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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Nice job Aaron great #'s btw ... did you have 1 of those DDR stickers on it? lol You did a great job on it (and Dan). cant wait to see you at Dumont again. Capt
  2. thats where i go and i spend about 80 bucks to fill up the bed of the truck CApt
  3. WOW!! I need to double check mine as soon as i get it back (in for service). Capt
  4. Im not cooking it lol just watching.. i have never had it (1st for me) but i will observe. Im kinda partial to the crispy deepfried myself... no that i can do :dance: Capt
  5. thats great Dan!! :dance: Capt
  6. Let your your camping host cook while your out on a few rides? LOL J/K Deepfried is real easy Smoked in a smoker .. just drop and go this time i am having my 1st dirt pit turkey (sound good, i will let ya know) just a few i can think of. Capt
  7. I guess that means you have it fixed? Thats AWESOME!! Glad to hear it Dan... Capt
  8. sry i couldnt help it either lol. theres always tomorrow lol... ok maybe not. Capt
  9. unbelievably packed!! terrible!! line was so long we walked from the side exit on lvbld to the speedway. tired and sore lol. trying to get my wife to link up some video to u tube but shes tired also. maybe tomorrow. Capt
  10. Thats who we are using for our repairs now.. I have a appointment on the 12th to have them look at whats needed and for them to order the parts. They are small so they dont want the trailer till they have the parts for repair.. yeahhh and only keep it when they actually work on it. Real nice ppl and so far so good but I will have more info after our appointment and getting it fixed.. will keep you posted Capt
  11. No you do not need to be connected to the internet. My kids are not alowed to be on the internet without us knowing what site and they are not to go anywhere else on there. so no on that. Capt
  12. try craigs list..thats where we bought ours. Brand new from some girl not hardly used at all(just like new with box) kids will never know. paid i think 300 for it there!! Capt
  13. Thank you and your family's watched the link and thought i posted but i didnt so here is to all the service men and women :dance: to all the a-holes in the world thank you!! Capt
  14. 06 kfx 700 muzzy exhaust k&n intake jetted 1 season bought with only 15 min on the bike sand tires and hole shot dirt tires custom rims good condition $5200.00 obo there i did it again Capt
  15. Sry to hear this OGP..... Sad day for sure.. My prayers are with you and the family. Sry for there loss Capt
  16. No i dont BUT if i did smack your rail and it was my fault I would man up and pay for it...period. Now the question is would you pay 9,000 dollars for my quad if you smashed it? would your insurance? I really dont think I could hurt your rail as much as you could total out my quad in a crash. If that was the case and i was screwing around and I hit you I wouldnt have a problem Paying repair costs.. Now do I do dumb stuff that causes accidents? NO!! if I crash then I would more than likely get real hurt so I dont mess around to much on the quad. 500 lb vs 3000 lb which you think will win? Capt
  17. quad hit car = quads fault and he should pay just like if you hit someone you should pay. simple deductions Capt
  18. Well I hope you have good insurance also so when you hit a guy because you were not watching out for the person that wasnt paying attention ...... then .... to bad for you and your insurance, house and everything you own!! hard to see 360 degrees in a helmet but alot easier to see in a rail!! DONT CLEAR A PATH AND PAY FOR A LONG TIME !!! thats my opinion Capt
  19. Can we start a get well post with just positive posts? I dont know him but i wish him and his family a full recovery and hope this guy steps up and helps with the costs( both guys).No who was right or wrong just get well posts Capt
  20. he is right!! the dust is bad and it is very hard to see all the vendors when i ride by at 60mph walk wtf lol my feet already hurt just thinking about it.. water truck and quads lol sounds like a mess to me just joking Ynot btw it was nice meeting you and you lead a beautiful dune run (i was with barfoot bob) all i do is eat at hogs and buy parts here and there so whatever you guys decide works for me Capt
  21. lol F' Cals...Hes a big a$$ JERK!!! read the forums and look him up... biggest jerk in town and i wouldn't buy shiat from him if i had to drive 100 miles 1 way to buy from someone else!!!! he isnt the best guy to deal with and his guys werent very helpful on the phone after they found out i bought from cali. Go at your own risk!! ps..... if you do call him... tell him i said shove it up his arse Capt
  22. who was missed? out at the hill? Aaron? you mean to tell me you went from a +3 to a +10 for me? ahhhhhh lol I love you to Your nuts man fun though Capt
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