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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Just got home and someone stole my 26' enclosed with my car and all my other stuff in it.. They pulled in the driveway and pulled off with it.. keep an eye out for it or parts..... will post pics in a bit Capt
  2. Didnt look like they were operating anything lol 2nd Kinda reminds me of of cheese at his job Capt
  3. Tell your wiff to call my wiff .... she has 1 we take Niki toooooo... BTW come get your diamond plate fool Capt
  4. Bring them over and I will fix them ..... Capt
  5. Watched them again.. my Direct tv is not workin lol... Man Tim that was a great weekend and great videos. Capt
  6. Wow Don.....Looks like a fluffy Desert lol Capt
  7. If it has the chevy computer plug on it then I have a reader and a code clearer. Let me know on the plug and you can use it also if needed Capt
  8. 95.00. Worth every penny Capt
  9. They have 4" out now :poop: .... Might get a pair for the Pillar mounts and the front of the car Capt
  10. Wheelie bar on Glamisdunes.com is the 1 to ask... I think you will have to go with external balast but I am no expert... That Light thread is mine and I cant say enough about them.. They are great!!! Cheap .. Reliable... I have beat the Hell out of those things and they have proven themselves to me. I have 1 with the glass broken out and it works great still You can splice into the existing wires but I would check the gauge of wire that is used if you run them on 1 or 2 wires. If they run all separate then You are good. To me I would go with the cheap ones and call it a day. They have 4" out now so they might work better for space saving Capt
  11. Paid it and ttraffic school online Capt
  12. CaptNkllm

    More Coral

    I like the 4th 1 best lol haa made you look.... that was a great weekend CApt
  13. Haa ... thats not for the toyhauler lol thats to small... I have my projector for the hauler I need to measure and get a bigger 1 for the trailer though CApt
  14. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1202649425028 Ordered this 1 online for $999.00 sunday Samsung - 56" 1080p Slim-Depth DLP HDTV Capt
  15. I heard they are ....Finger licking ...good Just kidding...lol ... never heard of them Capt
  16. CaptNkllm

    More Coral

    Haaa /....... Mr. Tic Tac Capt
  17. Liar...>Fabricator....lol I have your service lol Capt
  18. Freely nothing lol that EFFER had to pull me over to admit anything... Kinda hard to argue with a guy with a badge and a partial case of beer in the back seat lol... usually I would have argued (ask my wife ..she hates it) but didnt want any problems with him about the partially started case(no i wasnt drinking). Bob thats not nice to admit some elses faults lol ....thats my only fault hahaha :?: Capt
  19. Kinda what I was thinking...but if there is no points then I will just pay it and call it a day Capt
  20. If its no points then I will just pay it.. I was doing 87 in a 70 zone (slowed down but not enough) guess I will call them and get it squared away thanks Capt
  21. I received a speeding ticket on the way to Bobs house a couple weeks ago and was wondering does anyone know of a lawyer that can take care of it? Any Ideas? besides not speeding... very impatient CApt
  22. Thanks for the Pm Paul.. wow man that is awesome..... I love the floor plan Capt
  23. :?: what? :ah: now all i need to do is remove the back seat and about 800 more pounds and I think I can take you Bob ...never underestimate the :B (afro Ninja) (Obama Style) Call me Bob Capt
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