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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. That is the 1 lol... Thanks Dune_Rat... a picture says a thousand words.... haaaa no more sideways explaining Lucy :ahhhhh: Capt
  2. 'There was 2 undercover .. running around out there.... I seen 1 in a black or dark blue crown vic.. him and a sheriff turned on to the tecopa rd at the turn off to the gun range at almost blue diamond rd.. they headed back towards tecopa... Capt
  3. No.. single tab back lower part of car... mounted right behind the seat... Gas tank was right below shoulder height behind the seat so no room for a cross bar...but single tab to the floor area that he harness was connected to.. seat had its own tabs and those where bent forward also. If there was a bar I dont think seat would have moved much and occupants either.... if you look at bigblocktank(guy who bought a used car recently) he has a pic I commented on about his belts and how they were mounted... very similar but the black car had no cross bar to loop around Capt
  4. As for the black car I seen it with my own eyes and the seat belts were not attached correctly to prevent the occupants from sliding forward (seat and all)... The seat belts need to go through a cross bar behind the seat as to not allow forward movement.... it was attached to a tab at the base rear of the seat which allowed the whole seat and occupant to roll forward... again there was no cross bar behind the seat at all. Capt
  5. http://www.dmvnv.com/pdfforms/dlbookab.pdf a link for A non commercial Capt
  6. If this offends anyone..I will remove.... All due respect to the injured... if the seat belts were mounted right then it would not have been as bad of a crash to his body.. I also talked to the girl involved and she was fine except limping real good.... foot was under the hood sheet metal Prayers for a fast recovery.....
  7. I seen them also... lucky to get through without getting pulled over... had some right in front of me and trailers behind me.. I was lucky... sad to see them causing such havoc.... I guess what we pay at the dunes doesnt help them much so they need to suck us dry... I was told there were 2 sheriff, 5 hwy patrol and a couple undercover cops.... Wow I didnt know that Duners were such criminals.... A total Waste of enforcement.... well mostly....sad it has come to this Capt
  8. Well let me know when you are going down to get it done.. I am going with you... I have been lucky both times they have been in tecopa.... but luck only last so long Capt
  9. What was with the Sheriffs out at tecopa again... pulling rigs over looking for proper endorsements,plates, ect Pulled a guy over while he was dumping lol Capt
  10. Wow, Probably one of the best weekends out there. Started out sketchy but turned out to be a great time. We arrived Weds night at about 11pm, parked and semi leveled and went to bed, about 4 ish am the heater quit working... friggin union worker doesnt think it needs to work on a big weekend.... on to electric heater lol Weather was perfect... all weekend.. sand was wet but nothing 22lbs in the tires couldn't fix lol wow that car slides good Great having Barefootbob in the sand with Fasterdaddy and his family, BPguy, chris and his family..Camp was quite... well pretty much. Tim .... thanks for taking pics and video... looking forward to next time... Hope you ahd as much fun as my wife and I and I hope camp worked for you. Bob wasnt as crazy as I expected seings how he hasnt been out in a while... James and my wife were my Co-Pilots and I am Happy to report not problems with Cv's... well not that I had...sry chris... Easy fix pretty much.. had to clean up his axle before assembly and a minor electrical problem great runs... Pete you always break when it starts getting real good lol .... glad it limped back to camp. Sad to leave but I am beat up lol.... No complaints in camp and all the kids were good.... man what a trip.... Smokin Al's.... great food again and I was able to make a couple new customers for you guys and the wait is worht it everyone...MMMmmm fresh food takes time I have some pics I will try and post later.. Thanks everyone for a great trip Capt
  11. They were driving around camps running license plates and looking for stolen toys.haulers and anything else suspicious.. I watch BLM drive around our camp on fri am looking for trailers dumping gray or black water I am guessing it was stolen property Capt
  12. Let me say thanks to everyone that has had him in there thoughts.... DAllas is going home tomorrow :porn: Capt
  13. Seems to be great news all around.... get well Grim-Dart Glad he is doing great Randy Capt
  14. Dallas took 6 steps with his walker today Capt
  15. I have to say.......Its POSITIVE again.... the News that is...Dallasi s back in a regular room again.. :rtd: Docs didnt find anything out of the ordinary with his test results... Cat scan is normal :sampler: :rtd: He Know where he is, He understood and answered all the doctors questions ... he is coherent again... Wow... I am thrilled.....They think when they put a medical patch on him it caused the seizures.. Either way ... he is back on the road to recovery.... and he is determined to make the best of it.... Prayer works....Thanks again for all the thoughts and Prayers... I appreciate it.. Capt
  16. I appreciate everyone prayers and thoughts... Dallas is sedated again and they ran a cat scan last night and reviewed today and everything is normal... Not sure if that is good or bad?... they dont know what the cause is... Maybe god healed him? I believe god has kept him and will continue to do so. Even though I dont Practice my religion fully I have faith in my God...God is Good and he is Faithful... Next few days will tell the story Capt
  17. We ran into a problem partially sunday and kinda went south yesterday..... He started talking funny things on sunday... his wife thought it was the meds... Monday he was talking way out things like he was on his meds again or stuck in a dream. They sedated Dallas Last night and put him back under... transported him back to the ICU and planned on a Cat scan and a spinal tap today.. Spinal came back normal which I am not sure if that is good or bad seeing how they do not know what is happening and why. What they do know is that he has had 2 seizure and his brain is swelling... Hope they are able to find the cause and I hope it is easy treatment... So this is a big step back as of right now... I am praying for him and I know you guys are also...He was doing so good and things were looking awesome... I will continue to pray for a full recovery Capt
  18. We ran into a problem partially sunday and kinda went south yesterday..... He started talking funny things on sunday... his wife thought it was the meds... Monday he was talking way out things like he was on his meds again or stuck in a dream. They sedated Dallas Last night and put him back under... transported him back to the ICU and planned on a Cat scan and a spinal tap today.. Spinal came back normal which I am not sure if that is good or bad seeing how they do not know what is happening and why. What they do know is that he has had 2 seizure and his brain is swelling... Hope they are able to find the cause and I hope it is easy treatment... So this is a big step back as of right now... I am praying for him and I know you guys are also...He was doing so good and things were looking awesome... I will continue to pray for a full recovery Capt
  19. Happy B-Day Cole... And ...Many more Capt
  20. Dallas Is now awake and Doing GREAT!!!!... Thanks to all the Prayers on this and other sites.. Everyday he is more and more alert and asking questions.. Doctors said he wouldnt be able to drink from a straw for 3 days... it took him 1 HOUR :rtd: .... they also told him that he wouldnt be able to move his arms till about 2 weeks after therapy..3 Days he is moving his arms... When I was in there talking to him on thurs.. he was telling his dad to get his legs out.. LETS WORK THEM>> he said.. He wants out of that place.... He asked me about work and how the shop is doing ... the field crews and so on... very coherent.... He knows who you are when he sees ya.... :rtd: ... He has 2 therapy girls that give him a work over..... He told 1 of the girls ... Your a big b*tch lol.... He is fully and truely on the road to recovery.. He told me he will be back to work in 2 weeks.....then he said... maybe 3 lol.. He wants to work that body as much as he can right now and he wants out of the hospital. So I am happy to inform that his is doing better than a normal patient and his recovery is going real fast... it even impressed the docs..... I am so happy to see my friend and to be able to talk to him and to see something actually happening that is good... its even better than good Capt
  21. Congrats on loving the car... I hate CV's .... did I mention I hate CV's? lol Capt
  22. I think I have about 50 more pics to load.. had to leave and eat lol... will post more in a few yes the orange 1 is mine... Capt
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