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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Whats wrong with it?? looks fine to me Man those kids need that A$$ beat ( or maybe the parents) Capt
  2. HAHA I bought the auto satalite lol so no need.... J/k.....not sure what they are soooo I have nothing to add to this post lol which is normal for me Capt
  3. Still HAPPY AS A CLAM!! Couple things to fix but nothing major as of yet.. I have probably put 5,000 miles on that car so far... if not more lol Capt
  4. Hahaha that was funny all weekend...wait .. its still funny lol Which group might that be? I was with like 30 ppl in our camp and it was fun times... no trouble that I remember ... maybe its the other group lol We had a blast... just wish I wasnt worrying about work Jill ... it was another great weekend with you and Charlie.. Craig, Tiff, Jen, Nicole,Mike, Scott,Tim, John,Carrie(sp) and everyone else lol WoW... I remembered someones name Great weather even though it rained and everything was muddy...I think someone took pics of me cleaning lol... dont tell my wife!! My wife broke another camera out there(thats 2 out of the last 2 trips) but did get some pics though. Cup-O-Noodle ROCKS lol Craig gets the best CORN :moon: just joking Tiff small but good lol Have more but I have alot of things on my mind tonight and play isnt 1 of them Capt
  5. They are sooo CUTE!! Congrats...There is nothing more rewarding.... Ditto what my wife said (my daughter is awesome) (dunelover ) Capt
  6. 10 $ off ..... wooot I can handle that Thanks Pete Capt
  7. I was told earlier that they hadnt found any bodies yet...as of like 6pm.... no one was home and the Pilot kinda bailed they think and havnt found as of that time ... but I havnt asked as of earlier Capt
  8. I hope your in our circle, sense your not selling it ..lol hahah I will give you a dollar and then call the ranger and tell him your charging and while he is talking to you I will load it in my trailer and it will be a win win situation...I have drinks and you wont get a ticket.. lol Capt
  9. I was thinking more like 19.7359999 % myself but I guess 1/5 is alright Capt
  10. Bert just put an ejection seat like the pilots use and after you turn your fire system on you can pop out the top :mischevious: Pete I will take a pic of mine if it is interesting enough lol Capt
  11. Lol almost didnt see that dude on the couch... :mischevious: Capt
  12. Now you Fuggers are making me wanna go out front and look at my tire pressure :mischevious: Capt
  13. Buy them and I will tell ya a...I told ya so later..... They will get hard and loud and your truck will drive like SHIAT after awhile... Had them and you couldnt give them to me with money to take emmmm... G/L...been there done that and I was very dissapointed..but hey, you might be the only one that it doesnt happen to... Call Mike over at Smith and Sons (Super Duty Shop) he will hook ya up and explain about the extremes Capt
  14. Trop and mountain vista at the Rebel is 4.29 gal cheapest I have seen Capt
  15. NOOOOOO!!! It means that he is haveing a Potluck and I will not be parked next to it...I'd rather visit and leave.. I aint helping to clean nothing till cleanup weekend Maybe you can camp and help him Stacey? Dune Porteresse? lol Capt
  16. Sounds good Pete.. Pete's trailer for the next potluck....I say opening weekend. I will bring some dessert's Just add to the list of what your bringing and I think we can pull this off Capt and Dunelover= Desserts Capt
  17. Id like to say thanks also.... They reall lit up the night Capt
  18. No problem....fun races either way..win or loose just plain and simple fun. I had a blast and just what I was needing (except for the ride home lol) Capt
  19. I am Glad I can set a high standard for all you 450 owners lol 450 based lol ... I should buy me a crank just for more fun with you guys haha Had a blast out there but the drive home on the same night is no good.. Thanks Steve for the tacos Man that little bit of riding actually made my back feel better today. Good to see everyone again Capt
  20. Lucas 85 140 gear oil Capt
  21. Lucas 80 I think it is I would have to take a look out there and see Give me a minute and i will look for ya Capt
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