.5" bypasses with new CHROMED housing these are on all 4 corners... all caps and fittings are powdered orange Mendeola shift light, Tach, Master craft seats (oversized) -full bench in the back, console with tool box, power steering. Car has literally very few hrs.... totally tore apart front and rear and rebuilt it like new Capt Anyways FRI bump!!!
  10. Bad Idea to put 2 thinkers in a room and expect to get anything done :freakin_nuts:.... ask Bob about me and James discussing things before we did the work... wow we wasted a lot of time Capt
  11. Halloween you can see and ride.... just ask Capt
  12. Pump gas or race gas? 14 gal tank?... non the less a beautiful car Capt
  13. Prayers sent for you and your family... good luck Capt
  14. Staying in the sport but an opportunity to invest in something has arisen and I want to take advantage of it ... if the car sells... if it doesnt then in the mean time I will keep playing..RZR, quad and trailer will be up for sale soon if I have movement on the car. Capt
  15. Still trying to figure out what to do with all my free time...... No more waiting for the page to load or....... search to look through the total internet before it gives me a "couldnt find a match" display... HMMmmmm Now what Capt
  16. will be at Dumont for Halloween so if any POTENTIAL buyers want a ride or drive... look me up Capt
  17. Yeah tell me about it.. LOTS of Love into this car....I have to say it is near Perfect!! Capt
  18. Do the filter 1st.....New top end for mine already..150hrs Capt
  19. Thanks Tim, Wanting to do some thing a little different for a little while.. but....I love my car and I am going to drive it while I can and use it as much as possible this season Capt
  20. Muahahaaa... neighbors suck sometimes lol Capt
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