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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Personally I think we should have a RANT section on here or maybe a section for SINGLES........ Muahahahaha I couldnt resist it Glad to see your Growing UP!! Welcome to the site (again) Both U's Capt
  2. ^ ^ ^ The Hills Have Eyes!!!! Haaaa I knew it :?: Capt
  3. Incase your rail in a giant bubble ... it can be liek one of those giant water balls at the lake or in the pool lol you drive and it rolls... muahahaaa Id say the bag trick with maybe some 3m clear tape on the lens glass ... kinda like the clear plastic cover that comes on pda phones or a tv when you 1st buy it... or the best way would be to buy a camera that was intended for the sand Capt
  4. sounds to me like blockage......... drop a couple poop pills in the water tank and let her flow.. try pulling the line off at the connections and blowing out with a air hose... not sure if the faucets have screens on them but check it anyways ( wouldnt explain water not flowing further tho). you have some blockage though.... find where it splits( T's) and go from there ... or work your way back from the faucet to the pump Capt
  5. PM BarefootBob.. ask him to get it welded.. He lives in Apple Valley and I think James might be able to take care of that for you (he lives in hesperia) Capt
  6. No problem.... Dont mind being the 1st guy to see it when it ROCKS Capt
  7. Wow she looks like a dude!! give it a mustache and move it to PORTLAND!!! Capt
  8. Man I have to say I wished I watched wolverine first Then watched Star Trek OMG Star Trek was a Great movie a 9.5 possibly a 10 with wolverine with an 8.. Star Trek has everything and action packed just a great movie and great acting (they read up and made there characters to match the original cast) Both would be a must see but if only time to see 1 the the trek has my vote Capt
  9. You from Portland to? Gives new meaning to a warm cinnabon.. Shake and Bake .... Baby!! Capt
  10. I am guessing she marked her territory!! OOO Shiat is VERY serious to her.... A little squirt goes a long way... OOOPS I DID IT AGAIN!!! I heard Sushi will do that to ya.. :flatbiller: CApt
  11. Dont take it so personal lol....Unless it was you but I dont think you have lived in Portland?? or ... have you? :stir: I might be able to 1-up Charlie with that bag lol WELCOME >>>>>>>>>SUMMERTIME CApt
  12. Look Here and Please Let Him Know Crglst_1_.pdf Capt
  13. Maybe thats were Kayla has been? Stuck in the fence she never gets on here any more so when she gets unstuck maybe she can describe this fence Capt
  14. 4 screws... haaa if he cant figure them out...he shouldnt be building cages :B J/K .. just unscrew the screws and pry it off... not hard at all Capt
  15. I will be there with my family, sis and brother inlaw.... Capt
  16. CaptNkllm


    Amber Bock MMMmmm Delish Fat Tire (haa just kidding Pete and Jim) Capt
  17. Thats what we use basically... bungee the cooler in the back and it works nice... $25.00... Capt
  18. lol if u see that on a battlefield I would run haaa CApt
  19. Fuggin server lol.... locked up and then....whalla a....dbl post lol Capt
  20. I would have went back in and caused a big scene in the restaurant.... waited to see what the manager said about this guy.... probably would have ended up with a free fatty ribeye lol .... I usually dont make scenes vut I am telling you what... I would have been in there pissed... right behind my wife LOL sry Pete.... kinda nice to see other people go through my stuff once in awhile Capt
  21. Dan from Powerhouse http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...p?showuser=1127 try that Pure Evil Racing 702 646-2953 or that... either way you go it will be done right and you will be happy Capt
  22. Powerhouse .. Dan... he will do a great job for you or ..Pure Evil Racing CApt
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