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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. see now you borrow it if you need .... later lol Capt
  2. There is no hack for the 2.0 upgrade yet(if i read correctly) DO NOT UPGRADE!! There is nothing that great in the upgrade that you cant live without! Capt
  3. hahaha thats real CLOSE CHEESE!! lol Capt
  4. easy to skim off the top with cash ... and real easy to hide Capt
  5. Yeahh look whos talking ... Mrs Greenie lol Capt
  6. Same thing I was wondering... Man I am glad I didnt buy a WW Capt
  7. Man I hate Holleys....they have like 10 million pieces in it when you rebuild...I always too them off and replaced with a carter Capt
  8. Read up on this phone..not as easy as the last phone but give it some time and it will happen......man I love hackers Capt
  9. dont forget to post up a review of whats up... cant go but would love to hear a short version Capt
  10. You know whats better than DD's .... is DDD's and none of you have anything on my someone i know lol bowling sounds fun maybe we will go that is if we measure up hahahahahaah Capt
  11. Thats why you guys are going to donate to my cause and I wont be there so it will work out perfect!!! Captnkllm@paypal.com send me the money Capt
  12. was it green corn?...could have been that rare monster turdfish that has been poking out a little bit lately...dit it smell like pickles? I think they are called stink picklefish if I remember correctly...I hope you didnt touch it it might make you a poopd*ck Capt
  13. hahahahaa Probably 4 to 5.... she wont go down without a fight :peek: HOWMY DOOOOIINN :flatbiller: :poop:<<<< need this green....so it fitz wit my monster haha someone has been busy :clown: :sophie: Capt
  14. Trying for pics but a SHARK??? common now I call on your anf then I will raise you a my :peek: Capt
  15. My friends Family was out fishing at Lake Mead and last week they caught a 2lb Piranha this weekend went out again and caught a bigger 1 :peek: They turned them into Fish and game but no official response yet BE VERRWY VERRWY CAREFOOL Capt
  16. Looks like u can hack it but not unlock it... read up on it at modmyiphone.com and you can watch for a relaese soon for the hack Capt
  17. we mightbe in also for that... will post as time goes by.. Capt
  18. Typical...woman lol Hi Stacey...how the Marriage business? Capt
  19. Still there...I just checked....sign in blondie Capt
  20. Those are friggin awesome...but dont tell Tiff Capt
  21. You suck and so does your post...poopd*ck...BROWNBAGGER Capt
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