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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. 1st time to Glamis and I have to admit..... well taken care of by the leos. They had ppl pulled over all over the place checking for drunks, flags and so on. Thought they kept a tight grip on things and I was very impressed with how things turned out for my family and my wife nor I had to explain anything to either of our kids on behavior of other duners...Thats always a plus!! Capt
  2. I would not be able to function if something happened to my 6yr old son or my 10 yr old daughter. My prayers are with you Danny and your family and also to Steve for the anguish that you are exsperiencing..... God Speed!! Capt
  3. whats the matter... you cant sleep? Now i am tired after all the reading... you know how hard it is for me BTW good morning. Call me or i will call you but either way you are not getting out of a phone call with me today lol Capt
  4. Raptor 3712 model. under where the hitch is is bubbling off also. going to give a big list and a complaint to Keystone and see what they say. 2 tires blew out so far and others are wore out with less than 5,000 miles. HATE this trailer!!! Capt
  5. Pete.... um i dont think Dune Monkie should getthat close to Bobs face..... You know he has been known to snap and bite avery now and then That is what his grin looked like after yesterdays fast dune run at Glamis.... hahahah Fun times Capt
  6. We are planning on going but cant go till sunday(christmas party sat) capt
  7. Bob i dont want to add mine up lol i am probably 2500 for this weekend alone (nice tires though) Capt
  8. Well I picked my hauler up yesterday and the delam is starting on mine also. Not as bad as kitkat but its still starting. my metal siding in rippled bad already so i guess we will see what happens. Capt
  9. sunday we went. the rollers on the bottom of comp where huge and the sand was beat up pretty good already. Hopefully the wind will blow some of it around and smooth out, if not site host has a grader maybe he will use on it.. be safe everyone and have a nice vacation Capt
  10. Next time around lets play on it for a bit... my bike loves the whoops there, full throttle 3rd gear pinned at the bottom is fun and by that time maybe my wing arm and clutch will be here so i can atleast go up the hill Capt
  11. Who goes on weds? we could always try comp hill? Then i think things would change (usually where i run). Fast is fast and i have to give it to Aaron , he has done great on his bike (cant take that from him or Danny either). anyone for some races up comp next round ? now that would be funny with those 120hp banshees with no suspension bouncing through the whoops lol I say we change hills next time lol Capt
  12. Thanks everyone!! I couldnt be happier with it... rides and dunes awesome and it looks awesome also and just for the record that is airbrushed and not stickers. Great car!! I have to thank Bob for the help..... he looked it over (so if it breaks i blame him). YES Buggychick i was dbl time Capt
  13. hey Randy Hope to see you soon. definately in for a ride Capt
  14. Your just jealous I seen you grab that och!t bar a few times lol ( why would they put those kiddie tracs in the middle of the road?) You know its bad when the driver says Uh OOOHHHH!!! lol Hang on Bob capt
  15. Dont you need to go to bed? You have work!! go to bed lol Capt
  16. Do you know him? THANKS BOB!! I appreciate all you did and have done Capt
  17. Yeah i look like the JOKER with this big ole grin on my face... looking forward to you getting yours up and running Pete. suzltr450rider anytime man just flag me down Capt
  18. 1st off let me say thanks to my good friend and NEW BEST FRIEND Bob (barefoot) he is a GREAT guy and his family is the best. Went to Dumont today and ran the new rail and all i can say is FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!! drove and handled GREAT!!! took a few pics and Bob talked me into runnin a few jumps so i did some small jumps for my first time and it was a BLAST!! Ran great through the dunes and the v8 poser is great for 2nd and 3rd gear runs without shifting so much. Came with head seats for all 4 seats so made it easy for me and SHAKEDOWNBOB (barefootbob). Just me and him out running it to see what it had and it is smooth and fast (not as fast as Bobs but hey ... what can i say.. (wanna trade bob?) lol. Thanks to my Wife(your AWESOME) and also Bobs wife for letting us go play while they baby sat..... Bobs baby girl dis-located her arm and it had to be popped back in to place (glad she is ok) Thanks Michelle(sp). Anyways here are the pics 04 Playtech with a 6.0 v8 Capt
  19. I will admit i have never seen anything like your quad...DAMN FAST!! just getting my clutch fixed and changing gears and lighten it up a bit also... funny part is to take weight off it cost money lol I am done with this build so next time around I will do my wifes....learned from the last build and I know what to change on the next 1 but that wont be for awhile. Capt
  20. cant say i do but.... im thinking 65 to 70 up that damn hill I wont be back out untill after T-day ( going to glamis that day) but christmas and new year i am all yours BTW is that hp at the crank or at the wheels? is it corrected for altitude? see ya soon :fro_smokin: Capt
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