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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Wow I have to say you are doing a great job.... Wow. I understand how costs can run up fast on these rebuilds and how 1 thing leads to another... Great Job Capt
  2. I was thinking that also.... but that has yet to be determined :worthless_without_pics: Cant wait to break it in lol Haaa kinda feels like my honey moon lol Capt
  3. Car fax.. phewwie get a Car Fox lol :worthless_without_pics: Retarded commercial haaa Capt
  4. Well I picked up the shocks today for the front of the car and 1 A-arm.. other A-arm is not finished yet ( I am not sure how he could take any longer)... Went to the SSSS on sat and looked around and all I can say is... WOW.. it was HOT!!! I worked on my farmers tan and tried to keep my 6 head from burning lol I stopped in Hesperia sunday and I helped James put my beads on my rims and tires.. Rivited the pieces on the trunk back on and Finished all the zues screws, tool box, console and wing. After all my lazy work on the car lol I headed home.. Cant wait to finish this thing!! Some pics Capt
  5. It is open.. plan your trip.. everyone is just messing around Capt
  6. Well congrats man... that is awesome sounds like she already camps.. because I thought everybody when they are camping.. that is what causes big belly syndrome on women Congrats again man Capt
  7. Stated value is what it was called for the 1 and replacement value was the other.. Stated = what you insure your car for (stating its value) = having receipts to show for purchase and upgrades Replacement = actual replacement value = going to the builder and having them replace the car with all similar parts = cost from builder is what they pay Capt Hope this isnt to confusing
  8. Welllll no shocks this weekend I am done trying to plan anything lol A arms , (hopefully hiems), ready for pick up tomorrow Capt
  9. I think it was around 75 a month. so 900.00 yr approx but my new rail is I think 100 a month now. Capt
  10. 1 type of insurance is Actual cost replacement so if it was 75,000 to replace thats what you would pay on. 2nd would be Stated amount.. so you said it is worth 50,000 and you paid on that. When our rail was stolen State farm did actual replacement even though we paid on a cost of 50,000... they paid 55,000 with taxes insurance and registration.. they paid me over the insured amount. Wasnt much but hey every little bit helped. For those that dont know I had enclosed trailer taken with all my tools and crap.. Keep your reciepts.. very important if you need to use the insurance.. Homeowners helped with the trailer but only for 1,000.00 but all my tools where under howmowners policy as it was in the driveway.. They wanted a seperat binder for the trailer with full coverage.. Capt
  11. Thanks everyone!! More pics tonight after I get home later... Brice call me when you get a chance Capt
  12. Sounds good Terry... I had to special order my large heims as they didnt stock the ones I needed so I told him I need them by fri... so if they dont come in I will use my old ones and replace them later if needed.. now just need to get my shocks and A arms from the Chrome guy and we will be ready to roll Looking forward to getting it done and riding Capt
  13. Plan is on fri night to start putting the front end together (start at about 11pm lol) should know if pieces are missing or not fri night lol... will be up and running by sat if everything goes like I am thinking... I will let ya know as soon as possible Capt
  14. Well so far everything looks to be on track for this weekend.... all goes right then I will have a car to drive come sat night Sunday run is in order given any missing parts that Bob misplaced .. or tools for that matter lol Capt
  15. I am going as fast as the parts guys will let me lol... Wish I could do it myself haaa ... I could be.. CaptN-chromer 3" might be for next season... right now I just want to drive it :hatdance: !!! Capt
  16. Actually its been there for about 2 weeks lol.. need to really crank that blot down and James and I need to do it as Bob cant put to much pressure on his belly.. It will be gone soon lol Capt
  17. You did... you cant lift more than 6oz at a time lol so you never cleand up STU 35.5 rears and 10.75 fronts(i think).. Trans is geard for them so we will see how they do CApt
  18. Thanks Mike.. Now I see lol..sry for the confusion ... yes a photoshop.. That is the end result .. I hope Capt
  19. You guys are moving faster than my wallet will allow ... Graphics will probably mid to end of season...2 reasons..1 is money and 2nd is I want to make sure that the graphics are what I want so I am going to take my time Definitely needs some lol All in all it is looking real good.. Cant wait to finish it Capt
  20. Well I made it by there around 1 ish... took some pics and was out the door.. Looking real good with the panels on it... just need the front end and shocks and we will be all back together.. Capt
  21. More pics later today... I dropped off my panels with Bob and James fri at about 11pm and we went to Knotts Berry Farm.. Before I could get down the hill they started sending me pics off there cell phones with all the sides on.... Man it looks goooood...... Swinging by James house today on the way home so I can get some good pics for the site.. Capt
  22. Matt and tim... let me say it like this,, I didnt do this thread to involve what was said and what wasnt done.Its my build thread( or rework thread). Matt your facts are not correct 1st off actually not close at all.. but leave it at that. I told Bob I was done with explaining how things were done and I just did them myself. If you have questions please feel free to call me anytime and I can explain it more the.. and last point .. who recieved my money again? Now please leave it at that. More pics coming tomorrow Capt
  23. well where is the tittle? Does it have 1 at all?.. maybe time to register it in az and get 1 for it... My insurance came in real nice when I needed it. Capt
  24. Haaaa .... Pansies :B ..... You are a good guy either way.. You know I was kidding .but you have to admit that left foot in and your left foot out was pretty damn funny A/C is the worst when it quits working. Kudos to Joe and his DANCING feet :drunks: .. Capt
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