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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. OMG you just painted a picture ... haaa... do you have a beer belly lol Capt
  2. 1 that kept meowing would be cool lol.... meow...... meow.... Capt
  3. I am kinda thinkin its the whole enchilada lol Capt
  4. Almost looks like a thanksgiving turkey I did with my hand in 3rd grade lol Capt
  5. Lol I am not sure.... never met the other guys ... ... maybe if they only recieved a warning Capt
  6. 10 yrs ago... i was fresh outta kindergarten lol Capt
  7. About friggin time lol ... I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get motivated My wife was pulled over for no headlights (with her cousin in the passengers seat) Officer looked at the 5 point hanesses... looked at my wife and her cousin and after he was done starring at there boobs told them to have a nice night Maybe everyone else was the wrong gender lol :blonde: Capt
  8. Wingy what happend to your secret stash??? lol CApt
  9. Wow some great stuff if you look around Capt
  10. Complaining time is over... time for a fun thread I think I have the best memories from Dumont and Have met some great PPl.... and then there's ... well you know what I mean Wingy lol Capt
  11. CaptNkllm


    I like PIZZA!!! :B :?: :ah: :drunk2: :clown: :flatbiller: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :comp: Capt
  12. We are going also....but... I need to make a list of things for the suggestion box at the BLM's hut at Dumont... I have some suggestions in regards to the road and the reasons behind the Leo's pulling PPL over :ah: :clown: Capt
  13. That actually made me laugh out loud..... ... is that wrong Capt We do it the same way basically.......except I make sure my wife the dishes real good before she puts it back in the cupboard .... sry I couldnt resist lol LOL I am sry I cant stop laughing
  14. Wheres Michigan lol .. you are a long way from home toto lol I agree with him also... I dont like repeat offenders I like dead offenders also CApt
  15. Thought this might help someone http://www.ccis.com/home/mnemeth/12volt/12volt.htm http://www.ccis.com/home/mnemeth/12volt/12volta.htm I found on another site so ... not really my find Capt
  16. Good IDEA!! get on it lol.. I will post in it :clown: Capt
  17. I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 CApt
  18. My last post also... You are entitled to a free drink at my trailer next time we are out.. Hit me up next time and we can have some fun in the sand.. and no is knocking your opinion lol .. it makes for good summertime conversation and I am the master SH!t starter sometimes .. just ask Aaron lol Capt
  19. That is true lol I am sure there are a few rules I have broken also but Whips, lights, Helmet, Never ridden out of bounds I am registered as of now also. No one said Banshees break he rules.. its usually the riders that do that. Rangers will never be perfect and they run off emotion just like you do with your POSTS>... Like I said.. if you have a problem with me or what I do at the dunes... Post up... if not ... then shut up. I feel ... again my opinion ... I feel you are over reacting about all this.. I am sure the tone would change if your kids, wife ,brother, friend or whom ever was hit by a guy with no lights on a partially lit hill.... or ran over cresting a dune.. Relax.. have a drink on me.. (but dont drive lol) Starting to sound like kid and a broken record and I mean that in the best possible way. but like I said I am man enough to take criticism.. so if you have issue.. here is the chance to clear the air Other than that I LIKE PIZZA!!!! Capt
  20. Haa you are on the ball this morning.. Capt
  21. Thats MR. to you... :B Go ahead!! make my day Baby Huey lol Capt
  22. What do you know about women lol?? Cole you guys did a great job on your house and congrats Capt
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