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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Post up what you are bringing... I am getting spots set aside for everyone..... I have a pizza guy interested in putting up a pizza oven also Post up and reserve a spot now and what you are bringing.. I need to verify Capt
  2. Maybe Pete you can put a booth or something up and hand out stickers Capt
  3. slash blah blah blah Holy cow they were in force, 2 before the turn off headed home, the rest raight past the big curve after the hot springs. They were sitting on the side of the road out of there trucks ,cars and undercover jeep. I never ... ever see cops in or around tecopa ... well maybe 1 or 2 times but man o man they where heavy today. Total of 12 cops from Dumont home today.. No tickets I did pull over and put my current registration on so they didnt pull me over Capt
  4. Post up if you are going to make it and I will reserve a place... CaptNkllm=== Car and RZR
  5. congrats Don The baby is beautiful and Hope for a quick recovery for the Mom Capt
  6. bought 2.. yes 2 new cv's...934's lol F-Me.... got a weatherby 300 mag rifle with scope from the father inlaw He also gave my son a Ruger 270 with a scope for when he is ready to hunt... which according to him is now lol Capt
  7. Congrats Randy... Not sure who is out there this weekend but I never had a time out there I didnt have fun G/L with the girlz hope you all have fun this weekend and Merry Christmas Capt
  8. Congrats to you.... nice color and I would change the mounting point of the shoulder beltson the front and dbl check the rears... If you need them if might not work to good like it is Capt
  9. Wow ... Great price Jim... let me know and we can go get it and I can help ya put it in Capt
  10. O man thanks Pete... Your the best man... much appreciated Capt
  11. Well I am guessing I dont have a program that allows that lol... I suck!!... I will try and fix it by tomorrow Capt
  12. You got it.. better hurry with the tranny 1st though Capt
  13. I might have an extra you can borrow it its the same type.. wouldn't want ya out there with no communication let me know Capt
  14. After all this time i am still not sure on how to post a file like that 1 so it can be seen Capt
  15. Jan 23rd is the day adn start working on what your bringing... I have a Sandrail,Rzr, Raptor 700 I am bringing... Anyone else? Capt
  16. O man that is great!!!! Prayers for a quicker than usual recovery Capt
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