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Everything posted by CaptNkllm
Put your left foot in....... put your left foot out...... put your left foot in and shake it all about Capt
feel free to add your Caption to this pic lol Hmmmm I wonder what goodies are in the bag?? WTF IS THIS????? Glad I have 2 thumbs Capt
Headed to cali in about 2 sec Capt HAaa good thing I like u guys lol http://www.glamisdunes.com/invision/index....drail+insurance
There is a guy on GD.com that sales it and handle many people over there Capt
Here are a couple more pics of parts.. I didnt get the parts back like I was hoping to today so if all is well they will be done next week.. This is the chrome on my front bypass housings.. not as good as I hoped but it was inexpensive and my new skid plate... taylor made for me It is coming together.... slowly lol Capt
My father in law has an 05 and I took it to pick up lunch 1 day on sahara... I had that thing up to 70 mph in 2nd gear lol ... his has all the bells and whistles He asked me how I liked it and I told him it drove almost as good as my Avalanche lol... Didnt get to drive it for a long time after that haaaa they are fun cars for sure Tim .. .Congrats Capt
Thats cuz you drive a girls truck :B Capt
How low is low?? I have a trailer you can borrow from work.. its a dove tail.. very heavy though.. is it weekends or when will you need Capt
No problem.. Drive careful .... need any help call Bob lol ... I will volunteer him Capt
Is it sunday or sat lol.. I have my side panels for my car I was going to send down to Bob... I can rig it up for this fri.. we are headed down there .. just was worrying about the wind catching 1 of the panels and throwing it out of my truck.. Capt
Open or closed trailer? Capt
I would gues his shop is 40' X 60'... it has room for 3 full size rails as you can see from the pics.. James car is going to come out real nice ( maybe nicer than mine when its done)... If I was going to loose My thunder than I wouldnt mind loosing it to him lol Here are some pics I stole last week at the shop where it is being built.. ( frame was outside and trailing arms where being fabbed in the garage)... we were leaving so I didnt take the crap off the top of it for pics Capt Edit on a side note..... WE already installed Bob's seat on the passengers side... it was custom made for him so his belly dont ache anymore
EVERYONE.....STAND BACK.... Jim made a funny In my best Jim voice... your 1 sick fk lol Capt
Obviously havnt heard me complain lol.... ask Craig Capt
It was real squirly when I drove it out at Dumont and I was all over the place... so I played with the suspension.. changed tires and anything else I could think of at the time to make it drive and ride better.. Some things worked but it wasnt riding like knew it could so... after me complaining a whole lot, my wife said tear it apart and fix it... so the rebuild started... coming out nice and I am excited to get it out and adjust it. Hope for the new car feel and smell when I get done lol Capt
End result after Powder and paint
!st off let me say how much I appreciate my Wife and friends.... James and Bob have gone above and beyond the friend.. duties.. There has been a lot of hours in the shop and many Gallons of sweat lol. Lets start at the beginning.... Car Did not handle like I know it should have ( considering Bobs car is the same car and it rides great).. and I was having issues with the clutch ( lol ).. We took the engine out and replaced the clutch with a superior clutch (I hope ).. "Kenedy".... upon dis-assembly we noticed that the trailing arms had some play with them and decided it was a good time to pull out and replace the bushings. Removed the shocks for a rebuild and At the time only had plans to rebuild shocks and clutch. After removal of the trailing arms I was going to powder them up and clean up the chrome as it starting peeling away from the sand blasting it had taken. I sent the shocks out to the shock guy here in town and had him take them aart so that I could powder coat them orange to match the car... I was very un clear if the powder would work or not and that if there would be a problem with the re assymbly of the shock and the seals being able to seal and not leak. After Ed took the shocks apart I ran them over to State of the Art Powder coating and he seperated the parts and we decided on what was going orange and what was going silver. After dropping of the trailing arms at P/C I decided against the silver powder coat and Bob found a place in Cali that was resonable so I sent them to Bob and he delivered them and also picked them up about week later ( I am glad I went with chrome instead of powder on those parts). After powder coating called and and said everything was complete I sent them back over to Ed to have them Put together... after a little fudging he was able to get them together without any sealing issues .. After all the parts where in and I bought all new bushings , sleeves, shock rebuild kits, grommets and what nots it was time to put it all together.. It took several hours to get the trailing arms on and adjust the shock mounts so that everything cleared properly and worked like we wanted it... After the rear was done and the price was resonable for chrome I decided ( after listning to Bob and James for a week) to tear into the front and start that and replace all the bushings and rebuild the shocks again.. took the A-arms to the chrome guy and my bypass tubes to get them done (waiting on them now).. I have already bought new bushings and sleeves for the front and also Hiems. Last weekend (again after listning to Bob James and my wife) I decided to take all the paneling off (well Bob did that) and repowder them.. will be picking them up tomorrow. Hopefully all the parts will be back and ready to put on by next weekend and I can finally get a shakedown run and be ready for season to start... I am sure there is some stuff I forgot ie. New radiator... but that is the jist of whats been going on for the last couple months... Many thanks to My friends Bob and James for all the help and all the directions... Capt
guess i said it twice lol Capt
I was going to say the same thing lol..... Dune Porter lol Capt
I am planning on being there as of right now.... we will see.. Rail should be back together in the near future ... CApt
But the others are not Dumont Vendors but Doghouse is... I will be ordering 2 before the sale is over Capt
Well by looking at your avitar... looks like you baby yours also lol Capt
Man I miss that car.... CApt
I aint scared lol... havnt seen your last car for a whole season and you think you will actuallt use this 1??? HAAaaa Aint that the truth lol Capt
2 months lol ... :clown: Capt