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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Haaa... You think its tight now lol.... wait till powder is done and you try to put it back together lol.... Its's going to be a MOTHER F'R.... But worth it when its done.. Good job Bert... Seems to be going good Capt
  2. those are straight nicotine ... good luck on quitting but those are in no way good for you Capt
  3. Get a hold of Power House Dan... He might be interested Capt
  4. the sonoco last a while.... depends on the brand but I would say that the sonoco last a season.. i have always had good luck with it Capt
  5. CONGRATSSSSSS BERT!!!! :peeps: Capt
  6. I would ... Love my Iphone Capt
  7. Check your fuel filter... Mine sounds like pinging like low octane ping when its hot and at higher rpm's sometimes. Could possibly be the harness or injector. If its under warranty I cant stress enough to you to take it to the dealer for any noises... so that they dont hassle you for warranty work later Capt
  8. Just Making a point.. Watch How You Type!!! ..... GOD has spoken!!! Capt
  9. Are you saying you were out at bathroom 7 last time? Not sure who..... WE ..is or what you mean by... We did enough damage!! Wasnt me or anyone I know....so WE didnt have anything to do with it. As for August..... end of August is the full moon and next time look around and keep an eye out for suspicious activity and we can keep the...WE .... factor to a minimun Capt
  10. Great Job everyone!!! You guys did a GREAT job.....Wish I could have helped... looks lie you had it covered.. Beers are on me for the crew... next time we are out Capt
  11. Denatured Alcohol will work to clean the windows and shouldnt melt the plastic.. I have a gal if someone want to pick it up Let me know David
  12. My wife has 1 also we use... she is good also and she does our floors , bathrooms ect every 2 weeks Capt
  13. Happy B-day to your son and awesome job on the bike Capt
  14. I havnt been either ynot.... went again today as our friends were in the legends class.. empty... but we had a blast... they will be here in 2 weeks to do it again and it is on my calendar Capt
  15. Its going again today.....2pm i think.. we are headed out again.. we have a friend out there racing the little midget sprint cars... Capt
  16. we are in also wife and kids and poss 1 friend Capt
  17. Kinda like typing on the forums to me... same thing just a little slower response... and texting on the forum has no ill effect on my internet bill Cheap bastard lol upgrade your phone......no texting on a phone is so 90's Capt
  18. Congrats on the Prizes... Nice turn out for sure... same type of trash every year... sry I missed.. had some stuff come up so I wasnt able to go anywhere.. Good Job Guys Capt
  19. She didnt want the dirty laundry aired over the internet lol clean up crew Capt
  20. Are you saying you knew he was dumping his tanks? and have seen him and others? Regardless of its being Richie or not.... I really dont think that is the point... 1st point is he has not explained, defended or posted anything on the contrary. 2nd why ban someone asking questions about it as it does affect all of us (if not guilty). 3rd he has a website that promotes Dumont and 4th makes a living off of .... offroading... I think these are more the points than anything... So Skyz I think u missed the bus on this topic. Probably would have went 1 page of some other yayhoo Capt
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