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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. HAHAAaa funny thread.... 12 guage in the trailer 45 and a 32 cal in the truck Tim. 45 has the clip in it but no round in the chamber...like your shotty or mine, it needs to be loaded before you can shoot Capt
  2. My pass Doesnt have any of those on it Just bought it and I have loaned it out also with no issues... Capt
  3. Will do Jill....kinda miss you and Charlie in a sick kinda way lol lol Capt
  4. Pic was removed for a needed reason. Thread is still good tho and fypt = fuk yo personal time ok capt LOL
  5. I said PICKUP YOUR DAMN phone!!!! lol Call me Bob...or look at your phone texts. Sry didnt know who she was so I a$$-umed it was wife or what lol ... my bad Capt
  6. :chkn: wow I have to bump my own posts lol Capt
  7. We had a blast at state line watching the sand races here is a pic of a jeep that crashed right after Craig left he walked away and was fine..... it was great out there and also ran into Steveo.. nice to see him and the family Capt
  8. Well sense Craig is going out of town here soon I thought I would give him a great push off PIC Just remember....WHO LOVES YOU BABY!!!! :chkn: Go ahead and add in what ya think... lol :porn: Capt
  9. Sounds good... tell him I said thanks. Let me know when you find out and next weekend is alright Capt
  10. http://stuff.pyzam.com/toys/tictacscare.swf absolute best game ever.... and the music is the a bonus Capt
  11. Let me know when he is leaving... Anyone going to Dumont this weekend? I might be going so someone can take from Dumont also if possible. Capt
  12. And that was probably before they put that crap down Capt
  13. Need to get some tires to BarefootBob this weekend or next weekend. Anyone going that direction that can make a delivery for me ( Victorville ) (Hesperia) ( Apple Valley ). Car is going to the Dyno and I need these tires on it but they are in my garage.... or if someone has a set of rear tires (33" if possible) with a minimal set back rim Anyone? Capt
  14. Anytime I can help out Just glad you liked it.. and its always fun to B's in the Driveway lol Capt
  15. dealers suck lol think I might have it fixed... we will see Capt
  16. Why dont all the Funco owners put some cash in and sponsor there own .. With all the talking they do about there cars I would suppose it wouldnt be a problem if all the owners put up 50 bucks and helped Grant oout a little this year and maybe next year will be better... just a suggestion would be kinda sweet to see everyone to put there wallet where there mouths are and step up.. just a thought again just a suggestion Capt
  17. I have a quad I bought without a certificate of origin. I own it and it is paid for but to get a certificate from the original owner is impossible ( i am the 3rd owner). I have a lien and basic ownership but nevada doesnt have titles they give on OHV's. So I am looking for someone to help me with the paperwork so I can sell this thing and get the rest of my money (its sold as of now but need cert). Any Ideas would be appreciated.. Thanks Capt
  18. Now i have been to Coral , Dumont lol but where is the Black sand at lol.. Banner did turn out great Capt
  19. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/09/t...ul_life_of.html Capt
  20. We wont be there this year... to much stuff to do.. rail is in pieces and that is the weekend I am putting it back together. Bob isnt going either cuz he is working for me and I need to pimp his out for some cash to put the rail back together. lol Capt
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