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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Try a .. CUP O NOODLE ,Tick Tack or Tuna CAn ...(inside joke) I was thinking of going to the Write on rice booth downtown and see if they can put flames on mine CApt
  2. Muahaha Gay marriage was banned in Cali :black: Thats 1 hell of a sticker :flatbiller: J/K Eggrolls lol (new meaning) lol Capt
  3. OMG what a shame I think I would Cry like a baby Capt
  4. Haah I wouldnt say he is the lessor of 2 evils.. wait till he starts all his policies and then we see where we are at. Capt
  5. Not sure what you call Perfect lol Rich? Upper part of society? Not sure what you meant. America was never meant to be run by Lawyers and the so called Elite and upper class. I can find Fault in every President. Funny thing is that there is a checks and balances in this country and it isnt always the president that makes all policy. What kills me more is that people from other countries come here (like most of us) and reap the benefits and complain.. I always thought this is the greatest country in the world (obviously you did to because your here). Complain all you want about Bush, Clinton, Bush senior or whom ever you want but also remember there is a checks and balances with the govt. So really no one person is to blame but all.. Maybe you can move to Europe where they pay .... what is it up to now 70% of there income to taxes? O wait your in America Also...lol hmmm Ok Rant over for now :black: Capt
  6. Haaaa.... but remember.... If the Muslim community would stand up and say that Terrorism is wrong and denounce it then things wouldnt be as bad as they are and might get.... If you dont stand against it and say your peace then 1 might assume you are for it....right? Goat cheese and Belly buttons SUCK A$$!!! Capt
  7. Why dont you and Charlie camp with us? You are more than welcome South pole?? we all know that doesnt exist :argue: Capt
  8. Lol I agree But Thelma and Lois (sp) are cool lol Capt
  9. I dont want to argue about this guy either but..... I judge most everybody from there BACKGROUND!!!! WTF else is there?? Everyone has a pattern..everyone and that IS what makes a person.... period. I think alot of PPL are ignorant and do not investigate the facts before they vote and that IS what America has become.. Black white purple or pink doesnt matter but BACKGROUND does......its kinda like a name...everything is in a name... everything. Now I wont ask where He was born, where the majority of his finances came from, how in the hell can you spend billions to be elected, how did he attend a muslim school if he isnt muslim, will he put his hand and swear on a bible, what has he done as a Senator, How many Bills has he supported or Created and submited, how many hours are logged in to vote as a senator...... That would be my starter questions .... Sandsoulja if you have these answerers please post.. those are just a few and it sound like you have some insight... we shall see how your business does in the next 4 yrs when all the payroll taxes and other things go up to fund all these socialist activities..... myabe you can buy me some insurance for my family with all the extra money you will make off him lol Hahahha dont get me started on this guy Capt
  10. Lol thats funny ^^^^ Funny cause smoke is how I got busted by undercover Capt
  11. All I can say is ........ :fro_smokin: :black: :bert: :ah: Thats about it..... Mine was $600.00 after the lawyer went. Not including the layer all that matters at the end of the day is.................. I WON <<<<<<<<<<<< I won Good luck Capt
  12. Donation sent Pete... Hope everyone donated maybe 1 hr pay towards this...its worth every penny. I havnt used the facilities much but I have bought some bolts from him and he is a real help in the middle of the desert Capt
  13. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ that works... I have seen it with my own eyes. I have the LLY and when going up huge grades I let mine get to 1350 to 1400 constant with no problems... I have seen 1600 on accident 1 time lol almost had a heart attack Capt PS... Hi Dan
  14. He wouldnt know cuz he didnt camp with us........OOOOOPPPPFFFFF :porn: Capt
  15. Anyone need to borrow a pass to get in... to release some frustrations :moon: :moon: Capt
  16. Just for piece of mind I am not butthurt.....Just an opinion also... I paid my dues and more out there ( I feel). ITs all good my Cheeser Capt
  17. Ok Cheese ... I suppose I should ask for a discount on my 2nd pass sense I use it every now and then.. I use my 1st pass the most so it would only be fair to the blm or whomever if I ask for a discount. Also I feel I support Dumont everytime I use vendors row... There is hardly a weekend (ever) that I dont buy something from Steve or Doghouse (which they pay for everyday they sale out there and they pay a seperate fee if they sleep there (on site). Wow start adding up the money they charge for stickers, passes and everything else and how much is wasted on district supervisors and whatnots that have not even seen Dumont? Come on use ur head here. I am sure you have towed a trailer or whatever without getting a 1 day or a 10 day on it or paid for registration on something sitting in your yard ( if its on the driveway here in vegas it is supposed to have insurance and registration on it) B.S. ...There is a limit and a little common sense that goes into it and there is also feesability on a Duners part also.. Just like Stacey said.... I paid for 2 vehicles last year and this year and what 2 vehicles i decide to bring or my friend does then so be it the fee is paid... Now if....say i have possibly 3 diff vehicles I could take to the dunes does that mean to buy 3 passes if I can only take 2 trucks at a time??.... Nahhhh Come on ... use a little sense on this Capt
  18. I bought my passes ( plural ) so I did my part and then some Capt
  19. Nah... I have 2 separate passes... 1 for my truck and 1 for the truck that tows my rail out. I use my extra to loan out if someone needs a pass. I am to lazy to drive to the entrance and I am not talking about 2 vehicles using 1 pass Capt
  20. And its not like I take 3 vehichles out and only use 2 passes.. If another truck is in my camp and I am not using my Pass then I dont see why it would be a problem to use it as they are probably towing something out for me anyways..... and its my junk in the back of there truck... sooo plain me da problm Cheeser? Capt
  21. Not so true Cheese... 1st off let me start with my pass....its only borrowed maybe 4 times a year so I highly doubt that money will be missed. If it is then I suspect more problems out there than a pass collection fee.. Secondly when was the government actually fiscally responsible??? NEVER!! The fees will go up and the amount used ,spent or allocated will be less every year or every other year. As you and I have both seen through the years that govt grows and taxes grow...wasted money and I am certain that there is wasted money in the pot somewhere... So not so true Capt
  22. Just for the record.... I bought 2 passes with holidays... So fk all ya'll ... I feel I have spent enough and any of my friends want to use it they are more than welcome to it if I am not. If you think thats not a help to there cause then I will assume you have other problems and issues.. Trust me.... I really dont care what others think .... especially when the whole story isnt out there and they jump to conclusions Capt
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