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Everything posted by CaptNkllm
ROFL thats funny... :no_no: Kinda stole topic from Bob Capt
LOL GO TO BED!!! isnt it past your bed time anyways Capt
taco Pie Capt
You never see any DS being towed out cuz no one rides them in the dunes more reliable than a rotax? I dont knw man but I would have to say my sons Eton 150 is about as reliabel as anything else out there My raptor rides great and runs good so I really doubt that sack of lead will turn the tides :wedgie: Capt
I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2? Capt
OMG thats funny!!! can hardly read it I was laughing so hard Capt
Ok I have to admit ... that was FUNNY AS HEL L you get the funny award Capt
muhahaha Capt
AHHHhhhh not sure about you guys but.....MAN DO I FEEL BETTER cheese is :wedgie: Capt
Things I seen that worked. Getting there early to mark my camp off with CAUTION tape and bright orange CONES on the finger dunes spike strips in camp to slow down the camp racers sling shots and paintball guns on the turrett on the trailer racing my car around camps and kicking rocks on other campers siphoning gas outta Bobs car reving my engine up at 3 am in the morning letting my dogs piss and sh!t in others camps stealing the left over beer outta the neighbors cooler knocking on trailer doors at 2 am after they went to bed and ran from the door before they answered it Drinking and driving putting up metal stakes and painting them black so they blend in the dark listning to polka at 5 am and blasting it over the camp speakers Well thats all I have to add.... gotta go lol yes I am bored and tired of seeing typed complaints :mischevious: Capt
DERRRRRR!!! :mischevious: Capt
That will work lol...My money is on my son :mischevious: Capt
Well HeL L I had them thinking I put cones on top of the finger and i used stakes lol ... now you blew my cover all this time I was arguing for arguments sake haha Capt
Not so true... ask Daniel .. little crowded and he hit a sandrail. Capt
no argument here.... just a difference of opinion. When you have kids and understand my point then we talk. (under the assumption you dont have kids). if you can catch up with me say hi and we can go to camp for drinks and watch the kiddies run the finger lol :fro_smokin: Capt
Ok I would call you RETARDED but I think that is giving you to much credit. I rope off part of the finger in some cases when we camp out there. The reason we do is a cautionary issue and for safety. We had ppl drive through our camp even with caution tape. Accidental? yes....SAFE?....NO. Dont be such an a$$ to assume I dont watch my kids! As I remember there have been many times that a parent was there when there kid was hurt!! The good thing is my Camp is I have taught them to watch for YOUR ABORTED KIDS as they try and ride there little yellow BUS quads with the flashing lights!!! I would rather try and be safe then sorry later... Would be a sad day for anyone to have to deal with 1 of there kids getting hurt or even the person that did the hitting .. to deal with the emotional side of it....thank god some ppl use cones or caution tape t warn others of there presence. Thats what its all about...WARNING...on the finger or off the finger. Kinda the same reason you park your trailers in a circle or a horseshoe. Keeps ppl out and every 1 of your toys in after you go to bed... as a cautionary issue..... You probably dont lock your shiat up either??? but why lock it up? Locks like cones are for a safety measure not a fool proof plan but hey what do I know...I say leave you stuff unlocked and do your DONATION to the community.. Capt
I would cry like a biatch if my car gets hurt( cried for a month after my son hit it) I feel ya Capt
I have to agree that the metal stakes are very dangerous... No explaination needed on that topic... AS for roping the dunes off...I do it to keep the kids from getting ran over (still have mofo's comming into our camp even with caution tape) keep your cones in your trailer and after i run through the middle of your camp 3 or 4 times then we will see what ppl think. we had 8 trailers in our camp and if ya dont rope off and area some ppl dont understand personal space and space between trailers. we had our usaul 5 acre plus site coned off and still had mofos park next to our camp (figure that lol) let me know where you guys camp next time and im going to roll right up in your camp and start unloading and see if you ask me whats up wtf man anyone know this guy...then youll be like o you fk&r you should have put thos fuggin cones up hahahah Im done Capt
Man I dont see anyone when i am driving(if they are standing still lol) Kind of a wierd weekend I stayed up waiting on Barefoot Bob to show up on fri as he said and bet i would already be in bed. bedtime was 2ish (man thats late) kinda tired the rest of the weekend. Fri, Sat and sunday nights at the hill were a blast we had a great time and was able to hang out with great ppl. always good to see Pete and Pauly, was able to meet face to face....Randog lol wheres my autograph (stole from warrior) banshees bottom lip makes for great launches when comp is full Dunes were a bit choppy but nothing that 70 to 80 mph didnt smooth out ran into Danny at banshee and was able to talk to him for a bit (your bikes ran great) gearing is a funny thing ... it can dictate how fast you really go great dune runs with Bob (as always) great fun on sat night If i would have paid for the Kimbo fight i woulda been pissed Tank sucks a$$ New, Old Kimbo fan and i also converted Michelle into a fan also (bobs wife) Man can my wife cook......you SUCKAAAS missed out man!! time to buy a projector for the dunes (man o man was that awesome) Cheese my son missed you (had no one to pick on) thats all for now .. i think Kimbo is BADA$$ (kinda like Mike Tyson in his prime) Capt Thanks for fixing those pics Pete
kinda like the official DDR camp you guys have... I am never invited. in the wind sometimes to complain just joking Pete...I could have said something about the official DDR buffett or something Capt
Thats alotta tow straps right there!!! Capt