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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Any time just stop me if you see me.. I have to warn you... you might want to upgrade after you ride in it ... so consider that your only warning lol Capt
  2. Epic Fail lol :ahhhhh: Try again if its smoking Als.. then they must have been to good for the site Capt
  3. Haaaa that is funny... that is an expensive fix... hope he had fun Capt
  4. Single poster huh.. what work have you had done and what other shops did you compare to? I can tell you that he is not the cheapest in town nor is he close to reality on most of his prices for major work... I compared.. what ya got I saved 1,000 dollars on a raptor build by using Pure Evil Racing around the corner Capt
  5. same here... Always check Phil 1st for parts and work my way around... He has always been fair... If I dont like the cost of something out there then I would weigh the cost of driving back to Pahrump or to town... Cheaper to buy out there... It always pays to shop around Capt
  6. Haaa didnt know your car had enough power to dust ppl I might have dusted a few also when I left but... I will not say sorry.... there in the sand lol ... little dust never hurt anyone Capt
  7. Arrived around 8 ish on fri night... ended up having to park on the comp side of the last finger (dont like that area much). As I made the turn around the finger my work truck with my enclosed trailer decided to dig in.... so stuck. With in a few minutes a friend came by and pulled me out. Parked the 5er in the camp spot, turned on the genny and light would not stay on with my 12 volt system just 110.... so generator ran from fri night till sunday afternoon when we left.. I either have a bad battery of maybe the converter is bad... not sure.... water pump lights and heater would kick on and off even with the generator running. went to pull the car around camp to pull in my enclosed trailer and popped a power steering line... easy fix.. Ran out to comp hill and ran the hill a few times.... man it is running great... Sat around the camp fire till late and off to bed.. Sat we went to eat at Al's... and OMG the honestly do have the best food... Drove back to camp and took the scenic route. on a little hill and did a small jump and knock knock ... lost a retainer clip on the cv... so I thought. Pulled it apart .. clips still intact....Hmmm... looked at my ages and a 1" piece of cage was gone .. .well lol better than being stuck in the dunes.. Pulled it apart and re assembled.. 1hr max, so it wasnt that bad and I was clean :angry2: Drove all over on sat.. ran the hill some more and all I have to say is that CBM build a great motor.... Real dusty sat afternoon but the weather was great also.... warm but very nice.. Went to comp hill after the kids had there candy and ran the hill some more.. picked up my friend and after the 3rd pass we tried for 1 more... there was some nice rollers at the top of comp and hit the last one doing about 80 mph (what a blast it was) and Lost power to the wheels... thought maybe some linkage fell of or something.. but was still able to shift into other gears but no worky worky.... Coasted down the hill and went as far as I could coast without running those crazy ppl over... another blown cv lol this time I lost the whole cage and all my Balls lol.. limped back to camp and stuck with the rzr.. Incredible weekend for sure.. I will add more tomorrow.. also as I was coming out of the entrance to comp... headed to camp (on my quad) some kid decided it was very important to cut across and not look or slow down... I caught his rear tire with my front tire and I bent both tie rods on my raptor.. kid was ok and I am fine .. thanks for asking :porn: I had so much fun this weekend that when the car broke I wasnt even upset... just great time with my family (lovely wife and kids) Mom (1st time out) , bro inlaw and sis... friend James and Kelly and Chris and Rachael.. cant wait till next time Capt
  8. I think its north on jones.. all the way out there but you need GPS to make sure you are far enough.. or maybe its decatur but in that area.. Capt
  9. CaptNkllm


    Nev registration is only like 27.00 Its Clark county taxes that get you.... so if you actually register in another county it is cheaper overall Capt
  10. HAAAAA.... Billy Pete Mays lol... OMG that is GREAT!!! Capt
  11. I have heard it helps and it is worth the upgrade ... Talk to Bob .. he is familiar with it.. or call Bruce at CBM and ask him Capt
  12. I think the programmer is the least of everyones worries... they will void the warranty whether or not you used anything... or at least try to void it...Chevy is real bad about it and for is right behind them... Ask Craig about the argument over a tranny with Dodge lol... any reason .. even if they did the work on it sense new capt
  13. CaptNkllm


    Haaaa... $730.00 for trailer, new sticker for my truck (someone stole it) and renew my license so that makes it $690.00 or $700 for the trailer... only... its used for half a year... Whatever though .... its only money lol Capt
  14. CaptNkllm


    Isnt cali every 2 yrs? Register in Pahrump next year Capt
  15. Sry to hear this.. Post up pics and we can watch for them... watch craigs list everyday... thats how we tracked some of our stuff down G/L Capt
  16. Here I thought riding bareback was against the law lol... o wait the was dbl riding wasnt it.. glad you had fun looks good out there Capt
  17. Sometimes I am ignorant but I will have plenty of time to get edumicated next weekend I will be parked around bathroom 6 when you have time Tim... come and get me for a drive Yes I have balls just not as big as Pauly's Capt
  18. I think I have 1 also...... buy stuff off Craigslist...... part it out and sell it for more money than you paid for it... Haa maybe even find a friend that you can sell the parts to..... at an even higher profit Everyone needs to do there part for the economy....... even friends :headspin: soooo with that said ... does any of my friends want to buy a quad?? I paid $6500.00 for it but I will be willing to sell it for $7000.00 but I am keeping the motor but I guess I could give you the used motor oil Capt
  19. How much for rear rims off my sandcar...17" about 12" deep... are you mobile? license? Capt
  20. CaptNkllm


    I am thinking all my stuff is getting moved to Pahrump for the next go around.. trailer was $27.00 for registration and $500.00 for taxes and other b.s Capt
  21. And that there is the point that makes (or made) America Different.... You are able to believe that.... and it not be held against you... but man how have thinks changed huh? Capt
  22. I am going to guess ...4 seater.. subi.. at about 1400lbs and mid travel Am I the winner? Capt
  23. 2pm saturday like usual.. followed by a good sand fix as per usual.. looking forward to good times and some relaxing fun Capt
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