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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/11195//?pc=73214 This is Cheese and his Gang Prepping for run in with my son. They train hard and fast for quickness and limberness.. but in the end the get PIMP SHACKED by my son Capt
  2. Redneck living CHEESE style http://www.mcratracing.com/forum/attachmen...mp;d=1204426569 I think elevators are next Cheese Capt
  3. I agree....funny stuff lol Capt
  4. As a Human ....Tell us how you REALLY feel lol Capt
  5. I think we will be there :rainbow1: Capt
  6. Pete please bann him now and end our suffering better yet give me his friggin phone # nad i will call his wife and tell her he has way to much time on his hands Bann Bann Bann Bann Bann Bann Bann Capt
  7. Yeahhh!!! kinda nice Prez. Did it mention you by name? Wonder if Stephanie and As The Sand Blows will get it own page in a later edition Nice stuff Pete and CONGRATS!!!
  8. This has to be by far the funniest thread poor Bob start from the 1st post and read to the last and all I have to say is Stephanie is 1 sweet chick..hhmmmm ............dude .......... ummmmm.............. IT ( we need a smiley in drag for Bob...preferably in a green dress) Capt
  9. yeah yeah NEL = never enough length lol sounds like a personal problem Stephanie speaks lol I told you to get the dishes done so you can pack to go to the dunes before dinner after that you need to rub my feet :jester: Hunn Capt
  10. thats why I ride with a full body cushion wrap and I cone off my area :mischevious: sry I couldnt pass that up.. prayers out to the family Capt
  11. Actually I like this topic ... It keeps reminding me of why,when and where and nothing else in between Like I lways say If its to HOT ...... stay outta the KITCHEN :eatdrink021: Capt
  12. Sorry for your loss and our prayers are with you also but I amm wondering also on what happened Capt
  13. just bann him now :eatdrink021: use the 3 day feature lol and lets see what he looks like in 3 days with no DDR :flatbiller: :fro_smokin: Bad case of needing some lol Capt
  14. Hes a little busy chasing his truck down stephanie ....right now or maybe he is running from his cherry :drunk2: Capt
  15. Just trying to be a littl PC... little :afro: Capt
  16. Just think if it wasnt for some of us then you guys wouldnt have anything to read Capt
  17. Stop .... your getting me excited Capt
  18. I dont know about you but when the kids or anyone else is runnin in camp or around camp they cant hear anything over the roar of the motors and having a helmet on. Do you have lighted fingers that your able to do sign language? how do you communicate if a racer is getting close? If they are going away from you and they cant see you ... what then?.... Sometimes it is easier said than done and many close calls I am sure. atleast with the cones (in camp of course) the racers have a warning about others. AND THAT IS MY $5.29 cents worth Capt
  19. hahahaa that picture fits right in lol Capt
  20. hahahahh nice... tell ya what I think we should do...Me and you wire off the entrance in and we charge for admition (sp) then no one can complain!! muahahha Capt
  21. Relax man.. he is just half messing anyway... take a deep breath of the thick air we have here in the lower 48. Its thicker and gives more oxygen in it. I rope off my area and my neighbors. I use flares,stakes, cones, barbwire,chicken wire, land mines, turretts with 50 cal sniper rifles, I have been known on occasion to use Guido. You have a problem with that???? :no_no: Capt
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